Problems with Rosetta stable version 5.69 and beta version 5.77

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Message 47535 - Posted: 9 Oct 2007, 7:32:41 UTC
Last modified: 9 Oct 2007, 7:33:40 UTC

This host really tries out hard to get a valid WU. :-(
Btw. when I shut down the machine yesterday, there were afair 9(!) instances of Rosetta@home in memory, each using 79MB of RAM. At that time one WU was aktive, another one was at some % and waiting to run again.

process exited with code 193 (0xc1, -63)
Graphics are disabled due to configuration...
# cpu_run_time_pref: 14400
# random seed: 2692519
pure virtual method called
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Stack trace (9 frames):

terminate called without an active exception
SIGABRT: abort called
Stack trace (19 frames):

Graphics are disabled due to configuration...
# cpu_run_time_pref: 14400
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Stack trace (13 frames):

SIGSEGV: segmentation violation


Right now two WUs are waiting to run:
Rosetta Beta 5.80: 1ubi__BOINC_ABRELAX_SHORTREL... 85,247 %
Rosetta 5.69: CNTRL_01ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OU... 9,768

Nothing related to Rosetta in memory. If this is going to change, I will report here.


edit: spelling
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Message 47540 - Posted: 9 Oct 2007, 12:39:58 UTC

Michael, BOINC only runs one task per CPU. But it can get more tasks started if it starts to use more memory then your preference. These tasks are preempted and go to a "waiting for memory" state. On Windows at least, these may still look like they consume memory, but it is only in the swap file while they await BOINC to move them back to a state of "running". So you may want to review your General Preferences for how much memory BOINC is allowed to use.

Please add your comments to the Linux thread as you study it further.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 47546 - Posted: 9 Oct 2007, 16:08:36 UTC - in response to Message 47540.  

Please add your comments to the Linux thread as you study it further.

Thanks, I'll do so.

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Message 47606 - Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 21:41:49 UTC

i've just had a stalled task:

10/10/2007 22:41:00|rosetta@home|Restarting task CNTRL_01ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OUT_-1cc8A-_filters_1782_552194_0 using rosetta version 569

did net stop/start boinc and it's continued running again.

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Message 47855 - Posted: 19 Oct 2007, 9:02:24 UTC

also could some1 have a look at my topic abbrelax WU's, which is spelled wrong xD 3 failed WU's in a row
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Message 48159 - Posted: 30 Oct 2007, 18:41:08 UTC

Somethings wrong but i dont know what. Im continually getting validation errors on my results and not one has gone through successfully. You can check my results at:

Can anyone help me?

I detached as i thought that might be an issue, but to no use. Ive suspended until i can figure this out.
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Message 48177 - Posted: 31 Oct 2007, 10:41:43 UTC - in response to Message 48159.  

Somethings wrong but i dont know what. Im continually getting validation errors on my results and not one has gone through successfully. You can check my results at:

Can anyone help me?

I detached as i thought that might be an issue, but to no use. Ive suspended until i can figure this out.

You're running Vista. There's two things to check. Is BOINC installed to the default directory (c:program filesboinc)? That generally causes trouble. If so, uninstall BOINC and reinstall to somewhere outside c:program files. I use c:boinc and it's fine. Do you exit out of BOINC before shutting down the computer? BOINC usually doesn't have enough time to do its housekeeping with Vista's super speedy shutdown. There's a registry hack here or you can just shut down BOINC manually (file -> exit out of the manager or stop the service).

Kathryn :o)
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Message 48178 - Posted: 31 Oct 2007, 11:44:12 UTC - in response to Message 48177.  

Somethings wrong but i dont know what. Im continually getting validation errors on my results and not one has gone through successfully. You can check my results at:

Can anyone help me?

I detached as i thought that might be an issue, but to no use. Ive suspended until i can figure this out.

You're running Vista. There's two things to check. Is BOINC installed to the default directory (c:program filesboinc)? That generally causes trouble. If so, uninstall BOINC and reinstall to somewhere outside c:program files. I use c:boinc and it's fine. Do you exit out of BOINC before shutting down the computer? BOINC usually doesn't have enough time to do its housekeeping with Vista's super speedy shutdown. There's a registry hack here or you can just shut down BOINC manually (file -> exit out of the manager or stop the service).

Well ive always had it in the default directory before and its never been an issue, but ill uninstall it to a different directory, as for shutting down I usually shut down boinc before down but sometimes theres an occasion where i put it to sleep while boinc is running and it starts up when i boot it back up. Is that a problem?
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Message 48219 - Posted: 1 Nov 2007, 10:05:09 UTC - in response to Message 48178.  

i put it to sleep while boinc is running and it starts up when i boot it back up. Is that a problem?

No idea. I've never tried putting the computer to sleep and waking it back up. When I do need to take it to work (vary rarely) I just shut down BOINC and the entire computer because it ends up running on battery power all day (I can't plug it in at work because they don't have at 110-220 converter there).
Kathryn :o)
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Message 48240 - Posted: 1 Nov 2007, 19:23:05 UTC - in response to Message 48219.  

i put it to sleep while boinc is running and it starts up when i boot it back up. Is that a problem?

