How many new users from FaD and SETI Classic closing?

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Message 4386 - Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 20:17:05 UTC

Does anyone have the figures on how many new users Rosetta has signed up? The graphs at Boincstats show a definite increase this last few days, from 200 or so a day to maybe 900, but I don't know how that translates into "x new users this week" or whatever.

SETI is saying they've gotten 16,000 new users and 20,000 new hosts in the last four days. I would imagine some of those people will also sign up here, but the FaD folks will account for even more...

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Message 4387 - Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 20:28:30 UTC

If you check the ID from users here then it can be 1000 new users per day, seti gets now 6000 per day and cpdn 2000. Its incredible!
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Message 4388 - Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 20:34:34 UTC

SETI has got there increase due to the classic project been switched off for good on the 15th December, when the newbies get more confident im sure many will look around to see what else is available to crunch
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Message 4391 - Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 21:07:24 UTC

Not many ex FaD will go to Seti, we are medical crunchers, a heck of a lot of us came here......
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David Baker
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Message 4408 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 1:43:43 UTC

It really is exciting how many people have joined in the past few days! Is there anything we can do to recruit a larger fraction of the people coming over to BOINC? Please--all of you--spread the word!!

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Message 4409 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 1:49:54 UTC - in response to Message 4408.  
Last modified: 27 Nov 2005, 1:58:05 UTC

Is there anything we can do to recruit a larger fraction of the people coming over to BOINC? Please--all of you--spread the word!!

Hi David.

Perhaps you could get an official notice on the Find A Drug site about Rosetta working on Malaria, HIV and Anthrax cures/vaccines/treatments, per your other thread?

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David Baker
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Message 4419 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 6:45:11 UTC - in response to Message 4409.  

Is there anything we can do to recruit a larger fraction of the people coming over to BOINC? Please--all of you--spread the word!!

Hi David.

Perhaps you could get an official notice on the Find A Drug site about Rosetta working on Malaria, HIV and Anthrax cures/vaccines/treatments, per your other thread?

Sounds like a good idea! can any of our Find A Drug friends help with this? thanks, David
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Message 4420 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 6:51:56 UTC
Last modified: 27 Nov 2005, 6:53:45 UTC

They are already aware as David post there.....more will come when FaD closes on Dec 16th....

( my team is already 22 in TC and 10th in RAC)....
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[BOINCstats] Willy

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Message 4427 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 10:41:00 UTC

I think Rosetta is already profiting from the SETI-classic shutdown. Number of users per day is spiking on SETI/BOINC, and the same is showing in the graph for Rosetta, though the actual numbers are lower:

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Message 4439 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 12:43:43 UTC
Last modified: 27 Nov 2005, 12:44:57 UTC

I promote Rosetta@home where I can.

It would be nice to know how new members are getting here. SETI Classic certainly has large numbers of members. There are several things happening at the same time which will contribute to new membership.

The Other DC Projects forum at Find-a-Drug is helpful because it promotes open discussion of available projects., formerly United Devices (UD), has had difficulties for a long time and those members who did not leave earlier to join Find-a-Drug now have the "neutral" choice (as opposed to the somewhat emotional choice of joining Find-a-Drug). Without lots of detail, UD ran THINK version 1.03 until June of 2002 after having decided about March to dump THINK and run a folding project instead. Many former UD participants joined Find-a-Drug which started on 18 April, 2002.

Interestingly, UD/ has never allowed discussion of other projects, whereas Find-a-Drug has always had open discussions. The forum administrator, THINK (Keith Davies), added the Other DC Projects forum in response to member requests. Guests can post in that forum without registering.

THINK has previously declined to endorse any project on the basis that he does not have current knowledge of other projects. He did, however, open the Other DC Projects forum to allow discussion. From the comments of members, I have found that several other projects are still suffering from lack of feedback on message boards and/or continue to have problems with servers, infinite redundancy, or general decline. I believe we are gaining dedicated crunchers from several crunching communities.

