Forget credit for a moment and look at this.

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Message 26685 - Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 10:31:16 UTC

With all this talk, (talk used in the widest interpretation), of credit, it is easy to loose sight of what we are doing here.

Look at this prediction of a then unknown structure, shown beside the now released CASP target protein.

What a damn fine piece of work that was. THIS is what it is all about people. Try to remember that
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Message 26687 - Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 11:15:16 UTC

the list also shows that the single PC users are massively important!

Will we be getting an energy plot/RMSD to compare the actual vs rosetta prediction?

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Message 26798 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 2:17:04 UTC

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happenning anymore..such a shame..oh well..
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Message 26801 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 3:26:41 UTC - in response to Message 26798.  

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happenning anymore..such a shame..oh well..

Always more than one perspective on this.
ID: 26801 · Rating: 1 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 26808 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 9:54:48 UTC - in response to Message 26798.  
Last modified: 15 Sep 2006, 10:12:14 UTC

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happenning anymore..such a shame..oh well..

edit: I said something like I'm disappointed about that he left but keeps dragging the project in the mud. My wording was a bit strong, so I moderated myself. ;-)
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Message 26813 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 10:59:54 UTC - in response to Message 26808.  

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happening anymore..such a shame..oh well..

edit: I said something like I'm disappointed about that he left but keeps dragging the project in the mud. My wording was a bit strong, so I moderated myself. ;-)

It would be dragging the project in the mud if what he was saying were a lie: He is not saying a lie; he is stating a fact.
ID: 26813 · Rating: -8 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile meshmar

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Message 26816 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 12:28:37 UTC - in response to Message 26813.  

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happening anymore..such a shame..oh well..

edit: I said something like I'm disappointed about that he left but keeps dragging the project in the mud. My wording was a bit strong, so I moderated myself. ;-)

It would be dragging the project in the mud if what he was saying were a lie: He is not saying a lie; he is stating a fact.

Opinion is not fact - especially when it's a rather narrow-minded opinion. An opinion isn't necessarily a lie ... but it ISN'T fact.
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Message 26822 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 14:27:59 UTC
Last modified: 15 Sep 2006, 14:28:08 UTC

Jose, bottom line, it's off topic. And whether it is a shame is a subjective opinion, not a fact. And the fact that some crunchers have left was [opinion] not presented in a constructive mannar by anymeans. [/opinion]

Those machines still exist and are welcome back anytime, so it isn't quite like spilled milk, which is lost forever. Suggest you both start a new thread with ideas about how to bring 2,000 machines to Rosetta.
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Message 26828 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 16:54:56 UTC - in response to Message 26801.  
Last modified: 15 Sep 2006, 16:55:49 UTC

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happening anymore..such a shame..oh well..

Always more than one perspective on this.

Someone needs to explain to me this 'the list also shows that the single PC users are massively important! importance and the above statement.....i understand that whether a WU ad random gets to machine P4 single core, P3 1ghz or Core 2 Duo, the calculation and prediction would be /should be identical.....thus it is beyond me how one can draw pride out of John Doe or Daisies Bro doing the particular crunch.

Enlighten me, the extreme Noob on the Rosetta front.


Coelum Non Animum Mutant, Qui Trans Mare Currunt
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Profile dcdc

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Message 26845 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 17:55:43 UTC - in response to Message 26828.  

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happening anymore..such a shame..oh well..

Always more than one perspective on this.

Someone needs to explain to me this 'the list also shows that the single PC users are massively important! importance and the above statement.....i understand that whether a WU ad random gets to machine P4 single core, P3 1ghz or Core 2 Duo, the calculation and prediction would be /should be identical.....thus it is beyond me how one can draw pride out of John Doe or Daisies Bro doing the particular crunch.

Enlighten me, the extreme Noob on the Rosetta front.


My point was that at least two of the results on that list were by crunchers who had a single PC running, rather than multiple machines. IIRC one of them had only a few thousand credits.

Unlike in many projects, AFAIK if they hadn't crunched those WUs running from those random seeds then they'd not have been run at all.

I'm not suggesting that a result from one PC is more important than another

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Message 26850 - Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 18:40:51 UTC - in response to Message 26845.  

Now imagine another 2000 good machines running on this project.
A shame that isn't happening anymore..such a shame..oh well..

Always more than one perspective on this.

Someone needs to explain to me this 'the list also shows that the single PC users are massively important! importance and the above statement.....i understand that whether a WU ad random gets to machine P4 single core, P3 1ghz or Core 2 Duo, the calculation and prediction would be /should be identical.....thus it is beyond me how one can draw pride out of John Doe or Daisies Bro doing the particular crunch.

Enlighten me, the extreme Noob on the Rosetta front.


My point was that at least two of the results on that list were by crunchers who had a single PC running, rather than multiple machines. IIRC one of them had only a few thousand credits.

Unlike in many projects, AFAIK if they hadn't crunched those WUs running from those random seeds then they'd not have been run at all.

I'm not suggesting that a result from one PC is more important than another


I undestand the point :-)
But there is nothing to actually stop that random seed going to another computer if that computer was not there, since the randomness is given by the Rosetta@Home servers (last I knew.... either way there is nothing stopping it comming up on another computer) Though don't we have a set number of task per target and hence a set number of randomness we can achieve :-S

Anyways, the point is we are all needed since without the many single PC users we wouldn't have got through teh CASP trials in time (probably)
ID: 26850 · Rating: 2 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
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Message 26898 - Posted: 16 Sep 2006, 1:15:29 UTC - in response to Message 26888.  

From Jose... with revision:
Jose ... Suggest you both start a new thread with ideas about how to bring 2,000 machines to Rosetta.

Sorry: That is not my job. I tried to help this project in every way I knew. All It got me was... insults...

I speak for myself: I know of 3 machines that will not return. (Mine)

And this is a fact: This post will not last more than several minutes before my favorite moderator will erase it and email me telling me how bad a person and poster I am or whatever the excuse to delete my message he has at the moment he deletes them.

Just deleted the parts that didn't need to be there Jose.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message boards : Number crunching : Forget credit for a moment and look at this.

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