Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home

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Bryn Mawr

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Message 107620 - Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 19:05:41 UTC - in response to Message 107619.  

Not sure as the front page and server status page haven't been updated quite yet, but another batch of tasks seem to be coming through

Very small - maybe 50-60k. Not even enough to fill all cores at any one time.
Ah well, something.

Maybe another 100k went through a few hours ago, but they seem to have all been picked up already.
Regular tasks, even if never quite sufficient to last

On this page you can easily see if some tasks are available and how the supply was in the past 90 days.

Sorry to be awkward but is there an equivalent showing the figures from the front page rather than the status page?
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107621 - Posted: 1 Nov 2022, 0:27:28 UTC - in response to Message 107616.  
Last modified: 1 Nov 2022, 0:28:36 UTC

There really is nothing quite so tiresome as random people claiming the project is going to close down because they had a period with no tasks.

Not sure as the front page and server status page haven't been updated quite yet, but another batch of tasks seem to be coming through

Very small - maybe 50-60k. Not even enough to fill all cores at any one time.
Ah well, something.

The majority of the work goes to their 3 channel deep learning system.
That's what I saw on Robetta at least.
Robetta is the system that feeds all systems right? There is no separate system that feeds here?

You never seem to get tired of whining about something, do you
I thought you were going to leave
The latter would be preferable if the former is the only thing you ever have to say

Because you all say, oh theres work...yeah..where?
I say theres work for their neural network and not so much for us.
So I wonder where you guys get your data from that there is "work" for us.
I go through 17 pages of data at random intervals and find only stuff for neural network.
So what pages and what tags have the stuff for here?

That's what I am pushing at. You might try to use some logic in that head of yours instead of whining all the time about what I say. I get tired of you just whining and not providing answers to show that I am wrong in what I say. Don't like what I have to say, ignore it and move on or just put me in your list of people you don't want to see.

Computing status
Tasks ready to send 0

So where in all those pages on Robetta is the next supposed batch of work?
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Message 107624 - Posted: 1 Nov 2022, 8:25:54 UTC - in response to Message 107620.  

On this page you can easily see if some tasks are available and how the supply was in the past 90 days.

Sorry to be awkward but is there an equivalent showing the figures from the front page rather than the status page?
No, I don't think so, it's not standard BOINC page.
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Bryn Mawr

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Message 107625 - Posted: 1 Nov 2022, 9:56:49 UTC - in response to Message 107624.  

On this page you can easily see if some tasks are available and how the supply was in the past 90 days.

Sorry to be awkward but is there an equivalent showing the figures from the front page rather than the status page?
No, I don't think so, it's not standard BOINC page.

Oh well, the link is useful anyway so many thanks.
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Sid Celery

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Message 107627 - Posted: 1 Nov 2022, 13:09:19 UTC - in response to Message 107621.  

There really is nothing quite so tiresome as random people claiming the project is going to close down because they had a period with no tasks.

Not sure as the front page and server status page haven't been updated quite yet, but another batch of tasks seem to be coming through

Very small - maybe 50-60k. Not even enough to fill all cores at any one time.
Ah well, something.

The majority of the work goes to their 3 channel deep learning system.
That's what I saw on Robetta at least.
Robetta is the system that feeds all systems right? There is no separate system that feeds here?

You never seem to get tired of whining about something, do you
I thought you were going to leave
The latter would be preferable if the former is the only thing you ever have to say

Because you all say, oh there's work...yeah..where?
I say there's work for their neural network and not so much for us.
So I wonder where you guys get your data from that there is "work" for us.
I go through 17 pages of data at random intervals and find only stuff for neural network.
So what pages and what tags have the stuff for here?

What pages?! I don't think there's any page or any individual line on a page on that Robetta queue you can interpret to be for here or for anywhere else ever at any time.
I think that looking at that page to try and discern what's for us and what isn't is a complete and total waste of time for anyone. Don't try.
But if you do, and you bring some impossible interpretation of what you see as any kind of justification for any claim you want to imagine, it's only going to make me think you want me to interpret your dreams.
As far as I can see, there's no indication that any line refers to 1, 1,000 or 1,000,000 tasks for here or anywhere else.
The number of lines listed each day from each researcher makes me think there are a few hundred of each and, as such, neither here nor there - that is, an indication of nothing.

