Support Rosetta@home

Support Rosetta@home by donating funds directly to the project

The University of Washington provides a simple web site to make a tax deductible donation directly to Rosetta@home. The University of Washington is registered as a charitable organization (tax id number 94-3079432).

To make an online donation,

  1. go to the University of Washington Foundation site
  2. click the box beside the Rosetta@home Program Fund text
  3. and then click the "continue" button and follow the instructions provided.

If you wish to mail your gift, please send your check to:

The University of Washington Foundation
Box 359505
Seattle, Washington 98195-9505 

Make your check payable to the University of Washington Foundation and indicate the Rosetta@home Program Fund as the fund you wish to support.

You can also make a donation over the phone or contact the University of Washington Foundation if you have any questions

Click here for contact information. Be sure to mention the Rosetta@home Program Fund as the fund you would like to support.

How your gift will help

We'd first like to stress the importance of donating your computer time for Rosetta@home. You can help Rosetta@home by downloading the client and running Rosetta@home on your computer(s). By doing so, you will help our research in determining protein structures and interactions which may ultimately lead to cures for major diseases such as cancer, HIV, Alzheimer's and malaria.

By making a monetary gift, you also will be helping with the costs required to run, maintain, and further develop Rosetta@home, and to support the disease related research Rosetta@home is engaged in.

Thank you for your support!

©2025 University of Washington