(We still need a Preview option.)
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Message 4454 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 16:01:44 UTC

Still would like to know where TSC! Russia are heading, as they out crunch Free-DC and XPC ;-)

suppose I should email blackbird and find out
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Message 4475 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 18:09:43 UTC

Blackbird knows. He is in 14th place.
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Message 4482 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 18:57:10 UTC - in response to Message 4408.  

It really is exciting how many people have joined in the past few days! Is there anything we can do to recruit a larger fraction of the people coming over to BOINC? Please--all of you--spread the word!!

word of mouth is what's gotten a lot of fadders ( i refuse to call us ex yet!) over here, but what's more important is what will keep us here??? while it's great that you David B and David K and the rest of the project managers are hands on, i have to say this bulletin board you have is a large detriment. it's small, unorganized, and hard to use efficiently. for example there are posts in the "questions and problems" area that are days old, some with no acknowledgments. there are no moderators as such to help steer people to the right thread for answers. there should also be a seperate section for team chat as that is where people on teams encourage and help each other as well as have some fun. as much as you'd like to keep this a "business" or support only forum, to keep a large majority of people the forum has to be as user friendly as possible. as long as people have a clear space to explain their problem and get a reasonable answer, maybe not the right one, they will come back.

we need a preview function, some smilies to convey emotions to avoid some misunderstandings, and better organization. i think it would be helpful if you took a look at how FaD is broken down into sections and organized and then pick and choose what is best for this growing site.

here's a dollar, keep the change
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Message 4485 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 19:05:49 UTC - in response to Message 4408.  
Last modified: 27 Nov 2005, 19:08:24 UTC

It really is exciting how many people have joined in the past few days! Is there anything we can do to recruit a larger fraction of the people coming over to BOINC? Please--all of you--spread the word!!

a better message board might help .........similar to that at FaD / ud / folding ect this one is primative by comparison.

[edit] just read "V" post above ........great minds V :) [/edit]
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Message 4492 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 19:31:25 UTC - in response to Message 4482.  

i have to say this bulletin board you have is a large detriment. it's small, unorganized, and hard to use efficiently. for example there are posts in the "questions and problems" area that are days old, some with no acknowledgments. there are no moderators as such to help steer people to the right thread for answers. there should also be a seperate section for team chat as that is where people on teams encourage and help each other as well as have some fun. as much as you'd like to keep this a "business" or support only forum, to keep a large majority of people the forum has to be as user friendly as possible. as long as people have a clear space to explain their problem and get a reasonable answer, maybe not the right one, they will come back.

It is unfortunate that the Q&P section doesn't get checked often - that's true on all the projects, the "1 question multiple answer" approach just flat doesn't work, so everyone winds up using Number Crunching instead. I check the Mac section, but it's too big a pain to bother with the others, since I probably couldn't help anyway, so I leave that to others. Einstein recognized this lack and replaced the Q&P area with more "regular" areas to handle Help Desk functions; that works a lot better.

Rosetta Cafe is the place for team chat, fun, etc., and additional areas could be set up if wanted, I'm sure.

The boards are part of the BOINC server framework - using anything else (Yahoo groups or whatever) would make it hard on people who run several projects. I agree they aren't great, but that's not something Rosetta can do _very_ much about; maybe some of what Einstein has done, but that's about it. Other mprovements have to come from putting pressure on the people on the BOINC boards. There are _some_ improvements being made already; check the SETI boards today for the latest change, "collapsing" large threads so by default you only see the first post and the last 75.

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Message 4499 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 20:13:41 UTC - in response to Message 4492.  

Rosetta Cafe is the place for team chat, fun, etc., and additional areas could be set up if wanted, I'm sure.


