Last one to post here wins!

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Profile Angus

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Message 37997 - Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 6:07:49 UTC - in response to Message 37968.  

You're still SPAMMING
this thread is still here - propagating SPAM


Proudly Banned from Predictator@Home and now Cosmology@home as well. Added SETI to the list today. Temporary ban only - so need to work harder :)

"You can't fix stupid" (Ron White)
ID: 37997 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 38002 - Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 12:43:28 UTC - in response to Message 37985.  

angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc?

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38002 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
Profile Eric Ogletree

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Message 38007 - Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 14:06:33 UTC - in response to Message 38002.  

Mmmm... Beef
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc?

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
ID: 38007 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
Profile Greg_BE

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Joined: 30 May 06
Posts: 5691
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Message 38025 - Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 19:55:43 UTC - in response to Message 38007.  

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38025 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Joined: 5 Jun 06
Posts: 2751
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Message 38026 - Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 22:23:25 UTC - in response to Message 38025.  

well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38026 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
Profile Greg_BE

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Joined: 30 May 06
Posts: 5691
Credit: 5,859,226
RAC: 4
Message 38030 - Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 0:00:53 UTC - in response to Message 38026.  

he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38030 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 38032 - Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 1:50:06 UTC

Ask the anonymods -

They came,and I quit crunching for this project.

Anonymous censorship deserves no cycles.
Proudly Banned from Predictator@Home and now Cosmology@home as well. Added SETI to the list today. Temporary ban only - so need to work harder :)

"You can't fix stupid" (Ron White)
ID: 38032 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 38037 - Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 3:49:27 UTC - in response to Message 38032.  
Last modified: 20 Mar 2007, 3:52:46 UTC

Just this project, or all of Boinc?

With that much horse-power available, I hope you deemed some other project worthy...

Oh, and how's the weather this time of year in the "Pitcairn Islands" ?!

They came,and I quit crunching for this project.

ID: 38037 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 38040 - Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 6:36:52 UTC

Just this project.

A worthwhile project, but spineless admins to let the anonymods rule.

I have to check back periodically to see if the landscape has changed, but not yet.
Proudly Banned from Predictator@Home and now Cosmology@home as well. Added SETI to the list today. Temporary ban only - so need to work harder :)

"You can't fix stupid" (Ron White)
ID: 38040 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 38041 - Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 10:19:24 UTC - in response to Message 38030.  

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38041 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 38042 - Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 12:26:28 UTC - in response to Message 38041.  

good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38042 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
Profile Greg_BE

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Joined: 30 May 06
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Message 38055 - Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 18:10:36 UTC - in response to Message 38042.  

that looks like one of my decision flow charts that they think we will look at during a inbound phone call at work.
good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38055 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Joined: 5 Jun 06
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Message 38070 - Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 3:24:45 UTC - in response to Message 38055.  

sheeesh, you're lucky, can't believe they actually let you make decisions where you work...

And glad you decided that animals are winning...

that looks like one of my decision flow charts that they think we will look at during a inbound phone call at work.
good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38070 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
Profile Greg_BE

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Joined: 30 May 06
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Message 38078 - Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 8:32:04 UTC - in response to Message 38070.  

well we are technical support and we have to make decisions to solve problems.
but management with all their brilliance really is dummer than we are.

sheeesh, you're lucky, can't believe they actually let you make decisions where you work...

And glad you decided that animals are winning...

that looks like one of my decision flow charts that they think we will look at during a inbound phone call at work.
good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38078 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 38080 - Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 12:03:37 UTC - in response to Message 38078.  
Last modified: 21 Mar 2007, 12:04:46 UTC

that not nice to say they're "dummer", they're just "specially challenged"

well we are technical support and we have to make decisions to solve problems.
but management with all their brilliance really is dummer than we are.

sheeesh, you're lucky, can't believe they actually let you make decisions where you work...

And glad you decided that animals are winning...

that looks like one of my decision flow charts that they think we will look at during a inbound phone call at work.
good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38080 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
Profile Angus

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Joined: 17 Sep 05
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Message 38094 - Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 14:46:10 UTC

At least they can probably spell "dumber", and most likely would not use it anyway, since it's grammatically incorrect. "Dumb" means unable to speak, therefor "dumber" or "dummer" (sic) comparative terms do not exist. You are either dumb, or not. In your case....

