CPU Overheating - Mac G4 Cube

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Message 3129 - Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 23:51:45 UTC
Last modified: 13 Nov 2005, 23:52:03 UTC

How? You say you are a professional software developer. Okay, so am I, in fact, specifically on Macs, although not part of the Rosetta project team. HOW would you "fix this app"? Exactly what code could cause a G4 to overheat, beyond "any code that causes 100% utilization"? And once you have told us what that code could be, how would you prevent it from causing the overheating? The Rosetta application is not Altivec-specific, indeed is considerably slower on Mac than on Windows, so the problem isn't over-use of the Altivec portion of the chip...

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Message 3202 - Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 17:50:47 UTC - in response to Message 3182.  
Last modified: 14 Nov 2005, 17:55:10 UTC

The scientific method "says" that if something is repeatable, then there is probably something there. The overheating within 1 hour of running the Rosetta client, as stated in my post, IS REPEATABLE - and hasn't occurred before or since. You figure it out.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but I have trouble believing that this is really a Rosetta problem. I say that because I have run Rosetta on a G4 Mac Mini for many hours without the temp rising above the same 44C that it sits at for SETI, Einstein, Predictor, SZTAKI... plus have run it on a G3 iBook, likewise no excessive temps recorded. Plus, while I have not done assembly specifically on PowerPC chips, I have done assembly on older architectures. I can imagine only one way to cause a CPU to overheat, and that is by writing code such that it and the attendant data fits entirely within the CPU's cache (no external memory accesses) and runs in a tight loop for an extended period of time. Even then, the effective load on the processor would not be _significantly_ higher than any other "100%" situation, and I would expect something like the Team MacNN Altivec-optimized SETI application to be much worse than Rosetta or any other. I know of nothing 'unusual' about the G4 used in the Cube - I would imagine that it is a Motorola 450MHz 7400 or 7410? Can you verify that? Mine being newer would be a 7450/7455 "G4e" chip... if it would help anything, I would be happy to run Rosetta "only" on the Mini, suspend other projects, while monitoring the temperatures. There is one difference - the cooling on the Mini is more "active" than the passive cooling on the Cube, unless you have your Cube in an enclosure.

My overclocked AMD 3700+ is my primary Rosetta box; again, I've noticed no difference in the temps between Rosetta and any other BOINC project, and I have to watch temps VERY closely there... and there are no less than seven fans...

We do need to hear from someone on the Rosetta team, but my impression from these boards and the performance of the software, is that the Mac version is a straight recompile of the Windows version, with little or no change - thus the slower performance on a Mac. Any problem would be more compiler and chip-dependent than C code related. I have emailed David Kim to direct his attention to this thread.

It may well be that some kind of front-page warning DOES need to be issued saying something like "Certain older G4 Macs have been known to significantly overheat while running Rosetta" - but please realize that you are the FIRST to report this situation, so it's really not fair to blame the project for what is likely a very rare and unusual occurance that hasn't happened on any other Macs, and they DO have the standard "BOINC Warning" about overheating.

The plural "we" and "us" is "those of us who frequent these message boards and attempt to help with problems", not the "royal we" of the project team.
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Message 3213 - Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 19:44:21 UTC

feynman, I am sorry you are having overheating problems when running Rosetta. Bill is correct in that the code used for the mac version is identical to that used with windows and linux. We have not added altivec optimization code and do not use altivec yet. We and most all other BOINC projects do warn people of the possible overheating issues in the general BOINC rules and policies and in our recommended system requirements.

I am not aware of any other users having similar issues so your case may be an isolated one. If/when the code becomes open source, we encourage you to look at it for possible causes in overheating your comptuter (we do not have a similar computer to test). I have been running rosetta on my power book laptop for a while with no overheating problems. In the mean time, please dedicate your computer cycles to other BOINC projects.
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Message 3288 - Posted: 15 Nov 2005, 15:52:47 UTC - in response to Message 3244.  

Thing is, if it was due to something hardware related - triggered by prolonged high cpu load - wouldn't it occur when any app loads the cpu at 100% overtime?? -- that seems logical enough.

Don't worry about forum space by posting - much more space is lost to flame wars and such, a thread that is actually possibly accomplishing something isn't an issue...

Let me back up and say something for the record - I will reply to _almost_ any Mac question where I have a clue about the answer, because I've been a Mac fanatic since my first Lisa. The last couple of months, I've been working with BOINC projects, the Wiki, etc., learning and answering questions. I am however human and tend to respond "in the same tone of voice" as the original poster. Had your original question been in the same tone as all your later postings, instead of "FIX YOUR APP", we wouldn't have wasted the first couple of messages getting beyond that. I don't know if you spend any time on the SETI boards, but after a few hours wading through unwarranted attacks there, you get a little sensitive... so, my apology for the tone of MY original reply.

