seti at home dont know where to ask?

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Message 64610 - Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 20:44:49 UTC

Does anyone here have insight what heppened to Seti@home? It seems to have disappeared from the face of the Web. I'm asking here and everywhere because no information can be found about it anywhere.
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Message 64612 - Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 21:17:24 UTC - in response to Message 64610.  

Does anyone here have insight what heppened to Seti@home? It seems to have disappeared from the face of the Web. I'm asking here and everywhere because no information can be found about it anywhere.

There was a planned power outage beginning Sunday at noon Pacific time (which is UTC -8)and expected to last 24 hours. The 24 hours is up but I would give them a little more time to get things started up again. Then you should expect the usual congestion after a long outage.
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Sid Celery

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Message 64615 - Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 23:20:07 UTC

Ever thought this was a perfect opportunity to spend more time on a proper project with some hope of ever achieving anything?

I'm wasting my time, aren't I? Which makes 2 (million) of us...
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Message 64623 - Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 10:13:04 UTC - in response to Message 64615.  
Last modified: 29 Dec 2009, 10:13:41 UTC

Ever thought this was a perfect opportunity to spend more time on a proper project with some hope of ever achieving anything?

I'm wasting my time, aren't I? Which makes 2 (million) of us...

Didn't Seti just send out an email saying they are looking for volunteers to actually look at what people are sending back to them? I not longer crunch for them because of this, the main reason anyway, I mean we users crunch and they put those results on the shelf waiting to some day look at them?!! What kind of Project is that?!!!! How conceited to think I want to use my machines so you can put the results on a shelf waiting to maybe some day look at them!!!

Anyway to the question at hand, often when Seti goes down they give a very poor estimate of how long they think it will be. Meaning they are often down longer than they think they will be, they do not communicate well about their problems and when they do come back on-line it is often a day or so before most people can get any more units. Even they suggest crunching for multiple projects and not just Seti alone.
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Sid Celery

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Message 64625 - Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 12:36:47 UTC - in response to Message 64623.  
Last modified: 29 Dec 2009, 12:37:37 UTC

Didn't Seti just send out an email saying they are looking for volunteers to actually look at what people are sending back to them? I not longer crunch for them because of this, the main reason anyway, I mean we users crunch and they put those results on the shelf waiting to some day look at them?!! What kind of Project is that?!!!! How conceited to think I want to use my machines so you can put the results on a shelf waiting to maybe some day look at them!!!

Having never crunched for them I don't know. I'd ignore them but for hearing they actually ran out of work years ago and are just putting the same WUs out again. If they can't even look at the results, that takes the biscuit. If there was a project that generated spam to demand that Seti close down at least it would be more productve! No wonder that guy got sacked for turning every computer in his facility over to Seti.

I joke of course, but if Copenhagen had only decided to take Seti down I think they'd have gone a long way to reaching their targets to limit global warming.

To think that 60% of DC users and hosts are connected to this joke makes me a little bit sick. Without them, everyone else could possibly double their productivuty (not that it would help here just at the moment...)
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Message 64628 - Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 13:42:05 UTC

Mikey, i dont know where you get that information, that we crunch Seti only for the shelf.

A few month ago, the admins put a new forum online. Near Time Persistency Checker Over there you can discuss hot candidate signals. And if you dont know, how it works, you can read the Near-Time Persistency Checker (NTPCkr) Frequently Asked Questions

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Sid Celery

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Message 64639 - Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 23:11:59 UTC - in response to Message 64628.  

Over there you can discuss hot candidate signals.

... which almost nobody does and for good reason.

I'm sure there are some highly intelligent people involved there wasting their time. Imagine if they were doing something even vaguely useful.

It's enough to make you weep :(
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Message 64650 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 10:23:39 UTC - in response to Message 64628.  
Last modified: 30 Dec 2009, 10:33:55 UTC

Mikey, i dont know where you get that information, that we crunch Seti only for the shelf.