Proudly Banned from Predictator@Home and now Cosmology@home as well. Added SETI to the list today. Temporary ban only - so need to work harder :)

"You can't fix stupid" (Ron White)
ID: 38094 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 38096 - Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 15:11:19 UTC - in response to Message 38080.  

Hence the use of quotation marks around the word.

As per The Oxford English Dictionary


• adjective 1 unable to speak; lacking the power of speech. 2 temporarily unable or unwilling to speak. 3 informal, chiefly N. Amer. stupid. 4 (of a computer terminal) having no independent processing capability.

• verb 1 (dumb down) N. Amer. informal make or become less intellectually challenging. 2 literary silence.

— DERIVATIVES dumbly adverb dumbness noun.

— USAGE Avoid dumb in the sense meaning ‘not able to speak’, as it likely to cause offence; use alternatives such as speech-impaired.

— ORIGIN Old English.

that not nice to say they're "dummer", they're just "specially challenged"

well we are technical support and we have to make decisions to solve problems.
but management with all their brilliance really is dummer than we are.

sheeesh, you're lucky, can't believe they actually let you make decisions where you work...

And glad you decided that animals are winning...

that looks like one of my decision flow charts that they think we will look at during a inbound phone call at work.
good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

ID: 38096 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
Profile Greg_BE

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Joined: 30 May 06
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Message 38100 - Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 19:04:45 UTC - in response to Message 38080.  
Last modified: 21 Mar 2007, 19:10:25 UTC

From the Merriam-Webster dictonary
Explanation 6 fits the way management acts
Main Entry: 1dumb
Pronunciation: 'd&m
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German tumb mute
1 a : lacking the human power of speech <dumb animals> b of a person, often offensive : lacking the ability to speak
2 : temporarily unable to speak (as from shock or astonishment) <struck dumb with fear>
3 : not expressed in uttered words <dumb grief>
5 : lacking some usual attribute or accompaniment; especially : having no means of self-propulsion <a dumb barge>
6 a : lacking intelligence : STUPID b : showing a lack of intelligence <asking dumb questions> c : requiring no intelligence <dumb luck>
7 : not having the capability to process data <a dumb terminal> -- compare INTELLIGENT 3a
synonym see STUPID

that not nice to say they're "dummer", they're just "specially challenged"

well we are technical support and we have to make decisions to solve problems.
but management with all their brilliance really is dummer than we are.

sheeesh, you're lucky, can't believe they actually let you make decisions where you work...

And glad you decided that animals are winning...

that looks like one of my decision flow charts that they think we will look at during a inbound phone call at work.
good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

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Profile Angus

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Message 38114 - Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 2:12:15 UTC

I don't see "dummer" mentioned anywhere in there.

I doubt if that makes you less "dumm" than any of those dictionaries.
Proudly Banned from Predictator@Home and now Cosmology@home as well. Added SETI to the list today. Temporary ban only - so need to work harder :)

"You can't fix stupid" (Ron White)
ID: 38114 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 38118 - Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 3:03:16 UTC - in response to Message 38100.  

But I DO see an entry for "angus", to wit:

Aberdeen Angus

• noun a breed of hornless black beef cattle originating in Scotland.

Geez, don't think I'd want to be known as "hornless" (ouch!), lol !

From the Merriam-Webster dictonary
Explanation 6 fits the way management acts
Main Entry: 1dumb
Pronunciation: 'd&m
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German tumb mute
1 a : lacking the human power of speech <dumb animals> b of a person, often offensive : lacking the ability to speak
2 : temporarily unable to speak (as from shock or astonishment) <struck dumb with fear>
3 : not expressed in uttered words <dumb grief>
5 : lacking some usual attribute or accompaniment; especially : having no means of self-propulsion <a dumb barge>
6 a : lacking intelligence : STUPID b : showing a lack of intelligence <asking dumb questions> c : requiring no intelligence <dumb luck>
7 : not having the capability to process data <a dumb terminal> -- compare INTELLIGENT 3a
synonym see STUPID

that not nice to say they're "dummer", they're just "specially challenged"

well we are technical support and we have to make decisions to solve problems.
but management with all their brilliance really is dummer than we are.

sheeesh, you're lucky, can't believe they actually let you make decisions where you work...

And glad you decided that animals are winning...

that looks like one of my decision flow charts that they think we will look at during a inbound phone call at work.
good thing we've got a logical unit driver available in reserve...

so now that the editorial is done, its time to resume our normal unlogical programming
he's a lost cause sammer
well, now that we know where the beef is,
maybe angus can tell us where his RAC is...

