Posts by adrianxw

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 109134)
Posted 20 Apr 2024 by Profile adrianxw
I'd like to comment.

I see a problem, a problem that I should not be seeing. I try to make headway to resolve it, so ask. The result of asking each time is the same, basically, the BOINC folk tell me the problem is Folding, the Folding folk tell me it is not.

I have set no new tasks at both. I would seem to face a choice, I can support one or the other. Both are important to me.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 109118)
Posted 16 Apr 2024 by Profile adrianxw
I simply stated facts.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 109116)
Posted 16 Apr 2024 by Profile adrianxw
I've set no new tasks again. The current jobs have 8 hours as their runtime, but here, they are running for three times that, (4GHz i7), which is pushing my system into panic mode.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 109012)
Posted 17 Mar 2024 by Profile adrianxw
The only thing running that has any real impact is Folding@Home, this is set to its minimum activity level, but still grabs quite a lot of resources. The only other things I can see are Firefox, and the VPN service I use which has a small window that normally sits open on the desktop. I've no idea what Grant is talking about, (above), but it gives me something to look for. I don't have any weird settings by the way.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 109009)
Posted 17 Mar 2024 by Profile adrianxw
A flock of work units arrived recently that are behaving oddly, well, all but one of them. They came with a run time of 8 hours, of those which are running, one has elapsed 6 hours and remaining 6 hours odd, this figure wobbles about for a while, then drops some, then starts wobbling again and repeat. The others have remaining times of 2 to 6 days increasing . The percentage complete figure is increasing, but very slowly.
The task is Beta 6.04 running on Windows 10 x64.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Run time of new tasks. (Message 108882)
Posted 27 Feb 2024 by Profile adrianxw
As I said, Folding has been running on this machine for years, the "problem" I started the thread about is VERY recent. All the tasks from that last download have completed and returned now, they show quite a variety of run times 73K to 90k. There are also other tasks downloaded the same day, but at an earlier time, that do not show the extended run time.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Run time of new tasks. (Message 108880)
Posted 27 Feb 2024 by Profile adrianxw
There is nothing new on the system. It is certainly true that BOINC co-exists with other programs that run 24/7, Folding@Home for example, but that has been there for years. The "Sent" time shows that all of the longer running jobs were from the same download.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Run time of new tasks. (Message 108877)
Posted 26 Feb 2024 by Profile adrianxw
The runtime for the last few work units has jumped up considerably. CPU time and credit haven't changed noticeably, but run time has increased from 60 thousand to 90 thousand on the same machine, (very approximate - illustrates the point though).
9) Message boards : Number crunching : STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (Message 106792)
Posted 17 Aug 2022 by Profile adrianxw
>>> mostly due to Windows crashes

I'm curious, what does he do to make Windows crash? My machines run Windows, (8.1 x64), and I don't recall EVER having a Windows crash for example.

And on topic, I've received 6 more of these crashing units this morning. They are still sending them out.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (Message 106761)
Posted 11 Aug 2022 by Profile adrianxw
Last couple of days I have received work. A good number of the jobs fail quickly with:

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Strange credit observation. (Message 106337)
Posted 1 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
1488751880 1324253399 3161065 30 May 2022, 18:56:58 UTC 31 May 2022, 14:05:09 UTC Completed and validated 43,640.71 42,703.34 474.11 Rosetta v4.20
1488730111 1324234927 3161065 30 May 2022, 17:49:17 UTC 31 May 2022, 12:35:34 UTC Completed and validated 43,812.85 42,888.56 141.21 Rosetta v4.20

Just saying...
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Strange credit observation. (Message 106114)
Posted 28 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
I looked later, the two are credited now.

