Report Problems with Rosetta Version 5.24

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Message 19200 - Posted: 24 Jun 2006, 9:10:32 UTC - in response to Message 19187.  

Version 5.24 is up:

1. The symbol store that we put in 5.22 was not properly activated, so we're giving it another shot.

2. We can now use prior predictions for which parts of the chain are buried or exposed to guide the Rosetta search.

3. We can efficiently assemble predefined domains of the protein chain into a whole structure.

This post says version 5.25 is up but it doesn't say where or how to get it. Where can I find that information. Thank you.

5.24 ;) - its an updated rosetta exe so it gets downloaded automatically (note that the BOINC software isn't updated automatically, which is currently at version 5.4.9 - just the rosetta project software)
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Jim Helfrich

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Message 19231 - Posted: 24 Jun 2006, 17:57:44 UTC

I have been finding lately that when I check on my computer running version 5.24 I see the following message:

6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: Your computer has only 266780672 bytes of memory; workunit requires 233219328 more bytes
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work but your computer doesn't have enough memory)
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|No work from project

To reset/restart work I must go to the Projects Tab of BOINC and push the Update button. Most times I will then get another job, sometimes I need to request an Update several times. Is there some kind of setting that I should be adjusting? This kind of behavior shortchanges the project since it requires me to babysit the effort...

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Message 19232 - Posted: 24 Jun 2006, 18:18:37 UTC - in response to Message 19231.  

I have been finding lately that when I check on my computer running version 5.24 I see the following message:

6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: Your computer has only 266780672 bytes of memory; workunit requires 233219328 more bytes
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work but your computer doesn't have enough memory)
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|No work from project

To reset/restart work I must go to the Projects Tab of BOINC and push the Update button. Most times I will then get another job, sometimes I need to request an Update several times. Is there some kind of setting that I should be adjusting? This kind of behavior shortchanges the project since it requires me to babysit the effort...


I beleive I had a similiar question that was answered by mmciastro. By "pressing" the update button, you are performing a manual update. Welcome to the project! His answer is below.

Results are reported any time the project is contacted for an update. Updates occur at the first of:

1) A result report is due within 24 hours.
2) It has been at least the connect interval since the result completed.
3) (5.4) It is less than the connect interval till the report deadline.
4) Work is needed.
5) A manual update.

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Profile Dimitris Hatzopoulos

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Message 19234 - Posted: 24 Jun 2006, 18:45:51 UTC - in response to Message 19231.  
Last modified: 24 Jun 2006, 18:49:58 UTC

I have been finding lately that when I check on my computer running version 5.24 I see the following message:

6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: Your computer has only 266780672 bytes of memory; workunit requires 233219328 more bytes
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work but your computer doesn't have enough memory)
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|No work from project

Please see my earlier comments in this thread about encountering a really big WU. Some CASP7 WUs require lots of memory, so knowing that your PC can't cope, BOINC-server at Rosetta@home won't send it to your BOINC-client/PC. And gives you this message instead.

The Rosetta team (see answers to my question by David Kim and Bin) said they have mixed small and large jobs in the queue, so if you try again ("manual update") you'll probably get a WU that can be handled by your PC.

Ideally ofcourse the BOINC-server should be smarter and noticing your PC can't handle the ultra-big WU, send you one of the regular, smaller jobs. But this feature is not yet available in BOINC server code unfortunately.
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Rom Walton (BOINC)
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Message 19254 - Posted: 24 Jun 2006, 23:30:14 UTC - in response to Message 19234.  
Last modified: 24 Jun 2006, 23:31:34 UTC

Ideally ofcourse the BOINC-server should be smarter and noticing your PC can't handle the ultra-big WU, send you one of the regular, smaller jobs. But this feature is not yet available in BOINC server code unfortunately.

Actually it is. There is only enough space in the feeder queue for 1,000 workunits. When the scheduler connects up to the feeder queue to get work it cycles through all 1,000 slots looking for available work. When all 1,000 queue slots are filled up with large jobs that is what the server returns.

Splitting the queue up equally is supported with different applications. If this is really a big problem we could set things up in such a way that the project believes it has more than one application and 50% of the queue is saved for each application.

----- Rom
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Profile Charles Dennett

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Message 19263 - Posted: 25 Jun 2006, 1:19:50 UTC - in response to Message 19234.  

I have been finding lately that when I check on my computer running version 5.24 I see the following message:

6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: Your computer has only 266780672 bytes of memory; workunit requires 233219328 more bytes
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work but your computer doesn't have enough memory)
6/24/2006 1:31:16 PM|rosetta@home|No work from project

Please see my earlier comments in this thread about encountering a really big WU. Some CASP7 WUs require lots of memory, so knowing that your PC can't cope, BOINC-server at Rosetta@home won't send it to your BOINC-client/PC. And gives you this message instead.