Mmmm... Beef <-- wheres the beef? Wendy's! nice local beef for the burgers
angus dude, where's all that crunchin' power? 318k and now, almost zero RAC for Boinc? <-- hes to busy chasing the other cows and trying to stick his oscar meyer into them.

sign me up for one of those!!!

heres what happens when Angus met the humans

Do ya think our friend Angus is full of "bull", lol ?!

"Where's the beef ?!"

Poor angus is losing his flipping mad cow diseased brain. He must have forgotten who he is.

318k Rosetta credits, not too shabby from the "Pitcairn Islands" (wink, wink)

But why the low RAC? "Where's the beef", Angus?! (lol !)

it helped my friend towelie...

this should help you as well

something in here should work, i think... maybe the yellow one?


Don't worry, I'll be all right. As soon as the medication wears off, or kicks in. @:^P

Speaking of, small question: Does this Rosetta work on the common cold virus at all? They'd be friggin' annoying. @:^)

i've been spammed by Angus (beef)....

Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.


Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!

Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam

You have just been spaamed!!! Have a nice day

there must be some subliminal postings happening, all of the sudden i am thinking about

and now, time for something completely different...

time to bring in the lawyers, although penguin is not complaining about the full body search the nice policewoman gave him...

to break corruption we called in a female specialist in breaking or creating corruption depending on the type. she will arrest penguin and then show us humans what corruption is all about

[begin penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]
Corruption?! Where?!
[end penguin stuffing envelope of anchovies into his tuxedo pocket]

You know, if I had any kids participating in this, they'd be corrupted by all you guys... And I'd thank you guys when the future wife isn't watching. Hehe.

of the animals leading the humans...

back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
no objection...

No, but she is....

Is there a video available, lol ?!

A very nice picture......
Can you "rent" this lady for my lovely friend Penguin?
For Penguin from a human lady

Thank you very much for this very nice picture.....
could you give me a meeting point?
This works for me, lol !

Thank you for the nice picture.......
But I prefer a real tiger lady, not a picture......
BTW The animals are in front.
Here's a "centerfold" for our tiger friend...

I am looking for an animal tiger lady, not a lady on a tigers back!
BTW we are in front, the animals!
this is the only way to go with big furry cats

A really nice pciture for humans, but I prefer a tiger lady....
So, the animals are in front
The winners are Hooters girls and they are human

You are right..... The winner are always: THE ANIMALS!!
Have a nice day....

There are all too young, and there are no animals, but in the bed?
The animals are in front
Here is the one of the hotter babes in the movie world

and if not her then:

You mean super flucuating cup size washed up ex model

What's about the old baywatch team? e.g. Pamela Anderson...
And the winner is: THE ANIMALS!!
Mmmm... Lara Croft... <drool> <drool> <drool>

the new lara croft

Hmmmm... How does one respond to this...? Like what I see though. @:^)

Eithor way, us humans are in still leading here. Yay!!!

Hows this for abstract art of Adam & Eve?
Ohhhhhhhh, I love this picture of my lovely friend Puff
It is a really good shot......
BTW The animals are in front!
No, no, no... That's "Puff", the cousin of Tiger's friend.

Here's Tiger's friend:

This is your dragon

Actually, penguins prefer the product made by Tiger's animal friend, Dragon:

Penguins peck and tigers paw at keyboards this should take care of your problems.
The animals have a special keyboard, a very very big.....keyboard...
It is called animals keyboard :-)

Hmmm... I don't know about that one. Us humans are very crafty. BTW, I've got a question for you guys... How do Penguines and Tigers type exactly...?

A new nice and warm and sunny day has started.
The animals are in front!
If its a "mass conversion" (the more, the merrier), then i'm up to it...

That certainly would be a different way to "win"

And they are dressed like penguins, so maybe they should be converting you.
Golly gee wilikers, they certainly have very nice, umm, arms...

I'll send these lovely Mormon missionary girls to convert you if you aren't carefull

Uh-oh. I smell another "Cold-War" coming around. So much for early retirement. @:^P

Nothing like a good ole fashioned "arms race" (dang, I miss the Soviet Union...)

Anyway, I win!