1 rename Rosetta@home Science to Rosetta@home Science & information

2 add section "help and support"

3 add section "members room"

4 add section "projects" where new protiens and projects could be posted & discussed

if at all possable improve bbcode to include a section of smilies ......include a preview option alongside "post reply"

the more user friendly the forum is the more members will use it....a bad forum will turn members away seen at another project that we looked worked really well at FaD

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Message 4514 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 21:49:17 UTC

Yes alot of us from FaD have already picked there projects they want to run

as far as people who run seti. (yes i do have 1 computer doing a small portion for seti and i always though they had neet grapics) Seti was the first project i ran when it was showed to me in 1992 i worked about 50 work units before i found other things to look for... once and a while i have for say sake of lookin at stuff i opted to do a seti work unit or 2.

the Distributed computing projects i am runing right now on Boinc are

Rosetta <- love the support the new grapics look neet and seems to be a big help for the future of finding cures Definatly geting at least 50% of my 4 computers time.

Einstein <- Sci fi freek like looking at the idea of other planits

Predictor <- seems to be working for a cure.. still testing them out

Seti <- would prefer to crunch for seti rather than projects attached to UD and its fun and has neet grapics

Climate Prediction <- its an inexact science but its one i think we should work on some to mabey find how bad and mabey be prepaired for fixes

Primegrid <- always wanted to do some of those math factoring stuff more inportant than seti but less fun (no eyecandy)

uFluids <- space propulsion. neet idea out of 6 work units i had 3 failures that ate up about 18 hrs per failure so i turned them off for a bit nice concept though

LHC <- looks intresting dont know yet (high redundancy)

BURP <- just like the name of it but it hasnt had any Work units for me to try yet.

Heck i always said i am willing to spend a few hours testing out all projects out there to determin if i like them and why

Depending on how i like each of the programs and how much worth i get for myself will determin how much % of 1-4 computer(s) each project gets... right now Rosetta is the leader at least 50% on all my computers and no other project has more than 45 % of one computer (i think seti has 10% on 1 computer)

If we add more forms and such like hob recomends then i think we will attract more users here and that will stay


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Message 4516 - Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 22:07:34 UTC

It would be helpful for somebody to create a rosetta ONLY help guide for windows and linux.I'm not knocking the seti guide or the one for boinc but it took several weeks to figure out the best ways to setup for rosetta.Still not sure!I've dumped many hrs of work messing and tweaking the systems for rosetta(5 nix machines with over 80 hrs each just today,wouldn't upload.Searching the Rosetta message boards didn't help much except to link me to other projects.We need all the tips and tricks here,not scattered all over.I'm just a dumb truck driver but I can figure that much out.You want people to come and stay then give them a simple setup guide and a good forum to post on.

Once fad closes we're gonna need a good home.So if pushing boinc for a better forum then I guess we're gonna have to start pushing.
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David Baker
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Message 4525 - Posted: 28 Nov 2005, 4:28:42 UTC - in response to Message 4516.  

It would be helpful for somebody to create a rosetta ONLY help guide for windows and linux.I'm not knocking the seti guide or the one for boinc but it took several weeks to figure out the best ways to setup for rosetta.Still not sure!I've dumped many hrs of work messing and tweaking the systems for rosetta(5 nix machines with over 80 hrs each just today,wouldn't upload.Searching the Rosetta message boards didn't help much except to link me to other projects.We need all the tips and tricks here,not scattered all over.I'm just a dumb truck driver but I can figure that much out.You want people to come and stay then give them a simple setup guide and a good forum to post on.

Once fad closes we're gonna need a good home.So if pushing boinc for a better forum then I guess we're gonna have to start pushing.

Any volunteers for putting together the help guide? If anybody can put together something that people agree is useful, we can post it on the home page. as far as the message boards, we are a bit limited by what BOINC provides; if there are features that the other boinc projects have that we should include here, let us know. thanks, David
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Message 4528 - Posted: 28 Nov 2005, 4:58:49 UTC - in response to Message 4525.  

if there are features that the other boinc projects have that we should include here, let us know.

Look at Einstein; instead of the "Questions and Problems" section, they have a Help Desk area, using the _standard_ boards rather than the 1-question-multiple-answer mess.

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