Message boards : Number crunching : Project File Upload Handler Is Missing
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![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 2 May 10 Posts: 220 Credit: 9,106,918 RAC: 0 |
The Chile Man announced: I've already managed a 1,000 RAC on POEM@Home. Come on Rosetta, come back! OK - I'll play follow the leader for a while - I was looking forward to doing some baking tomorrow and have found that the absolute best place to let the dough rise is on the top shelf of the server rack - when there is enough work to generate a bit of heat (no I'm not kidding) Even though they have not announced it I am getting the feeling that Rosetta will not be back in full production until they get that new SAN in place a few weeks down the road. CH |
Sid Celery Send message Joined: 11 Feb 08 Posts: 2251 Credit: 42,689,537 RAC: 22,781 ![]() |
It's obvious you don't possess the social skill set to understand what the complaint is. Happy New Year. Imagine if you will: R@H is a restaurant... ...on a street with 50+ other restaurants. You're told the stove exploded but you sit there for hoursdays more, eventually starving, but won't go get a pizza from next door until the manager explicitly tells you it'll be a dayweekmonth more before the stove is fixedreplaced, as if that really changes anything? You couldn't even guess? Hardware fails, we all understand that happens... Presumably that's why you only just set a back-up project yesterday... Problem solved? (slang shamelessly borrowed from that British film classic King Ralph) I was impressed even before reading your explanation. Good use of the vernacular ;) you mean the Chelsea we "adopted" in London about 1,000 years before the American war of independence? Ouch! And I thought I was the one with no social skills! ![]() ![]() |
Greg Wade Send message Joined: 11 Dec 05 Posts: 1 Credit: 2,999,661 RAC: 0 |
I really can't believe the tone of the messages in this thread. Most of you seem to be a bunch of greedy bastards. Are any of you here because you actually believe in the science? Is it all about "lost credits"? Sure, I check twice a day, or more, to see if there are updates or that my work units loaded. I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't a status update. I still believe in the science. I don't care about the credit. If one of my pending work units may be a HINT of a cure for something, I'm going to keep crunching. The credit is nice and makes us all a bit competitive. Its not the reason we should be here, though. I'm still crunching away and hoping for a resolution or an update. Its just like playing the stock market. Sometimes you lose a bit. I also subscribe to World Community Grid and GPUGRID. Just like stocks, never put all your eggs in the same basket. Unless you have a solution to the problem, shut up. Quit whining. If this is a money issue, they will come back and say they really need help. I bet if it cost $1 to post a message, this forum would be vacant. Greg |
Mad_Max Send message Joined: 31 Dec 09 Posts: 209 Credit: 27,458,666 RAC: 13,992 ![]() |
Так что делать? Удалять неотправляемое задание или ждать? Удалять не надо, пусть стучится переодически(боинк сам время повторов настраивает постепенно увеличивая паузы между попытками), как полностью систему восстановят тогда автоматически зальется. У меня уже 9 заданий залилось из стоявших в очереди. (еще 16 продолжают стучаться) А пока подключай второстепенный проект, тут похоже на долго - кроме железа в этот раз и данные повреждены были и полное восстановление займет много времени. А пока будет идти частичная работа - что-то работает (что уже успели восстановить), что-то нет. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,931,369 RAC: 2,918 ![]() |
can someone translate the Russian into English? |
mebarry Send message Joined: 11 Jun 06 Posts: 1 Credit: 4,551,365 RAC: 3,890 ![]() |
can someone translate the Russian into English? Delete not necessary, let the knocks periodically (boink time repeats itself adjusts gradually increasing the interval between attempts), as fully restore the system then automatically it will flood. I have already flushed out of nine jobs in the queue. (16 more still knocking) In the meantime, Plug minor project, there seems a long time - except for iron at this time and the data were corrupted and full recovery will take time. In the meantime, will go part-work - something that works (which have already managed to recover), which is not present. Asus A7V8X Motherboard, AMD Athlon XP 1700+ processor, 1gb DDR Ram, Seagate 250gb ATA hard drive, 256mb ATI Radeon 9550 video card, Windows XP Home running S@H, PP@H, & Rosetta. ![]() |
Fi and Charlie Shaw Send message Joined: 7 May 07 Posts: 8 Credit: 346,961 RAC: 0 |