Well this armada of HARM missle loaded planes will take care of that pesky thing

Good thing i'm a patriotic penguin... have some patriot missles just lying around...

yeah well my trained tigershark can take out your warthog anyday and just to add another element of fun to this plane game, try this

and to win tiger over to my side there is this:

It's a "warthog", silly! A worthog is an animal, just as is a tigershark.

Animals in the lead!

Your A-10 vs my Tigershark plane.

Funny how penguins resort to using a HUMAN invention to hide behind... @:^P

[penguin trips and falls to the ground just as the human's last shot passes overhead. silly humans, they always shoot their loads too quickly...

penguin remains down on the ground as the a-10 "warthogs" he's called in for close air support have the human sniper doing a tap-dance...]

the human pulls out a sniper rifle and aims, see if you can out run a bullet
[switching to turbo-waddle]

Mmmmm.... Penguin meat... <drool> <drool> <drool>

gotta catch one first... [begin waddle-overdrive]

Grilled Penguin fillets
Yes, thank goodness its fry-day...

you and your fleas have upset the weather Gods over here and we have clouds and sprinkles. but yes it is friday at last.
As nice and lovely day has begun at the and of this work week
And the animals are on top
hope you don't say that to female belgians...

it all tastes like chicken to me

@greg_be: you must be thinking of caviar, cuz fish don't fly either...

Why do you want to eat Penguin eggs? Eating Penguin eggs are not nice.....
I thought Penguin eggs were the same as chicken eggs being that they are both birds that don't fly.
Cannibalism, it's whats for breakfast. I hear humans taste like chicken...

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh that is the fight between animals and the human race
And your are below the animals.....
your the one hacking up furballs all the time, not us, you four legged scrap eater.
the human people.......
and who is mangey? You? The animals are on top position!
Hey, who are you calling ugly, ya mangey cat? @:^P

I miss you Penguin, we have to fight for our position against the ugly humans....
Animals... Animals... Animals...

No, then the humans will start a new one so it will be us that will win yet again

That is all right but the last post wins and the winner is...: the animals ;-)
Thats the whole idea, try to get them to be as large or larger than the pyramids of Egypt. I want to see if we can fill the whole page out with the
marks before we move on.

I think our pyramids are getting as large as those in Luxor

And the animals are on the top haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What page blow out, going to run this thing until it crashes lol
Gotta watch out for that page blow-out...

Well you can't really disprove that he is human. And being it hasn't flooded in many many many ice ages, the ark is stuck on top of some mountain after the last bad bad flood.
Are you really sure about your writing?
Where is the ark?
BTW the humans are below the animals.
Yeah, God is human and he created animals. It took the humans to build the ark to transport the animals and humans ride the animals for recreation today.
Oh yeah? My God made your God. @:^P

BTW, humans rock.

And the animals have the great Zeus , so you have no chance.....
BTW You are under the animals........ haa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ahhh, but Xena will save the day as she always does and if not, then Noah will help us out.
And we call Neptun for flooding the countries....
The humans call upon Thor and his friends to thunder and rain upon the animals while the humans enjoy Sol and his friends for a good suntan.
A new day has begun and once again, no others then the animals are in front....
The animals like bowling with Belgian humans we shot them down as bowling pins...
such a nice rolly polly penguin, time to go bowling and score a strike on the tiger pins.
i'm sorry, that's not the correct answer. but thank you for playing. tiger, tell greg_be about the consolation prizes he'll be receiving...

welcome stranger, the goal here is to create the longest pyramid possible in a months time. so please keep with the pyramid in your posts.

and now I win, the animals lose

Me now!

BTW: This is my first post!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

You sound like you're singing a Queen song. Is that what tigers do when they've been drinking? @:^P

Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
We will hunt you......
Hes just looking for a excuse to turn into a true waddling bird, not just immitation
Good Morning Penguin: Is this "tea" a virgin drink?
NEVER too early for a good ole Long Island Iced Tea...

It is a little early for a drink....... Bu the animals are in front once again
Hmmm... You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a drunk tiger... Wanna drink? @:^P

A new week has been started and as usal the animals are in front without any alcohol
I thought that it looked familiar... Mmmm... Alcohol...

Ethyl is your friend...

