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Message 5457 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 22:22:23 UTC

"Oh, and by the way guys, please do not think I am attacking you. I simply do not agree with your stance on all this. I do not think Pixi was responsible for the email, but then again, Legman had no reason whatsoever to even think he would be getting emails from Pixi or Fad."

But since now it is clear that Pixie didn't anything wrong legman should apaologize for naming him a porn spammer.

And because he is a "Man" (as he said before) there should be no problem for him to do this.

Isn't that easy? ;-))
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Message 5458 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 22:22:36 UTC

Hey, for those of you who have the ability to move threads.

Can we get all these posts about this subject moved to a different thread (say a new thread) to talk about this.

I am now having to scroll WAY down to read the other info I was comming to this thread for.

I would really appreciate it if we could do that to clean this thread up.
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Message 5459 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 22:25:40 UTC - in response to Message 5458.  

Hey, for those of you who have the ability to move threads.

Can we get all these posts about this subject moved to a different thread (say a new thread) to talk about this.

I am now having to scroll WAY down to read the other info I was comming to this thread for.

I would really appreciate it if we could do that to clean this thread up.

Agreed. But please don't name it "Teddies thread".... :-))

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Message 5460 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 22:28:46 UTC

once again, I read his post as saying that FAD was as bad as a porn spammer.

Telling Pixi he was not joining his team (could have been stated in a different way, sure, but he was pissed about the situation), was posted after the statement about FAD.

But since I am not Legman, I dont know for sure. I could be wrong.

And, at this point, if your only reason for continuing to post in this thread is to stirr crap by making "he is not a man" statements, then I will ask that you please refrain from posting in this thread.

If you look at the tone of all of my posts, I have not attacked or insulted anyone. Well, excpet the FAD developers for doing a poor job on certain parts of their program. (and yes, other parts were well written, and the overall idea of the project was a very noble thing)

I see no reason for you to reply to my posts in inflamitory ways.

On the otherhand, if you are willing to continue to add to this thread in a constructive way, then by all means, kick back and relax.
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Message 5461 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 22:31:09 UTC - in response to Message 5459.  

Hey, for those of you who have the ability to move threads.

Can we get all these posts about this subject moved to a different thread (say a new thread) to talk about this.

I am now having to scroll WAY down to read the other info I was comming to this thread for.

I would really appreciate it if we could do that to clean this thread up.

Agreed. But please don't name it "Teddies thread".... :-))

Hahahahahaha, yes, i totally agree.

It should be a neutral thread name so that neither side feels slighted by the name.

We could call it Morphy's thread, LOL. kidding of course.

By all means, since I requested it, I could care less if you called it Kulmak's thread. Since I did request it afterall.
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Message 5462 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 22:31:16 UTC - in response to Message 5389.  

Don't bee too proud Toddie .... ;-))
But nevertheless congrats for rising so hard.

And legman, You were proven wrong over at FAD. So a man would apologize there....

Quoting myself kulmak to make clear I'm guilty. But legman said he would't read at the FAD forum anymore so I put it here (his fault). And yes, concerning our team name I'm always seroius. And second yes, legman is proven wrong to blame Pixie...

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Message 5463 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 22:31:31 UTC

Well said Kulmak. Bravo!

And yes, whoever can clean this thread up please do so. Thanks!
If you cant say something nice, say something vague.

And if you can't think of something vague, then shut the hell up! =)
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Message 5484 - Posted: 7 Dec 2005, 23:26:06 UTC

And yes, whoever can clean this thread up please do so. Thanks!

Surely, sir, you don't want me to botherate over here. :D
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Message 5494 - Posted: 8 Dec 2005, 0:20:13 UTC - in response to Message 5479.  
Last modified: 8 Dec 2005, 0:29:29 UTC

Hey guys, mauisun and non-mauisun folks included =), I want to apologize for my part in this thread.
I would also like to say sorry to Morphy, hob and Pixiebot for the possibility that I said something to offend you or piss you off.

If you take a step back and look at what we are doing out here you can see that we are a family. We all are working towards the same goal, to find a cure. In knowing that we should be able to see that we all have something in common and that we need to stick together to make this work. Morale is huge man, it will make a break many things, including forums and people's willingness to participate. We cannot have any of that as we have a lot of crunching to do.

Let's all wipe the slate clean and start over shall we?

bu**er that.........i had 3 threads deleted at your clean start..........i still expect an apology from legman for his my book anyone who stands by him is badly mistaken........hob

fully i apreciate your stand with a fellow team mate but that does not make any less of an a**hole

legman........i came to your place and got come back to mine

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Message 5495 - Posted: 8 Dec 2005, 0:24:51 UTC

That's your deal hob, and your's alone. Please don't think any less of our team because you are having issues with one of our members.

As for the "stick your clean start" I'm sorry that you don't see it that way. If you want to harbor all of that anger go for it, just keep it out of our thread please.
If you cant say something nice, say something vague.

And if you can't think of something vague, then shut the hell up! =)
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Message 5501 - Posted: 8 Dec 2005, 0:41:24 UTC

fully........i truly am sorry for this........ but legman started it and i will finish it.........wherever and however he wants it ........muasin deleted my topics i will continue here until he admits he was wrong.......which he seems to be biosed in favour of its members....not something to recomend it to new members 8~)
46 years dc so far

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Message 5503 - Posted: 8 Dec 2005, 0:51:49 UTC


I would appreciate it if you would stop polluting our thread with your garbage.

#1, your first post in the forum was to pick a fight. Your thread was closed, and it was requested that you deal with this via PM's or Email. A reasonable request.

Even if you had a history of posts there, it would still not had been tolerated. But being that it was your FIRST post, that is a bit rude dont you think.

#2 to come in to our thread and start calling our members A**holes because they do not agree with you is childish and pathetic.

If you want to keep spewing crap, why dont you go make your own thread and spew what you want there.

If you have a problem with Legman, deal with it with Legman.
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Message 5504 - Posted: 8 Dec 2005, 0:54:02 UTC

Oh, and if you were

"i truly am sorry for this........ "

you would deal with Legman in a different thread, via PM, or via Email. Not by annoying the rest of us by calling us names.
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Message 5680 - Posted: 9 Dec 2005, 7:07:01 UTC

I am attempting to move the "email fight" messages here. If I mess up and delete some or get them out of order, please forgive me as this is my first try doing this with this forum software...

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Message 5683 - Posted: 9 Dec 2005, 7:27:23 UTC

....and also he has the very bad manners to start it off here in a thread he calls the 'Teddies Team thread'. He has NOTHING to do with the Teddies and is now causing problems in my Team.....obviously the man has no MANners at all!
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Message 5691 - Posted: 9 Dec 2005, 11:08:49 UTC

No more conversation on this subject.

Thank you
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Message 5692 - Posted: 9 Dec 2005, 11:12:17 UTC

I will stop when he removes the title he created purporting to be my Team thread!
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Message 5696 - Posted: 9 Dec 2005, 11:54:30 UTC - in response to Message 5692.  

I will stop when he removes the title he created purporting to be my Team thread!

I understand your problem with it, and I have asked that he change the title. If this doesn't happen soon, I will delete the thread. It _is_ 4 AM in WA, and I have no idea where he is, so I think we can give him a few more hours to take care of it.

Burying my communications by following them with more postings won't help...

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Message 5730 - Posted: 9 Dec 2005, 18:32:43 UTC

Thanks Bill.....I will shut up on this subject now....;-))
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Message 5780 - Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 7:33:55 UTC

Bill he still has not done anything, could you please delete the thread.....thanks
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