Meanwhile, this situation has been driving me nuts. I can see _NO_ way that this can be happening, and yet I fully believe you that it is. I'd like to get more information just to try to get to the bottom of this. First off - is your Cube showing as a "PowerMac5,1" or 5,2? Were you able to determine the "74xx" model of G4 chip used? I can pull up service specs and schematics on just about any Mac, but even within fairly short-run models like the Cube, there are often considerable variations. How much L2 cache do you have? (And I'm sure there are 1000 other questions I should ask, but that's what I can think of right off...)

In trying to postulate some, ANY, mechanism that would cause a specific chip to overheat with only one specific program, I've come up with a few obscure possibilities. For example, if there were some flaw, either in the chip design or in this specific chip, where one particular trace was "thin" and had higher resistance to current, any process that puts a load on that trace would increase the temperature in that spot. If the flaw was such that, say, an integer add would hit it, the chip would likely never leave the fab. But if it were such that it is only hit on something like a missed branch prediction, and if the compiler put the most-likely branch for some heavily looping part of Rosetta in the least-likely spot in the binary code, then that missed prediction would happen every time through the loop - this would explain the Mac version being slower, AND would explain why on your specific G4 chip, you'd get overheating...

David, is there a way to run a SQL query against the hosts table for "PowerMac5"? I'm curious if feynman is the ONLY Cube owner running Rosetta. If you could locate another, we would at least have two examples to look at. Failing that, I know a couple of Cube owners - but I suspect as soon as I mention "check for overheating", they'll run the other way rather than sign up to help. They're justifiably proud of their Macs. :-)

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Message 32662 - Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 23:27:06 UTC - in response to Message 3129.  

How? You say you are a professional software developer. Okay, so am I, in fact, specifically on Macs, although not part of the Rosetta project team. HOW would you "fix this app"? Exactly what code could cause a G4 to overheat, beyond "any code that causes 100% utilization"? And once you have told us what that code could be, how would you prevent it from causing the overheating? The Rosetta application is not Altivec-specific, indeed is considerably slower on Mac than on Windows, so the problem isn't over-use of the Altivec portion of the chip...

I'm not a software engineer, but i do know when a piece of software is causing my new Macbook to overheat. Everytime BOINC is activated, the fans on my Macbook run full tilt and the CPU heat sensor begins to register temperatures of 77 C or more - after BOINC CPU usage has been limited to 10%! I won't use BOINC until your lab fixes the problem.

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Message 32663 - Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 23:29:02 UTC - in response to Message 3129.  

How? You say you are a professional software developer. Okay, so am I, in fact, specifically on Macs, although not part of the Rosetta project team. HOW would you "fix this app"? Exactly what code could cause a G4 to overheat, beyond "any code that causes 100% utilization"? And once you have told us what that code could be, how would you prevent it from causing the overheating? The Rosetta application is not Altivec-specific, indeed is considerably slower on Mac than on Windows, so the problem isn't over-use of the Altivec portion of the chip...

I'm not a software engineer, but i do know when a piece of software is causing my new Macbook to overheat. Everytime BOINC is activated, the fans on my Macbook run full tilt and the CPU heat sensor begins to register temperatures of 77 C or more - after BOINC CPU usage has been limited to 10%! I won't use BOINC until your lab fixes the problem.

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Message 56489 - Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 20:36:05 UTC

hmmm. have to admit that the heating issue concerns me. i'm running rosetta@home on my intel mac (2.8ghz dual quad core), getting pretty good results i think (9000 credits/790avg score over three days since joining). but. i'm also getting very high core readings while running boinc - as high as 170ºF. knocked the percentage down to 95% usage on just 7 cores (way too slow for anything else if use all 8 processors). normal temps have dropped to 142ºF since then. i'd like to help with this project, but cannot afford to see my mini nor my G4 drop dead. until the heating issue is resolved, think i'll keep the intel mac running for awhile and not use the others. sorry people.
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Message 56490 - Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 20:56:44 UTC

If your machine is not designed to provide enough cooling for all of your CPUs to run, you can control the percentage of CPU utilized by BOINC. It is true that a machine doing useful work produces more heat than one that is idle.

Do not look to Rosetta to make changes, they're job is to fully utilize the resources you provide. You already have everything you need to control BOINC and the amount of heat produced.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Questions and Answers : Macintosh : CPU Overheating - Mac G4 Cube

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