Sir Stooper

User ID 379957
Rosetta@home member since 9 May 2010
Country United States
Total credit 3,124,726
Recent average credit 5,885.79
Computers View

Projects in which Sir Stooper is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Einstein@Home 443,237,927 1,201,656 15 May 2009
SRBase 188,000,958 47,559 31 May 2015
Rosetta@home 3,124,726 5,549 9 May 2010 1,756,512 3,813 28 Aug 2010
Private GFN 1,561,253 3,401 18 Apr 2020
GPUGRID 113,792,053 3,296 9 Dec 2012
DENIS@Home 1,009,349 461 19 Apr 2015
World Community Grid 8,958,923 260 31 Mar 2020
Asteroids@home 2,402,031 67 14 Dec 2012
WUProp@Home 332,604 48 6 Apr 2010
iThena Measurements 300,836 40 14 Apr 2020
Ramanujan Machine 108,088 0 24 Dec 2021
123numbers 129,870 0 22 Dec 2015
CERN CMS-dev 29,440 0 24 Jun 2015
Amicable Numbers 12,127,407 0 25 Mar 2020
odlk 55,757 0 27 Mar 2020
ODLK1 56,694 0 27 Mar 2020
RakeSearch 65,565 0 27 Mar 2020
iThena CPU 60,400 0 24 Dec 2021
Universe@Home 17,489,511 0 5 Mar 2015
mincraft@home 10,787,844 0 29 Jun 2020
Gaia@home 265,478 0 15 Sep 2020
LODA 106,173 0 28 May 2022
SiDock@home 125,327 0 26 Oct 2020
Tomas Brada Experimental Grid 27,973 0 27 Apr 2020
TN-Grid 1,122,818 0 25 Jun 2015
LHC@home 131,880 0 3 Aug 2011
yoyo@home 1,021,228 0 16 May 2009
SETI@home 1,017,205 0 27 Mar 2011
RALPH@Home 29,899 0 22 Jul 2014
WEP-M+2 53,015 0 13 Mar 2013
Gerasim@Home 58,414 0 23 Mar 2013
Cosmology@Home 1,073,233 0 14 Sep 2009
Enigma@Home 280,100 0 30 Jun 2009
MilkyWay@home 139,323,840 0 21 Sep 2009
SETI@home Beta 33,280 0 12 Mar 2013
NFS@Home 1,038,704 0 30 Nov 2009
RNA World 196,885 0 31 May 2011
Moo! Wrapper 51,763,642 0 17 May 2011
NumberFields@home 1,208,121 0 3 Nov 2011
PrimeGrid 145,612,697 0 30 May 2009
Albert@Home 10,400,202 0 2 Apr 2012
YAFU 103,036 0 24 Mar 2013
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Team The Knights Who Say Ni!
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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 8:36:16 UTC