Trying to remember what that is and getting a headache... Sounds tasty, though... @:^)
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of C2-H5-OH

Definetly - say tomorrow at 9am?
Hey Greg, maybe we can discuss this over a Tiger Steak sandwich and Penguine Eggs... @:^P

No you are below the humans as usal
You are below the animals as always....
You animals always think your on top but yet you always end on the bottm. Must be to hot at the top as the sun is shining today.
At a new day the animals are always on top!

you are right, the strongest take the lead.... the ANIMALS
Well, if the strong survive, then the strong shall inheret the lead... Go humans! @:^P

That is true, just the strongest will live....
Animals do not kill for fun like humans.....
no worse than your species hunting and killing off other species
nice world, humans shoot humans.....
The animals take the lead...
humans rarely shoot themselves unless they are rednecks, then anything can happen
And shot yourself?
The animals are take over the lead from you ;-)
Well, you can keep thinking that while I get out my hunting rifle. @:^P

Shhhh. I'm huntin' wabbit! Heheeheh.

Sorry, no chance.... The animals ARE STILL ON THE TOP ;-)
And yet, humans are STILL on the top of the food chain. Woohoo! @:^P

On this rainy day the animals are keeping the top place!
If Belgians can, why can't penguins? Or do you recommend Canadian service women instead, eh?

So penguins enjoy Belgian prostitutes? Interesting... @:^P

Penguin enjoying Belgian service women...

Well since the Penguin is orbiting the moon with the cow, its time for the humans to watch the show.
The Penguin will be back soon. In the meantime I will take the first place for the lovely animals!
Go find some penguin to chase while we enjoy our service women
The animals are back and claim the top spot while humans have to do the work...
The animals were on top and now the human has come back to claim the top spot while the animals go out and do their thing.
The animals are stick on top of the pyramid......on this lovley rainy morning
Oops... Minor typos here... should have been "plane" and "train" there. Ah well, humans stick on top of the pyramid / food chain. @:^P
But would you, could you eat them in a plan? Would you, could you, eat them in a plane? @:^P
i will not eat them in a boat, i will not eat them with a goat...

green eggs and ham anyone? thats just in case penguin eggs don't work out
Say, does anybody know if penguin eggs go good with toast? @:^P

the work day is almost done, finally!!!
A new work day has begun...
And the animals take over the lead..
99 bottles of Belgian beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Belgian beer, if one
of the bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of Belgian beer on the

Penguins in slingshots fly very nicely and are good for long distance bowling
Haven't they taught you that Penguins wobble, but they don't fall down ?!

time to set up the bowling pins and bowl the penguin on the snow. I hear they slide very nicely.
Penguin semi-happy with the 3 inches of snow that New York received last night instead of the 6-9 inches that were expected...

The animals did not hog the beer, they hog the humans and the beer
But the animals take the lead now...
As long as the animals didn't hog all the beer. Because if they did, then it'd be huntin' season... @:^P
Mmmm.... Duff...
The animals have done the hunt and use a refrigerator today.
In this case, the animals take the lead.
the animals have to eat during the day, so go hunt and the humans will take over
The animals are dry, they do not neet to go out for food like humans
In this case, the animals will take over the first place again..
The animals are all wet and they left to dry out, so the humans take over on a rainy Monday.
On a new work week, the animals take the lead...... on a rainy Monday morning
just on and off sprinkles at this humans location. WTG Eric! let the animals know that humans rule.
What? There's no rain here. At least I hope there isn't. @:^P

At any rate, the humans remain the masters. @:^)

the animals take the lead on rainy and stormy day
The human takes over
The animals are leading.... ;-)
hes busy chasing female faux tuxedos again, trying to find some nooky
How is your life,Penguin
At the public library, moving away from pointy stick...

And here I am fighting off animals with a pointy stick... @:^P
Temporary reinforcements for Tiger...

Morning? Already??? Oh wait, yeah I work nights. But the humans are leading again. :P

It is a nice morning and the animal group is leading.....
She will take all your animal hair and make a nice fur hat to wear out to the partys.
Hey, just a thought here, but do you think if we were to get Britney Spears in here, the animals will become bald???

Who is being below the throne?
Ah ah ah, I understand, Belgian are below the throne.......
no you are below the throne yet again

O.K. I will do it
But the animal group is leading now!

just ignore the one who destroys things and use this to start again

No chance for whom? hahahaha.... I understand, for humans.......

yeah no chance for you

What do you mean? Human leadings?
No chance.....

