
User ID 2728
Rosetta@home member since 5 Oct 2005
Country Canada
Total credit 2,446,376
Recent average credit 0.10
Computers View

Projects in which Dragokatzov is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
SETI@home 15,742,981 2 6 May 2000
Rosetta@home 2,446,375 0 5 Oct 2005
PrimeGrid 1,048,278 0 30 Nov 2005
World Community Grid 2,253,280 0 6 Nov 2005
SETI@home Beta 19,862 0 21 Feb 2006
RALPH@Home 309 0 16 Feb 2006
GPUGRID 6,262,185 0 31 Oct 2008
Enigma@Home 13,637 0 17 Mar 2011
yoyo@home 66 0 7 Apr 2011
MilkyWay@home 23 0 11 Jan 2011
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Team The Commonwealth
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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 13:45:12 UTC