No idea. I've never tried putting the computer to sleep and waking it back up. When I do need to take it to work (vary rarely) I just shut down BOINC and the entire computer because it ends up running on battery power all day (I can't plug it in at work because they don't have at 110-220 converter there).

Well I did what was suggested and reinstalled boic and put it on the c drive and results are fine now, strange but thanks for the help. I think it might have been the putting to sleep thing, ill stop doing that and see how things go.
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Message 48260 - Posted: 1 Nov 2007, 23:37:43 UTC - in response to Message 48240.  

i put it to sleep while boinc is running and it starts up when i boot it back up. Is that a problem?

No idea. I've never tried putting the computer to sleep and waking it back up. When I do need to take it to work (vary rarely) I just shut down BOINC and the entire computer because it ends up running on battery power all day (I can't plug it in at work because they don't have at 110-220 converter there).

Well I did what was suggested and reinstalled boic and put it on the c drive and results are fine now, strange but thanks for the help. I think it might have been the putting to sleep thing, ill stop doing that and see how things go.

You can forget that i just said because i check and two units went through fine but there are two that turned into validation errors i dont see anything in my error log, and i dont wanna keep on if they just turn into errors, im kinda stuck!

My results page:
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Message 48376 - Posted: 5 Nov 2007, 15:14:32 UTC - in response to Message 48260.  

i put it to sleep while boinc is running and it starts up when i boot it back up. Is that a problem?

No idea. I've never tried putting the computer to sleep and waking it back up. When I do need to take it to work (vary rarely) I just shut down BOINC and the entire computer because it ends up running on battery power all day (I can't plug it in at work because they don't have at 110-220 converter there).

Well I did what was suggested and reinstalled boic and put it on the c drive and results are fine now, strange but thanks for the help. I think it might have been the putting to sleep thing, ill stop doing that and see how things go.

You can forget that i just said because i check and two units went through fine but there are two that turned into validation errors i dont see anything in my error log, and i dont wanna keep on if they just turn into errors, im kinda stuck!

My results page:

I dont know whats going on, but this is constantly continuing so im going to pull out of Rosetta for the time being. Sorry guys.
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Message 48379 - Posted: 5 Nov 2007, 17:30:22 UTC
Last modified: 5 Nov 2007, 17:31:39 UTC

Admin, I've never seen so many errors on Windows before.

Have you tried detaching and reattaching to Rosetta? This will bring down a fresh copy of the control files that drive the application, in case one may have become corrupted somehow.

Is there anything else about your environment that might not be typical of other people running Windows? I guess the main difference is you are running Windows Vista.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 48382 - Posted: 5 Nov 2007, 17:46:12 UTC - in response to Message 48379.  

Admin, I've never seen so many errors on Windows before.

Have you tried detaching and reattaching to Rosetta? This will bring down a fresh copy of the control files that drive the application, in case one may have become corrupted somehow.

Is there anything else about your environment that might not be typical of other people running Windows? I guess the main difference is you are running Windows Vista.

Been there done that, i also tried moving boinc to the c drive, and if i put the computer to sleep i shutdown boinc before hand, and i make sure it has enough time to exit. I just dont know what to do, and i dont wanna keep sending you guys errors, since it doesnt help anyone. Nothing is showing in my error log so i have NO idea whats going on. ANY help would be appreciated at this point. But im thinking of detaching for now so i dont send any more errors.
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Message 48385 - Posted: 5 Nov 2007, 18:13:08 UTC

I certainly can see your point, and desire to exit until problems are resolved. There are some BOINC and potentially some Rosetta problems with Vista. Going forward, it will be important to have some numbers to see if any changes improve or correct Vista problems. Could I ask that instead of leaving, you just lower your resource share so that you do a few Rosetta tasks each week? That way the project will continue to have some data from Vista coming in to help assess future changes. You see, this is one of those cases where "failure" is still informative and helps work towards improvement and helps the project.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 48386 - Posted: 5 Nov 2007, 18:21:48 UTC - in response to Message 48385.  

I certainly can see your point, and desire to exit until problems are resolved. There are some BOINC and potentially some Rosetta problems with Vista. Going forward, it will be important to have some numbers to see if any changes improve or correct Vista problems. Could I ask that instead of leaving, you just lower your resource share so that you do a few Rosetta tasks each week? That way the project will continue to have some data from Vista coming in to help assess future changes. You see, this is one of those cases where "failure" is still informative and helps work towards improvement and helps the project.

If you want me to continue i sure will. Just for my curiosity what are you able to gain from the WU's such as mine? I feel it could potentially be an issue with shutting down or putting the computer to sleep, although i seem to exit boinc for some reason i think it might be corrupting the files. I dont know why but the only WUs that went through successfully is when the computer and been on and not shut off at all.
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Message 48398 - Posted: 5 Nov 2007, 21:23:11 UTC

I'm just trying to say that if everyone with Vista had the same problem you are having, and they stopped running Rosetta, then it will be difficult to prove when you've resolved the problems, because you have no Vista users left. So the knowledge that "nope, that didn't correct the problem either" is useful.

I haven't seen posts by many with Vista, and so have not reviewed many Vista hosts. But yours seems to be having exceptional problems. It might also be helpful if you attach to Ralph (where changes to Rosetta are tested).

Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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