Where do I get data that there's work for here? From the consistent downloading of tasks eg last Friday from 6pm to about 2am the next morning that filled a buffer on two machines I was next to on every call for new work.
And also from the eventual change in tasks in progress reported on the front page and/or server status page.

That's what I am pushing at. You might try to use some logic in that head of yours instead of whining all the time about what I say. I get tired of you just whining and not providing answers to show that I am wrong in what I say. Don't like what I have to say, ignore it and move on or just put me in your list of people you don't want to see.

Computing status
Tasks ready to send 0

So where in all those pages on Robetta is the next supposed batch of work?

An individual snapshot once every several hours is meaningless.
The difference between 2 snapshots with known time between them and looking at the change in in-progress tasks might indicate what's happened between those times.
It's quite possible (indeed quite likely) that two snapshots 4hrs apart show 0 ready to send both times, but if 'In Progress' has increased by, say, 50k and you can see that, say, 35k tasks have been completed in the last 24hrs that 3k tasks per hour have reduced from In Progress while the In Progress total has increased by 50k, then ~62k have been issued and downloaded between those times.
That's the calculation that leads to the statement that tasks of that order have been newly issued. It's that simple (if a bit nerdy).

Between last night and this morning my main PC pulled down another 40 tasks in 2 calls for work, so again tasks are being issued, but not in great number, so tasks ready to send still show 0.
Enough for everyone? Of course not. Getting any of those tasks is pure luck. My laptop got none.

I've posted the situation at the project a few times already. Whining about whatever incomprehensible thing you're going on about makes absolutely no difference to anything. We heard the first time, the 10th time and the 100th time and it won't make any more sense or have any more relevance the 500th time, so give yourself a rest or find somewhere else where someone might be interested. Somewhere that's not here, ideally.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107642 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 16:58:05 UTC - in response to Message 107578.  

Better simply set WCG to NNT and enable other projects until they get it to work properly, running scripts like that makes everything only worse and no additional science is going to be done that way, as instead of yours some other, maybe unattended computers are going to be idle. WCG has currently more than enough resources, no need to force more in there.
Some of us like the stats, as do you judging by your sig.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107643 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:00:15 UTC - in response to Message 107582.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2022, 17:00:26 UTC

Krembil isn't exactly a multi-billion dollar corporation like IBM is.
They have a much smaller budget and the WCG team is asking for donations.
I thought they were, maybe I looked up Robert Krembil the businessman and thought he owned it.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107644 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:02:20 UTC - in response to Message 107587.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2022, 17:02:41 UTC

True, I get fewer of the ARP1 tasks, sometimes none.
I also get fewer ARP, but severaler cancer tasks.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107645 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:03:52 UTC - in response to Message 107588.  

They're now back to tasks for at least three sub-projects, at the cost of much less total work.

The ARP1 tasks now seem to be only retries for tasks originally sent out about a week ago.

Download problems again.
They ought to put Covid just on GPU and let the CPUs do the other ones.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107646 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:05:01 UTC - in response to Message 107590.  

Something must be stuck on my account in their server. But it is not the worst problem they have.
It will eventually get cleared out. Thanks.
All accounts were stuck, you couldn't change settings like which venue your computer is in. But suddenly mine works. Perhaps they didn't fix it for everyone. Where's Savile when you need him?
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107647 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:06:02 UTC - in response to Message 107594.  

Rosetta is out of work, DENIS has a model problem, COSMO has a SSL problem, what else is going on out there with problems? Seems like you need 12 projects to get 8 of them with work at any given time.
Cosmo works fine, it's just difficult to get to the pages on their website.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107648 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:07:03 UTC - in response to Message 107596.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2022, 17:07:44 UTC

Einstein@Home seems to have a LOAD of arecibo WU's since they have a new PhD there now crunching the data
He thought of a new way to analyse radio data. Arecibo was already there, but they've added Meerkat, and soon FAST. Coupled with gravity finishing, and the GPU part of gamma finishing, more radio is being done.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107649 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:10:37 UTC - in response to Message 107599.  