A few month ago, the admins put a new forum online. Near Time Persistency Checker Over there you can discuss hot candidate signals. And if you dont know, how it works, you can read the Near-Time Persistency Checker (NTPCkr) Frequently Asked Questions

I got this earlier this month "Mikey, did you get the seti@home newsletter ? I liek the part that says "one billion work units analyzed by seti@home volunteers". It did not say results, so if each was done twice or more, that's a lot of results. It also did not say that the results were anaylized by anyone. Then there is the future plan to add a web based system so volunteers can help view and analyze canidate signals."

It doesn't say anything about what you said, although I did not personally get the newsletter, so it could be in there, just that part wasn't sent to me. But the last sentence seems to indicate that Berkeley is no longer analyzing 'candidate signals' just storing them for future volunteers to look at. Maybe I am cynical, maybe I am reading it wrong, but it seems to me you don't need volunteers to analyze signals if you already are! But either way is okay with me, I am NOT going to go back to crunching for Seti, so for me it is a moot point.

When I was a Forum Admin at Seti we talked about the fact that Seti was re-issuing workunits just to keep the people happy and placated. They also talked about stopping that but never actually said they did. I crunched for Seti from the early days, before Boinc, and it turns out we too did ALOT of double and triple and even more levels of re-crunching the exact same unit over and over and over again! At some point that becomes stupid and a waste of my resources, and demeaning to me! I do not pay 500 bucks a month on electricity to re-crunch the same unit 50 times just so I can keep my pc's 'busy'!! I choose to crunch and that is why I also choose to pay the electric bill, but to think I want to do that re-crunching the same unit over and over and over again is just plain wrong!! I would stop crunching altogether if Seti ever became the only project left! Fortunately there is little to no chance of that with so many out there and more coming on-line all the time.
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Message 64708 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 20:51:37 UTC - in response to Message 64650.  

Mikey, i dont know where you get that information, that we crunch Seti only for the shelf.

A few month ago, the admins put a new forum online. Near Time Persistency Checker Over there you can discuss hot candidate signals. And if you dont know, how it works, you can read the Near-Time Persistency Checker (NTPCkr) Frequently Asked Questions

I got this earlier this month "Mikey, did you get the seti@home newsletter ? I liek the part that says "one billion work units analyzed by seti@home volunteers". It did not say results, so if each was done twice or more, that's a lot of results. It also did not say that the results were anaylized by anyone. Then there is the future plan to add a web based system so volunteers can help view and analyze canidate signals."

It doesn't say anything about what you said, although I did not personally get the newsletter, so it could be in there, just that part wasn't sent to me. But the last sentence seems to indicate that Berkeley is no longer analyzing 'candidate signals' just storing them for future volunteers to look at. Maybe I am cynical, maybe I am reading it wrong, but it seems to me you don't need volunteers to analyze signals if you already are! But either way is okay with me, I am NOT going to go back to crunching for Seti, so for me it is a moot point.

When I was a Forum Admin at Seti we talked about the fact that Seti was re-issuing workunits just to keep the people happy and placated. They also talked about stopping that but never actually said they did. I crunched for Seti from the early days, before Boinc, and it turns out we too did ALOT of double and triple and even more levels of re-crunching the exact same unit over and over and over again! At some point that becomes stupid and a waste of my resources, and demeaning to me! I do not pay 500 bucks a month on electricity to re-crunch the same unit 50 times just so I can keep my pc's 'busy'!! I choose to crunch and that is why I also choose to pay the electric bill, but to think I want to do that re-crunching the same unit over and over and over again is just plain wrong!! I would stop crunching altogether if Seti ever became the only project left! Fortunately there is little to no chance of that with so many out there and more coming on-line all the time.

No offense here, but i have never seen the admin tag on your signature. You have been "only" a mod.

The bad old days, where we crunched workunits more then one times are over and things have been improved.

Sad that you have left Seti.

