CPU getting too hot

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Message 63537 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 7:42:30 UTC

My CPU gets too hot when running boinc and that scares the shit out of me. Every 5 minutes my cooler goes in overdrive. Is there a way to control this temperature by software ? Or adjust some preferences in Boinc ? I have Intel.
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Message 63540 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 9:22:53 UTC - in response to Message 63537.  

My CPU gets too hot when running boinc and that scares the shit out of me. Every 5 minutes my cooler goes in overdrive. Is there a way to control this temperature by software ? Or adjust some preferences in Boinc ? I have Intel.

Do you the actual temps involved or are you just going by the fan speeding up sometimes? The fan speeding up and then slowing down is normal, as are slightly elevated temps when running the processor to 100%, 100% of the time. As for damaging something, I have been crunching since 1999 and haven't had a cpu burn out yet. I do not overclock so am just using stock settings. Yes you can change some setting so Boinc only runs part of the day and even only uses a percentage of the processor. Go into the Boinc Manager, the icon down by the clock and click on Advanced, Preferences and then processor usage. Down at the bottom you can change the number from 100% to say 80%, or whatever, and your cpu will only use that amount of cpu time to crunch. But as I said I have been crunching since 1999 and currently 17 machines crunching at 100%, 100% of the time and there are no problems. Different version of Boinc will have different options, I am using Boinc 6.4.7 to give you the directions, other version may vary slightly. ALSO be VERY careful...if you click OK the settings on the webpage are not used and the local settings become the primary settings. It may be better in your case to do this change on the webpage so it is a 'global' change and not a local pc change.
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Message 63541 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 9:45:02 UTC

your CPU has a thermal sensor and will downclock the CPU before it damages itself. I once left the fan unplugged on my overclocked quad-core machine while running rosetta for nearly a week and it was fine (although I wouldn't recommend doing that!)...

If you're worried about the temps then your motherboard manufacturer should have a utility you can download (or try everest 2.20). There is also often a utility that'll let you adjust how fast the fan runs - you don't want to slow it down but speeding up the 'slow' setting might reduce the chance of it kicking into the 'fast' setting. Otherwise it might just take a while to settle to a steady speed.

The ideal thing to do is to undervolt the CPU which will reduce the power consumption and also therefore the heat produced in the first place, but that's another topic ;)
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Message 63543 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 10:58:28 UTC

Thanks for ur reaction Mikey. U described exactly my problem. Temperature is going to 72. But that's normal u say. Ok, I'll keep on crunching then ;)
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Message 63544 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 12:54:29 UTC - in response to Message 63543.  

Thanks for ur reaction Mikey. U described exactly my problem. Temperature is going to 72. But that's normal u say. Ok, I'll keep on crunching then ;)

72°C is high for a Core2 CPU unless it's a laptop CPU? If nothing else it'll increase your power consumption. You should adjust the fan speed up, either using a utility from your motherboard manufacturer or by changing the fan settings in the BIOS...
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Message 63547 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 17:04:32 UTC
Last modified: 1 Oct 2009, 17:04:42 UTC

I've been crunching for a while now, not a single PC has failed on me (yet?)
I OC, in fact, my AMD 7750 is OC'ed @ 3.1 GHZ (from 2.7) and is running @ 61C under Rosetta. It used to hit 55C tops, but now it's probably dustier than before, so I'm gonna have to clean it up.

As to tweaking your PC concerning temp issues: Try opening the case and clean it. Dust has a big impact on heat dissipation.
Also, you could change your heatsink with an aftermarket heatsink and change the stock thermal paste that comes with CPU.
You could also add a fan.

I think all of these are way better than throttling your PC back. I mean, you paid for a good CPU, why not get 100% out of it just because of dust?

Core 2s run pretty cool, so if yours hits 72 C, then I'm willing to bet a cold beer your case is one big dust ball lol
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Message 63549 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 18:07:10 UTC - in response to Message 63537.  

My CPU gets too hot when running boinc and that scares the shit out of me. Every 5 minutes my cooler goes in overdrive. Is there a way to control this temperature by software ? Or adjust some preferences in Boinc ? I have Intel.


I run on a qaud with core temp. around 42 degrees C. An i7 is running on about 60 deg. C. Using CUDA the GPU heaths up very high and fast. As you, I don't like this. I have installed TThrottle, and I am still testing it but it runs smoothly. It is written for BOINC and can be downloaded on its official site, or at the programmesrs: http://www.efmer.eu/boinc/tthrottle_manual.html

Look at the manufacture sites for the maxium temperatures of CPU and GPU, and stay a few degrees under to be save (that is what I do).
And a bit of dusting once in a while is handy too, as one has mentioned.

Good luck.
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Message 63550 - Posted: 1 Oct 2009, 19:39:25 UTC - in response to Message 63549.  

You shouldn't need TThrottle any more - BOINC lets you adjust the amount of CPU time used in your preferences, unless there are advantages of TThrottle I'm not aware of?

My CPU gets too hot when running boinc and that scares the shit out of me. Every 5 minutes my cooler goes in overdrive. Is there a way to control this temperature by software ? Or adjust some preferences in Boinc ? I have Intel.


