Gary Charpentier

User ID 209113
Rosetta@home member since 2 Oct 2007
Country United States
Total credit 6,461,241
Recent average credit 403.34
Computers View

Projects in which Gary Charpentier is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Einstein@Home 104,252,638 34,839 13 Jun 2006
NFS@Home 3,675,632 2,426 14 Jul 2018 3,163,802 1,268 28 Mar 2009
World Community Grid 753,894 761 21 Apr 2020
Rosetta@home 6,461,240 412 2 Oct 2007
Asteroids@home 11,544,136 390 24 Feb 2013
Cosmology@Home 3,602,517 235 3 Apr 2009
MilkyWay@home 12,620,489 62 7 Jan 2008
SETI@home 53,134,871 17 25 Dec 2000
LHC@home 2,908,968 0 3 Oct 2007
SETI@home Beta 4,622,751 0 9 Apr 2007
yoyo@home 33,285 0 14 Apr 2020
Universe@Home 3,339,633 0 27 Oct 2017
RakeSearch 2,734 0 14 Apr 2020
Team The Planetary Society
Message boards 3 posts

©2024 University of Washington

Generated 22 Oct 2024, 16:00:38 UTC