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Message 64712 - Posted: 2 Jan 2010, 0:54:11 UTC - in response to Message 64610.  

Does anyone here have insight what heppened to Seti@home? It seems to have disappeared from the face of the Web. I'm asking here and everywhere because no information can be found about it anywhere.

Sorry I asked.

I've got to believe in researcher's integrity and think we ARE doing worthwhile crunching at SETI....
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Message 64722 - Posted: 2 Jan 2010, 7:02:09 UTC

SETI@home was the first project I ever crunched for; I've forgotten when I started, but a combination of personal problems, and then a move to a location with no internet access, made me stop around 2002. Is there any chance of restarting the same account I used then, even though I've lost whatever nickname, email address, and password I used then? I'm now mostly interested in BOINC projects related to medical research, but haven't found one that offers workunits for the Nvidia board in my laptop very often.

GPUGRID offers enough for the Nvidia board in one of my other computers; BOINC doesn't even recognize the possibility of using the Nvidia part of my third computer.

Robert Miles
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Message 64726 - Posted: 2 Jan 2010, 10:52:53 UTC - in response to Message 64708.  

When I was a Forum Admin at Seti...

No offense here, but i have never seen the admin tag on your signature. You have been "only" a mod.

The bad old days, where we crunched workunits more then one times are over and things have been improved.

Sad that you have left Seti.

You are correct, I was a forum mod NOT a forum admin! I used the wrong term and I am sorry if I misled anyone. And I too am sorry I left Seti but the real Admins really left me no choice. There were problems and they didn't seem to want to help and I felt I had no choice in the matter. There were lots of contentious emails going on back then and the Admins were 'too busy' to help settle things. So it ended up getting worse and worse and about half a dozen of us left. Most of us tried to keep this behind the scenes, although alot of it was known about, just the dirty details were hopefully kept somewhat private. I do still have all the emails involved, mostly just because I can, but also to remind me of how bad things can get even when you try your best. I was SOOOO proud to be chosen as a Mod, it was like being put in charge of something you actually BELIEVE in! But then then reality sunk in, the Mods were the problem, not the Users!!! Yes some Users needed modding, but we all do things sometimes we probably shouldn't and after some gentle prodding we get back in line. But some of the Mods were VINDICTIVE some times!!! ANYTHING some people posted got removed and when the rest of us complained, the Mods involved got mad as heck and modded our posts!!! Some people actually had their posts modded, un-modded and then modded again REPEATEDLY!!! When the Admins were contacted they said 'you guys work it out amongst yourselves, we are too busy'! Anyway enough of the Seti bashing, I am not going back and that is the end of that.

As for using your video card, Collatz, a non medical project, does let you use both ATI and Nvidia video cards for crunching. I do not know of a medical project that does yet though.
Here is a website with all active Boinc, and non Boinc, Distributed Computing Projects listed:
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Message 64731 - Posted: 2 Jan 2010, 17:16:52 UTC

There's nothing like trying to coordinate multiple mods to show you how different people are. One person's healthy debate is another's namecalling or disrespectful post. One person's interesting diversion is another's "off-topic" (did you notice that this post is entirely off-topic in this thread?).

It's very difficult to get all mods to react with the same action to the same posts. I don't have children, but would imagine parenting has many of the same challenges. Two parents don't always agree on appropriate punishment or degree of oversight required going forward. Neither can assert they know any more about the correct course then the other. Some children "need" a tighter leash then others. Children rebel... lots of similarities :)

And so if the mods themselves have difficulty being consistent, it is no wonder that the participants will have some differing opinions as well about what is kid friendly, or what is an advertisement, etc.

