Life v lies: Dont be a DNA-denier. Abortion kills a new, unique human being (half of whom are FEMALE). *Its my body* is a lie; How could a MALE fetus be just part of the mothers body? The fetus has her own CNS, circulatory system, blood type, GENES f.LPa

User ID 1156715
Rosetta@home member since 18 Sep 2015
Country Hungary
Total credit 58,584
Recent average credit 10.34
Computers View

Projects in which Life v lies: Dont be a DNA-denier. Abortion kills a new, unique human being (half of whom are FEMALE). *Its my body* is a lie; How could a MALE fetus be just part of the mothers body? The fetus has her own CNS, circulatory system, blood type, GENES f.LPa is participating

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GPUGRID 200,733,757 1,007 24 Nov 2011
SRBase 3,437,780 196 2 Jan 2021
Einstein@Home 7,415,952 29 16 Nov 2007
Amicable Numbers 116,215 22 23 Sep 2022
NFS@Home 873,908 17 10 Jan 2016
NumberFields@home 314,377 14 14 Nov 2019
yoyo@home 81,607 12 1 Jun 2020
Rosetta@home 58,583 8 18 Sep 2015
MilkyWay@home 15,931,994 6 21 Nov 2011
PrimeGrid 57,548,957 4 24 Jul 2018
Asteroids@home 14,594,894 4 23 Jun 2015
World Community Grid 155,119 0 29 Oct 2009
SETI@home 131,399 0 7 Oct 2007
Cosmology@Home 42,104 0 25 Oct 2016
Universe@Home 60,016,097 0 13 Aug 2015
SiDock@home 141,197 0 19 Jan 2021

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Generated 26 Jul 2024, 23:56:12 UTC