Just to let everyone know, that I'm now getting wu's uploading to r@h. Still, got about 20 outstanding on our network , but I suspect its due to a huge backlog from all participating. Anyway, its a start Charlie |
Warped Send message Joined: 15 Jan 06 Posts: 48 Credit: 1,788,185 RAC: 0 |
Murasaki asked ... 1. The less said about Chelsea (UK, Michigan or elsewhere), the better. The way my team is playing at present, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm a supporter! 2. I assume you mean North America as opposed to Central or South America? Warped ![]() |
TJ Send message Joined: 29 Mar 09 Posts: 127 Credit: 4,799,890 RAC: 0 |
I really can't believe the tone of the messages in this thread. Most of you seem to be a bunch of greedy bastards. Are any of you here because you actually believe in the science? Is it all about "lost credits"? Sure, I check twice a day, or more, to see if there are updates or that my work units loaded. I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't a status update. I still believe in the science. I don't care about the credit. If one of my pending work units may be a HINT of a cure for something, I'm going to keep crunching. Only a few posts are about credit issues, the most are a bit fun, but you have te read between the lines. And if you are a "credit junkie" (not my definition but I read it somewhere else), than R@H is not the place to be. So I guess that most run this project because of the science. Greetings, TJ. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Dec 05 Posts: 1755 Credit: 4,690,520 RAC: 0 |
I actually keep some traces and finally sat down to check them out. Prior to the crash my uploads always went to SRV1 (probably varies depending upon your timezone), since that time I've got some on SRV5, some on SRV6. Sounds to me like they've added additional servers to help service all of the requests so the project could come back up to speed sooner. Perhaps that is why Ralph is still down. ...and I've still got a very old task trying to upload to SRV1 and it keeps failing with the upload handler missing error. Meanwhile, as others have reported, I've had newer tasks complete, upload and then removed from the list as normal. ...probably uploaded to one of the other servers. So this probably explains why some tasks are going through and others are not. Until the old servers digest all of those old tasks, they are probably thrashing terribly. I wouldn't go around changing any of the xml files of the tasks. It could work, but it could trash the tasks as well. And either way, it certainly isn't something to expect 50,000+ contributers to be doing manually. Add this signature to your EMail: Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might! |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 2 May 10 Posts: 220 Credit: 9,106,918 RAC: 0 |
In response to TJ's recent post: Only a few posts are about credit issues ... Thanks for that keen observation - I thought that over the past week I went out of my way to be clear that it was not about the credit, or even the down time, but rather, the abysmal lack of communication. And I think that a large part of the community is on the same page. And if you are a "credit junkie" than R@H is not the place to be. You are so right about that. Last night I followed Chile Man's lead and pointed my idle processors at POEM@home - and today I was amused to see that I should garner about 55 - 60K credits for the first 24 hours - or about twice what I get for a day of grinding for Rosetta on my best day - and I still have a few processors cranking away on Rosetta tasks. So you hit the target dead center when you said that the committed Rosetta cruncher is not in it for the credit. Speaking for myself I participated because I believe that the work is among the most important I can share in via BOINC, and frankly I enjoyed greatly the sense of community to be found here. I could count on the disjointed discourse with characters like Biscuit Boy, Chile Man, Sid, and even our beloved moderator, Non.Sense to bring a smile to my face as we worked towards a common goal. Even the occasional troll served his purpose by reinforcing my fragile sense of normalcy. What is really sad is that all it would have taken to have avoided all the angst you see in this forum is just a short daily post by the administrators laying out what the status was, what was being done to rectify the problem, and what the expectations were on the next step towards recovery. And of you post on the "home page" you don't even have to deal with responding to questions. A 10 minute task at most. What's that old tale? For want of a nail, the kingdom was lost? |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,931,369 RAC: 2,918 ![]() |