I think we've been pretty fortunate with R@h. The admins do a great job in keeping the servers running. Indeed work outages are rare enough that many people assume they are having a problem with their computer, not that the servers are having a problem. And I'm really the only active mod, and that seems adequate for the present need. VERY few posts here require any action. Could be a problem if another credit war starts, but for the time, it makes consistency much more straightforward. I just have to try and be consistent with my self :)
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 64748 - Posted: 3 Jan 2010, 13:08:28 UTC - in response to Message 64731.  
Last modified: 3 Jan 2010, 13:09:00 UTC

There's nothing like trying to coordinate multiple mods to show you how different people are. One person's healthy debate is another's namecalling or disrespectful post. One person's interesting diversion is another's "off-topic" (did you notice that this post is entirely off-topic in this thread?).

It's very difficult to get all mods to react with the same action to the same posts. I don't have children, but would imagine parenting has many of the same challenges. Two parents don't always agree on appropriate punishment or degree of oversight required going forward. Neither can assert they know any more about the correct course then the other. Some children "need" a tighter leash then others. Children rebel... lots of similarities :)

And so if the mods themselves have difficulty being consistent, it is no wonder that the participants will have some differing opinions as well about what is kid friendly, or what is an advertisement, etc.

I think we've been pretty fortunate with R@h. The admins do a great job in keeping the servers running. Indeed work outages are rare enough that many people assume they are having a problem with their computer, not that the servers are having a problem. And I'm really the only active mod, and that seems adequate for the present need. VERY few posts here require any action. Could be a problem if another credit war starts, but for the time, it makes consistency much more straightforward. I just have to try and be consistent with my self :)

You are of course being very modest! You are a great Moderator and tend to let things play out when you see that the direction is harmless and only use gentle persuasion when really needed! As for Rosetta it is a very stable Project and the Admins do support it very well and actively when needed. And yes part of the problem was that there were sooo many Mods at Seti, some, like me, were made by some automatic process that was never explained at all, and that also created alot of friction by those that thought they were above the rest of us, because they had been made a Moderator by some Admin or other. It was a bad situation made worse by the inactivity of the Admins to be there at all. In effect the inmates ran the asylum and it was a free for all! Here at Rosetta it is a MUCH different process obviously, which shows in the posts and lack of Moderation needed! And yes this thread has gotten waaaaaay off topic!!
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Message 64749 - Posted: 3 Jan 2010, 13:08:32 UTC


Please accept my apologies, if i have hijacked or turned this thread into a wrong direction.
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Message 64750 - Posted: 3 Jan 2010, 13:10:23 UTC - in response to Message 64749.  


Please accept my apologies, if i have hijacked or turned this thread into a wrong direction.

Just remember it takes two to tango!!
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Message 64752 - Posted: 3 Jan 2010, 14:29:58 UTC - in response to Message 64748.  

Really, I said I was sorry I asked.
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Message 64756 - Posted: 3 Jan 2010, 17:15:52 UTC - in response to Message 64752.  

Really, I said I was sorry I asked.

It was not your fault and you can always ask.
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Message 64763 - Posted: 4 Jan 2010, 0:47:52 UTC - in response to Message 64748.  

And yes this thread has gotten waaaaaay off topic!!

Is there such a thing as 'off topic' in a cafe? Carry on.
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Message 64775 - Posted: 4 Jan 2010, 10:04:27 UTC - in response to Message 64752.  

Really, I said I was sorry I asked.

It is okay, obviously there are alot of feelings towards where we put our resources and changing after being at one place for a long time can leave a lasting impression. I do still believe in the idea of Seti, I have just lost all faith in the current people in charge to have any clue of how to make it all work. I just can't see how with that many Stars out there there isn't some kind of life too! Carl Sagan once said "there are more stars in the sky then grains of sand on all the beaches on this Earth!" Each star(twinkly light we see) is a sun and each sun might have planets running around it, we have 8 around our own star, that is alot of possibilities!! And if you believe in God why would he put all those lights out there if man is never going to get there some day? Just so we would have something to see? Not likely! And if you believe in Science, then the possibilities are endless! Seems to me, either way there is something out there!
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