The Rosetta team (see answers to my question by David Kim and Bin) said they have mixed small and large jobs in the queue, so if you try again ("manual update") you'll probably get a WU that can be handled by your PC.

Ideally ofcourse the BOINC-server should be smarter and noticing your PC can't handle the ultra-big WU, send you one of the regular, smaller jobs. But this feature is not yet available in BOINC server code unfortunately.

I have one observation to make on this. In the past few days a couple of my machines have received this message about not enough memory. But wait. There's more. A workunit is downloaded anyhow (don't know if it is a high memory one that causes the message to appear or another one in the queue that does not have the high memory requirement.) Then, it also puts a 24 hour delay in before my client will contact the server again. Since I have a queue length of <1 day, if I don't catch it and manually update, I'll run out of work.

May I suggest that the message about not enough memory not be sent unless all work in the server's queue has too high a memory requirement. Also, please don't set a 24 hour backoff if in fact a workunit is downloaded. Maybe 1 hour, but not 24.

Thanks for your consideration.


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Profile Vester

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Message 19267 - Posted: 25 Jun 2006, 5:32:38 UTC

Just for information: I see no reduction in the amount of memory used.

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Message 19276 - Posted: 25 Jun 2006, 13:30:54 UTC - in response to Message 19267.  
Last modified: 25 Jun 2006, 13:31:48 UTC

Just for information: I see no reduction in the amount of memory used.

Actually there are two types of WUs sent out. Small and big ones. The small ones got smaller so that they can be calculated on a machine with only 256 MB RAM. The big ones are still big (or bigger) but are sent out only to hosts with 512 MB RAM and more. Your machine has 1 GB RAM and therfore will reeive big WUs from time to time (those consume up to 300 MB RAM). I already suggested clarifying this in the "Project announcement thread", however obviously the team is to busy to make that announcement.
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Message 19280 - Posted: 25 Jun 2006, 14:17:36 UTC

I got an "incorrect funtion error" First time i get this.
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Brian B

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Message 19304 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 3:58:14 UTC

Hi all. Not sure if this is an issue or not. I too noticed that when Rosetta was crunching the processor would go to 100% usage, even when I set Bonic back to "Run based on preferences" for which mine is set to not do work while the computer is in use. I couldn't get Rosetta to stop using all of the processor even after the application was preempted. The only way to do this was to go to Task Manager and stop the rosetta_5.24_wi process.

My next course of action was to try and see if I changed the "Leave applications in memory while preempted?" back to no (I was on yes), but now my work units are coming up with Computational Errors (I thought this was fixed a few releases back).

I use my computer for work as well, so I need to have the work suspended while I use the computer.

Let me know what other information I can send to help out.

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Profile Cureseekers~Kristof

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Message 19312 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 10:34:16 UTC

@Brian Bowles:
That's normal. With the normal settings, BOINC (Rosetta) uses the free CPU cycles. When you are typing a letter in Word, or surfing the internet, it uses less than 5% of your CPU power. The project (Rosetta) uses the free CPU cycles.
This is the way the DC program works.

The application runs at the lowest priority. This means that when another application asks more CPU power (example: you start up graphical software), this application gets this immidiatly. So for example your normal work asks at that moment 75% of your CPU, Rosetta only gets the rest (25%).
A few moments later, your normal work asks 15%, boinc gets 85%.
So Rosetta has the lowest priority: it only gets what isn't being used by other applications.
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Message 19313 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 10:50:10 UTC

I'm still seeing the "ghost Accepted Energy" and my protein is not properly centered for this WU:

I've only seen it for this specific WU. Apart from that Rosetta is running perfect.
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Message 19316 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 12:38:15 UTC - in response to Message 19312.  

@Brian Bowles:
That's normal. With the normal settings, BOINC (Rosetta) uses the free CPU cycles. When you are typing a letter in Word, or surfing the internet, it uses less than 5% of your CPU power. The project (Rosetta) uses the free CPU cycles.
This is the way the DC program works.

The application runs at the lowest priority. This means that when another application asks more CPU power (example: you start up graphical software), this application gets this immidiatly. So for example your normal work asks at that moment 75% of your CPU, Rosetta only gets the rest (25%).
A few moments later, your normal work asks 15%, boinc gets 85%.
So Rosetta has the lowest priority: it only gets what isn't being used by other applications.