Some time ago there was a big discussion on credit of Rosetta vs other Boinc projects. Here is the 2006 version of how credits are generated. I remember in another thread someplace a big discussion going on about Rosetta credits vs other Boinc project credits and how there was a big difference. But why is this such a big issue? The idea is to join a project and contribute to its goal of doing whatever they do. Credits don't relate to anything real world and it appears each project is left to their own idea of how many credits to issue for work done. Anyway..this is way off topic for this thread. |
spamhasser Send message Joined: 12 Nov 10 Posts: 2 Credit: 308 RAC: 0 |
1) credit : It is nice to compete or compare but if you crunch for fun or science you would do it even with 0.0000001 credit per year of cpu-time. IMHO i hope to help science to find *something* to help other human beings on this small planet. And if someone likes to hunt cobblestones and is not interested in the science he/she should keep hunting them, because it will help science too. 2) communication : THAT is the fact that is really bad right now. I don't expect excuses, i don't expect totally exact predictions when the system will work entirely perfect again, but i expect a status message at R@H main page. (At least with a correct date - I for myself need to get used to 2011, but it may be a little bit confusing that the only message due to the SAN-problem is from 7 Jan 2010(!). So i feel free to complain about that. I do not want say the project leaders/administrators are doing a bad job, but they have the ability to get better in some cases. If R@H keeps us generally informed (most simple way via homepage), R@H should be supported by donations, cpu-time and *constructive* ways of criticism! 3) hardware failures : they may happen, and if they would happen in a predictive way, i am sure that R@H maintainers would be prepared to prevent downtimes. Think of all the small bits and bytes pacing through the world, transporting worthy information, sitting stuffed together on turbulent rotating discs and if 2 or 3 of his fellow bits got lost he might be worthless dying without a funeral or a "thank you". Now it is time for me to say "Thank YOU... ... for the idea to help each other with donating cpu-time ... for the consciousness that many small things can achieve great ... for all the time the servers where up and working fine Thinking positive doesn't make the world better, but it can prevent you to go insane. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Dec 05 Posts: 1755 Credit: 4,690,520 RAC: 0 |
Hurray!! Servers all just came back online, my uploads finally went through, and scheduler request completed by sending me new work. Add this signature to your EMail: Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might! |
![]() Send message Joined: 3 Nov 05 Posts: 1833 Credit: 120,846,488 RAC: 31,540 ![]() |
Same here ;) Hurray!! Servers all just came back online, my uploads finally went through, and scheduler request completed by sending me new work. |
HiFiTubeGuy![]() Send message Joined: 12 Jan 10 Posts: 22 Credit: 6,291,999 RAC: 0 |
Same here ;) Same here! Yeah; Rosetta's (slowly) coming back to life! I just started crunching for POEM@HOME last night, so I guess I'll do both for now. ![]() |
TPCBF Send message Joined: 29 Nov 10 Posts: 111 Credit: 5,377,339 RAC: 5,402 ![]() |
Hurray!! Servers all just came back online, my uploads finally went through, and scheduler request completed by sending me new work.Well, some sign of life here as well, at least all Windows based machines were able to upload finished WU's and report as well. However, on my Mac, only the upload worked, but it is unable to report any of the finished tasks... :-( All reported tasks show now up in "Pending credit", together with those that are already stuck there for a week... :? Did also not get a single new job for Rosetta so far.. Ralf |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Dec 05 Posts: 1755 Credit: 4,690,520 RAC: 0 |
Right, "pending" status and granting of credit are done by the validator and assimilator. It doesn't happen directly with your scheduler request. Under such recovery conditions, the assimilator is likely going to be noticably behind for 6-12 hours. Add this signature to your EMail: Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might! |
gahudock Send message Joined: 17 Aug 06 Posts: 2 Credit: 622,685 RAC: 0 |
I totally agree with this. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 Oct 05 Posts: 711 Credit: 26,694,507 RAC: 0 |
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Number crunching :
Project File Upload Handler Is Missing
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