1484546130 1319847242 3161065 28 Apr 2022, 7:02:09 UTC 28 Apr 2022, 13:11:46 UTC Error while computing 20,896.15 16,495.94 148.00 Rosetta v4.20
1484546134 1319847241 3161065 28 Apr 2022, 7:02:09 UTC 28 Apr 2022, 8:19:25 UTC Error while computing 973.13 915.19 8.00 Rosetta v4.20
1484546135 1319847243 3161065 28 Apr 2022, 7:02:09 UTC 28 Apr 2022, 18:12:26 UTC Error while computing 38,960.04 32,750.23 295.00 Rosetta v4.20
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Strange credit observation. (Message 106110)
Posted 28 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
With this current crop of work units, I was surprised to see I had 3 errors.

1484546130 1319847242 3161065 28 Apr 2022, 7:02:09 UTC 28 Apr 2022, 13:11:46 UTC Error while computing 20,896.15 16,495.94 --- Rosetta v4.20
1484546134 1319847241 3161065 28 Apr 2022, 7:02:09 UTC 28 Apr 2022, 8:19:25 UTC Error while computing 973.13 915.19 8.00 Rosetta v4.20
1484546135 1319847243 3161065 28 Apr 2022, 7:02:09 UTC 28 Apr 2022, 18:12:26 UTC Error while computing 38,960.04 32,750.23 --- Rosetta v4.20

The short one got a few credits, the two long ones got none. Each finished with...

Exit status 1 (0x00000001) Unknown error code
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Waste of resource. (Message 106086)
Posted 27 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
As I understand things, a work unit has "a problem", it generates a random number then uses the program to run the model with that random start point. If it finishes within the time limit set by the user, it generates a new random number and repeats.
Thinking about that, setting a long run time may not be a good idea.
Rational, the project has estimated the number of runs needed to produce the result they need. They estimate the number of work units required to achieve such a result, (they can estimate this from in house runs on their own machines). They sit back and wait.
By setting a long run time, I generate more results per work unit on both of my machines. Others are quite possibly doing the same thing. The number of runs required when the initial estimate was made is reached earlier. Are further work units then not sent, or are they left in the queue to, basically, waste the resource?
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Lot of failures (Message 105793)
Posted 2 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
>>> It looks like the WU are bad and you are OK.

Yes, I know.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Lot of failures (Message 105781)
Posted 1 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
>>> LARGE part of clients/volunteers runs Windows

Certainly. Let us, however, consider the purpose. We are trying to help them. It is up to them to decide if Linux users are sufficient in number to acheive the result they require. It is already mentioned in this thread, that the amount of work from the project is a lot less than it used to be. They will, however, pick up on the fact that Windows users are seeing crashed work, and stop issuing it to these people, that, obviously, includes me.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Lot of failures (Message 105777)
Posted 1 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
Hi JD, yes, Linux systems certainly do seem immune from this problem. If the project is getting enough work done, there is little impetus to fix the problem with Windows, or issue VBox work to the same crunchers.

As long as the work is getting done, fair enough. Twenty years ago, the comms was so slow, it would have been a serious annoyance.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Lot of failures (Message 105773)
Posted 1 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
The two I mentioned earlier are still crunching away, 24% and 26% respectively. VBox is here, and a couple of projects use it without issue.

I know what you mean by "work starved". I always regarded Rosetta as an endless supply of work units which caused no problems for me, (Windows 8.1 x64), but work units are few and far between nowadays. The Italian project TN-Grid, (, is taking up most of the slack though. Generally, the number of projects I consider to be worth supporting has fallen markedly.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Lot of failures (Message 105770)
Posted 1 Apr 2022 by Profile adrianxw
A large percentage of the work units sent here today quickly, (~20 seconds), failed with...

-1073741819 (0xC0000005) STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

... two, however, have started, have been running for a couple of hours, and are showing 12% complete.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Constant computation errors. (Message 105459)
Posted 16 Mar 2022 by Profile adrianxw
All failing on both my Windows 8.1x64 systems after about 70 seconds. The exit code is "1 (0x00000001) Unknown error code" which is not much help.

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