It's always difficult to hold people to timelines on a project that's always been at the cutting edge, so while I'd hope we'll see something in November, it might be more realistic to expect something this side of the new year. It gets here when it gets here
I hope they hurry up, they're doing very important stuff. My Aunt and her neighbour have Coeliac disease and chronic pain (one each), both of which David Baker has mentioned they work on.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107650 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 17:13:19 UTC - in response to Message 107610.  

"This parrot is dead"
Errm . .
Oh .
sorry wrong forum .
I have 19 (was 20) parrots and that sketch is not very nice. The rest of Monty Python is funny though.
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 107651 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 18:13:30 UTC - in response to Message 107645.  

They're now back to tasks for at least three sub-projects, at the cost of much less total work.

The ARP1 tasks now seem to be only retries for tasks originally sent out about a week ago.

Download problems again.
They ought to put Covid just on GPU and let the CPUs do the other ones.

The GPU Covid work takes almost the same downloads as the CPU version, and is therefore subject to the same download problems. It runs faster once it's downloaded, but that's not the limiting problem.

They may have taken my suggestion that they provide mostly tasks with small sets of input files while the download server is especially busy, and leave the tasks with large sets of input files for times when the download server is not very busy.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107653 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 19:01:37 UTC - in response to Message 107651.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2022, 19:02:49 UTC

The GPU Covid work takes almost the same downloads as the CPU version, and is therefore subject to the same download problems. It runs faster once it's downloaded, but that's not the limiting problem.

They may have taken my suggestion that they provide mostly tasks with small sets of input files while the download server is especially busy, and leave the tasks with large sets of input files for times when the download server is not very busy.
It may not improve server throughput, but why waste our CPUs on something a GPU could run? I refuse to do CPU work for them until they get their act together. I could be using far less of my own resources on covid work there.

And I doubt the money needed to upgrade the server is much compared to running a huge institute with several departments full of expensive professors.
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Message 107656 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 12:14:15 UTC

A new batch of units downloaded yesterday, and all are completing with 'Error while computing'.

Is there an issue with these units?
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 107657 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 12:44:36 UTC - in response to Message 107656.  

A new batch of units downloaded yesterday, and all are completing with 'Error while computing'.

Is there an issue with these units?

I checked what happened when computers for other users tried those workunits. All of them that have completed them also gave 'Error while computing', so I'd say that batch were all defective.
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 107658 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 12:50:14 UTC - in response to Message 107653.  

The GPU Covid work takes almost the same downloads as the CPU version, and is therefore subject to the same download problems. It runs faster once it's downloaded, but that's not the limiting problem.

They may have taken my suggestion that they provide mostly tasks with small sets of input files while the download server is especially busy, and leave the tasks with large sets of input files for times when the download server is not very busy.
It may not improve server throughput, but why waste our CPUs on something a GPU could run? I refuse to do CPU work for them until they get their act together. I could be using far less of my own resources on covid work there.

In the last batch of work I got from them, nearly all of the Covid work was GPU type. So they may be trying your suggestions also.
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Message 107659 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 15:10:40 UTC - in response to Message 107642.  

Better simply set WCG to NNT and enable other projects until they get it to work properly, running scripts like that makes everything only worse and no additional science is going to be done that way, as instead of yours some other, maybe unattended computers are going to be idle. WCG has currently more than enough resources, no need to force more in there.
Some of us like the stats, as do you judging by your sig.
Well, I like stats, however I don't mind if I increase my credits for Einstein instead of WCG or even add a new project, there are few more doing valuable scientific work, I just usually try to stick to the ones I already participate in as long as they have enough work for everyone. But for example TN-Grid is on my list in case I need more CPU work.
Actually I thought I could add some credits to my Rosetta stats while WCG isn't able to supply enough work to everyone, but Rosetta doesn't have enough work for everyone either. So I do Einstein instead, they have enough FGRP5 work for everyone (and servers capable of sending it out to everyone, who requests it) and that's CPU-only work, so it seems like a good idea to let my CPU do some of those. I simply don't see the point of investing much time into "stealing" some of the rarely available WUs here from perhaps unattended PCs without backup projects, which will than sit idle or blocking others from downloading work from WCG as long as there are many other projects, that can use my help. Rosetta was btw. my first backup project, from where I used to grab a few WUs, when SETI servers were overloaded, long time before the backup project feature was introduced in BOINC, so I did that manually.
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