Hmm, that's not correct. If the BOINC Manager is set to "Run based on Preferences" and the general preferences have "Do work while computer is in use?" set to "No", then when typing in Word or doing any activity with the mouse/keyboard, all BOINC applications should be preempted and therefore using 0% CPU. After stopping the activity, the general preference "Do work only after computer is idle for" controls when BOINC will 'un-preempt' the applications.

I can confirm this is the correct behavior. If I have Task Manager open, I can see several BOINC project applications on the Process tab, but using 0% CPU. (I have "Leave applications in memory while preempted?" set to "Yes").

(Normally, I force BOINC Manager to "Run Always", but wanted to confirm the behavior.)
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Message 19318 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 12:49:17 UTC - in response to Message 19304.  
Last modified: 26 Jun 2006, 12:50:03 UTC

Hi Brian,

As cureseekers has pointed out letting Rosetta even when you are working on your computer should not decrease performance - at least I can't notice any difference. However if you want to preempt BOINC when you use your computer you should keep in mind, that changing the preferences on the webpages does not change anything on your computer. After every change you need to "Update" the project and verify that the general preference were synced with your local host. Then Rosetta should not use cycles if you set your preference to "No work when computer is in use".

You should "Leave application in memory" on yes. Not only because of the errors (which should be fixed) but because checkpointing occurs still quite infrequently. You may loose over an hour of work if you remove the apps while preempted.

If you really can't get Rosetta to pause try to suspend the Project inside BOINC. If even this does not work I don't know.

P.S.: Your computer is hidden, so it is hard to help you out without knowing the specs and OS.

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Profile Vester

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Message 19319 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 14:30:20 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2006, 14:35:15 UTC

Welcome, Brian Bowles. System Idle Process of zero is a cruncher's goal. A project that runs nicely in the background the way Rosetta does is a dream.

Here's a shot of a gadget available with Windows Vista's sidebar and I keep it on my desktop. I don't want to waste any CPU cycles. :-)

If you have issues with running, post them in a new topic and someone will help you get them sorted.
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Message 19320 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 14:32:43 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2006, 14:34:30 UTC

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Message 19330 - Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 20:44:04 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2006, 20:48:09 UTC

NOT A PROBLEM. but aborted a WU download to temporarily stop BOINC work on this computer. I regret any extra work I've caused! Back soon, I hope.

Great project!

>>> Work Unit # 22005972. <<<
BOINC Manager Message content:
6/26/2006 4:33:13 PM|rosetta@home|Unrecoverable error for result


WU download error: couldn't get input files:<file_xfer_error> <file_name>boinc_hom001_aat316_03_05.200_v1_3.gz</file_name> <error_code>-114</error_code> <error_message>user requested transfer abort</error_message></file_xfer_error>)

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Message 19349 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 12:10:24 UTC

On this computer 2 WU results t312__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_BARCODE_hom007__776_27_0 and FRA_t320_CASP7_hom001_4_t320_3_1zunA_IGNORE_THE_REST_912_766_4_0 stopped well short of the 8 hours I have set in my preferences. It appears to be a checkpointing problem since the WUs both aborted because of lack of progress. I thought the remove from memory problem was fixed, but I guess not. Have changed my prefs. back to leave in memory.
!!Stupidity should be PAINFUL!!

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Profile Dimitris Hatzopoulos

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Message 19350 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 13:09:11 UTC - in response to Message 19254.  

Ideally ofcourse the BOINC-server should be smarter and noticing your PC can't handle the ultra-big WU, send you one of the regular, smaller jobs. But this feature is not yet available in BOINC server code unfortunately.

Actually it is. There is only enough space in the feeder queue for 1,000 workunits. When the scheduler connects up to the feeder queue to get work it cycles through all 1,000 slots looking for available work. When all 1,000 queue slots are filled up with large jobs that is what the server returns.

Splitting the queue up equally is supported with different applications. If this is really a big problem we could set things up in such a way that the project believes it has more than one application and 50% of the queue is saved for each application.

Rom, thanks for the feedback. Although I don't know how the current system works (what are the "groups" of jobs sent, e.g. jobs needing 256, 512, 768, 1G? memory ) it seems it'd help to split the queue as you suggest to make sure there are always small jobs available.

Apparently many people get this message "there was work, but your PC has less RAM than needed", see e.g. posts by Carlos (a very small percentage of users posts here).

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Profile Fuzzy Hollynoodles

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Message 19352 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 14:00:05 UTC

This WU crashed on restart after being preempted.


It almost gave me a heartattack, I thought my harddisk had crashed! It sounded like that for about 5 minutes untill I exit'ed the BOINC manager and then I realized the harddisk was safe. PHEW!!!!

I had a harddisk crash a little more than a year ago and I'll never forget that sound it gives, when this happens! So please don't do this to me again! :-(
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