I run on a qaud with core temp. around 42 degrees C. An i7 is running on about 60 deg. C. Using CUDA the GPU heaths up very high and fast. As you, I don't like this. I have installed TThrottle, and I am still testing it but it runs smoothly. It is written for BOINC and can be downloaded on its official site, or at the programmesrs: http://www.efmer.eu/boinc/tthrottle_manual.html

Look at the manufacture sites for the maxium temperatures of CPU and GPU, and stay a few degrees under to be save (that is what I do).
And a bit of dusting once in a while is handy too, as one has mentioned.

Good luck.

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Message 63559 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 9:49:29 UTC - in response to Message 63555.  

TThrottle monitors the temperature of your CPU. BOINC doesn't do that right?

Ah - thought it was just % CPU use based - fair enough if it's temp based it might be a good alternative to reducing the temps.
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Message 63560 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 9:49:32 UTC - in response to Message 63555.  
Last modified: 2 Oct 2009, 9:50:14 UTC

Double post...
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Message 63561 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 11:26:05 UTC - in response to Message 63547.  

Core 2s run pretty cool, so if yours hits 72 C, then I'm willing to bet a cold beer your case is one big dust ball lol

I would LOVE to get that cold beer from you when I see you! I have a core 2 extreme that runs at 74C normally! It is an Intel dual core that has HT on each core so thinks it is a quad. I have put every kind of fan on it, short of water cooling, and it just runs blazingly hot! The case has the side off and no dust inside, the cpu has had several kinds of paste on it, from the peel and stick kind to Artic Sliver to some no name stuff to whatever. No heat reduction at all but runs just fine. Right now it is off line because I don't have a motherboard to put it in, I am using the old one for a true quad core. I bought a new mb but it blew a capacitor and I am waiting for my cash to build back up so I can buy another. It is not a new chip, it is now 4 years old and cost $1000.00 brand new. My wife paid dearly for me to go back to work!!
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Message 63565 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 14:07:12 UTC

Don't forget to look up the max operating temp for your hard drive. This is often lower then the tolerable temps for CPUs.

Does anyone know exactly where the temp senors are monitoring? Is it right on the chip? Or further away somewhere on the MB?
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Message 63566 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 14:44:29 UTC

Tried this configuration yet?

I have this in my system.

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Message 63567 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 15:52:15 UTC

Opened my PC and discovered a dustbomb. Filthy boy :(
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Message 63568 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 16:28:23 UTC - in response to Message 63561.  

I would LOVE to get that cold beer from you when I see you! I have a core 2 extreme that runs at 74C normally! It is an Intel dual core that has HT on each core so thinks it is a quad.

It's not a core2 if it's got HT - isn't it a Pentium D? In which case they do get hot!

I've got one of these which I think is v good:

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Message 63575 - Posted: 2 Oct 2009, 23:16:27 UTC - in response to Message 63544.  

Thanks for ur reaction Mikey. U described exactly my problem. Temperature is going to 72. But that's normal u say. Ok, I'll keep on crunching then ;)

72°C is high for a Core2 CPU unless it's a laptop CPU? If nothing else it'll increase your power consumption. You should adjust the fan speed up, either using a utility from your motherboard manufacturer or by changing the fan settings in the BIOS...

Not really my Core 2 Duo T7200 regularly gets up to 75C
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Message 63576 - Posted: 3 Oct 2009, 2:14:08 UTC - in response to Message 63561.  

Core 2s run pretty cool, so if yours hits 72 C, then I'm willing to bet a cold beer your case is one big dust ball lol

I would LOVE to get that cold beer from you when I see you! I have a core 2 extreme that runs at 74C normally! It is an Intel dual core that has HT on each core so thinks it is a quad. I have put every kind of fan on it, short of water cooling, and it just runs blazingly hot!

Core 2s have HT? :S

Pretty sure it isn't and non core based have a large manufacturing size which leads to higher electric leakage thus higher temps.

Damn AMD and its large manufacturing practices. o.o' lol
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Message 63577 - Posted: 3 Oct 2009, 2:16:55 UTC - in response to Message 63566.  

Tried this configuration yet?

I have this in my system.

I have one of these in my AMD 6400+ CPU

Keeps it cool when it isn't dusty :P
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Message 63578 - Posted: 3 Oct 2009, 9:55:26 UTC - in response to Message 63568.  
Last modified: 3 Oct 2009, 10:02:13 UTC

I would LOVE to get that cold beer from you when I see you! I have a core 2 extreme that runs at 74C normally! It is an Intel dual core that has HT on each core so thinks it is a quad.

It's not a core2 if it's got HT - isn't it a Pentium D? In which case they do get hot!

Yes you are correct it is a P4D 3.2ghz dual core with HT on each core. I had the Zalman on it last time it was running and it made it stay around 74C on each of the 4 cores. It was a VERY fast machine, it was faster than some of my AMD true quad core machines, I NEED to put it back on line!!

Here is a link to one like mine http://computers.pricegrabber.com/processors-unboxed-oem/Intel-P4-HT-Technology-32GHz/m939457.html
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Message 63728 - Posted: 17 Oct 2009, 13:43:46 UTC

I am not sure how hot is too hot but this system is 66C with a Zalman. No overclock on this Q6600. We keep it in the same room with the TV so I keep the fans turned down to keep it quiet. Even with triple filtered air in the house we have to vacuum the dust twice a year.

My overclocked Q6600 is using the same cooler with the fan @ full speed and a total of 4 system fans. That CPU is a G3 stepping and runs about 61C.

I don't mind all the heat in the winter but it kills me in the summer. Too much A/C.


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