No the humans are leading now

Let us build a new pyramid
The animal group is leading..... ;-)

damn, i was trying to get a good long pyramid going here and an outsider human broke it

The pyramids just ain't what they used to be.

back to this theme would make a good fur coat for some lady
You have no chance to win!
The animals will win the hole amount!
Need RAH to compute the most likely winning numbers for the EU lottery. Then I could stay home.
At my place now, it is a foggy day.... in our mountain region there is a sunny day...
And we have to work inside because of not having enough money on our bank account
Its nice outside, what are we doing inside working?
The last workday of this week has just begun.... ;-)
who started all this silliness?

yeah I am in grand form for sarcasm here today
Full of dark sarcasm, the best in GB
Only the best stuff
Monty Python's Flying Circus, I love it
Here is the full length lyrics of Monty Python's Spam song
ACK!!! GET IT IN, GET IT IN, I love it....
ACK!!! It's now fermenting in my neurons!!!! Get it out, GET IT OUT!!!

Here is Weird Al lyrics

Yeah, something like that. After reading the last few responces to this thread, I've got "Spam" in my head. So thanks alot guys! Hehe.

Or just lyric?
This is starting to sound like a Weird Al song...

spam burritos according to google are the best
fish and chips and spam
Egg and spam
Egg, bacon and spam
Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, bacon, sausage and spam
Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam
Spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam
Spam, sausage, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, tomato and spam

junk mail no not really, thats pretty tightly regulated here, and spam well my email account does a good job of filtering it out, i give it a quick glance every now and then and hit delete all. so not so much of a problem.
The same applies for you, greg be ;-)
well i am sure the junk mailers and spamers know who you are.
i don't even want to know how many "lists" I'm already on...

watch out the nsa might be monitoring your card
Ahhh, you under-estimate Big Brother's abilities, just the way he wants you to...

Correction- plastic says that you have been to VS, but not what you purchased unless you have the nice piece of paper from the hot babe that says what you purchased.
Ahh, but dead presidents tell no tales (i.e., are anonymous), while plastic magnets allow Big Brother
and Uncle LEO and Aunt LEA to know what you've purchased at Victoria's Secrets...

Dead presidents are not as good as a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip that has a nice high value attached to it. That is what female persons like the most.
It is Valentine's Day......
And I thought that female persons liked colored paper with pictures of (insert correct local country information here) dead presidents on them...

Yes, it is a stormy and rainy day.... Do you fall in love?
Indeed we do not know yet, however it is gray outside so it looks like the water will be dropping again. I am off to seek a colored paper thing they call a card to present to a female person.
A new day has begun and we do not know, wehter this day is good or bad...
Sounds like a great ending to a day...

I drank, I ate, I watched video and had some fun with the women on irc, watched some video and now its late so off to bed.
time for one of you crazies to visit word link and get that started again.
Ahh, sit back and have a brewski...

well i got out to the shelter for two wheel motorized vehicles and warm up the engine and then go back the way i came to work. Was a little rougher tonight with the wind, but not to much rain when I left. A bit harder rain now.
But its usually dark in the back alleys...

Safe travels are for the feighnt (sp??) of heart. I say, look for trouble in back alleys. That always makes for an interesting trip. :P

Safe travels...

Almost time to leave this insane place and it has turned to light rain for the ride home.
Morning! Appears to be clear and sunny, but very c-o-l-d nonetheless...

A sun break in Belgium? We have a cloudy and windy day here with a little bit of rain
Its a lovely day outside on this side of the ponds, but I don't get to see much of it. Will have a sun break at lunch.
[quote]Have a good sleep.... See you later on this day.....
[quote]Time for penguin to hit the igloo for the night. G'mornin' to those on the other side of the pond...

[quote]A new week is starting and we all want to have fun....
[quote]Having some of grandma's cooking...

[quote]nope it aint anything close to that, are you sure yor a flippering penguin or a smart ass? lol - off to my roost, hope eric fed you
[quote]Is that anything like grammar, lol ?!

And he still remembers to visit with his Italian grandma (it's her 96th b'day on Wednesday, yes, she's a Valentine's baby)...

[quote]a penguin that knows grammer! amazing
[quote]Is that anything like demanding too much fish from humans, lol ?!

[quote]demanding to much fish from humans
[quote]What crimes were they convicted of?

[quote]Only in Zoos...

[quote]Are there penguins in Canada?

[quote]you broke the pyramid, so go feed the animals

[quote]Ooops. Forgot what settings I had when responding there. Ah well, I STILL RULE!!! HAHA!!!

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