You are cordially invited to a BBQ PARTY!!!!!

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Message 20256 - Posted: 15 Jul 2006, 17:37:20 UTC
Last modified: 15 Jul 2006, 17:39:50 UTC

Well people, we are close to the end of CASP 7 and the chefs at Baker Lab, need a lot of computing heat to cook/crunch those last pesky protein models and to refine and fine tune those last models.

So the guys and gals at XtremeSystems ( the number one Rosetta Team in the world :) ) are inviting you to a huge BBQ Party: "The Here we Go with Gusto Roast" .

The rules for the party are simple:

1- If you have a computer that is not running Rosetta , hook it on.

2- If any of your teammates has stopped running Rosetta , ask him/her to rejoin your team effort.

3- If you know some one that is not running Rosetta, invite him/her to do so.

4- Use your common sense: do not try to be a superhero. Please remeber that the enviromental variables ( the freaking heat), the electric bill, and your ISP can produce the nasty surprise that your computers may have to sut down. We do not need that. A computer that is not running doesnt help us.

5- If you are running multiple DC projects , think about the posibility of going 100% Rosetta during these next 2-3 weeks and then go back to your regular schedulle after August 7.

At XtremeSystems we have fired up the BBQ's .... we hope to see the same in all the teams and the individuals that participate regardless of team affiliation. Right now there is only a team that matters: BAKER LAB's CASP 7 TEAM... let's give them all the heat and power they need...

In Friendship


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Message 20269 - Posted: 15 Jul 2006, 21:44:13 UTC

Joined the party.

Just turned on to 80% Rosetta - hope my little bit helps out. Will have to wait a few days before E@H Seti and others cache's drain. I guess that is a problem with a 7 day cache setting..

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Message 20272 - Posted: 15 Jul 2006, 22:04:50 UTC - in response to Message 20269.  

Joined the party.

Just turned on to 80% Rosetta - hope my little bit helps out. Will have to wait a few days before E@H Seti and others cache's drain. I guess that is a problem with a 7 day cache setting..

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Profile Daniel Michel

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Message 20284 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 5:57:45 UTC

Just answered the call for more crunchers today...Let this be a BIG party.
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Message 20287 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 8:31:45 UTC

WE gave it a good shot. Between Jose,Myself and one of the admins we had 2 threads going in the forum on this and "bumped" them all day to keep it in peoples eyes.
498,000+today, a good day and considering that 85% of the US is in a heatwave I am amazed that our members are hanging tough on this.
I know this doesn't cross the minds of people working in air conditioned labs and offices, but you would be amazed at how many members have a choice, turn on the AC, or crunch the work units.Not only as a cost issue, but of a lot of these homes don't have the modern elec service to handle a 1/2 dozen PC's and also the demands of AC..
This isn't a sob story, just wanted to let you know how dedicated some of these people are.
On a positive note, our Kentsfield cpu finished it's first day of crunching and even though the owner fell asleep before the last update and missed getting 5 WU in he managed to score over 7300 points for the day. I did the math and this machine should do app 8500 points a day. It scales better than 2 conroes of the same speed which is essentially what it is.
We're working on getting another for the team but they are hard to come by.
Best of luck to all,
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Message 20294 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 11:38:53 UTC

I will be happy to join the party as well. I will look into getting another used cruncher Monday at the college I am attending. Hopefully it will be cheap enough. Many of their older computers are 2.0-2.4 meg celerons.

I thought I might share another humorous something as well from another thread that I posted to:

When I heard the news that Rosetta was in need of additional crunching for the next couple of weeks, I thought I would answer the call and pressed the no new tasks button for my other projects. That will certainly help.

[cough] But that was the good news. The bad news was the experiment to get more crunching power out of my hosts for the next couple of weeks. I thought I would tap my hosts directly into the power lines leading into my apartment building. [cough!] It didn't work out too well. I was wondering what other experiments crunchers were doing to help get more crunch for the same buck from their hosts.


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Message 20302 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 13:10:29 UTC

I'm in! Currently I'm only accepting work for Rosetta and Einstein, with Rosetta having a larger resource share.
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Message 20307 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 15:00:15 UTC - in response to Message 20256.  

4- Use your common sense: do not try to be a superhero. Please remeber that the enviromental variables ( the freaking heat), the electric bill, and your ISP can produce the nasty surprise that your computers may have to sut down. We do not need that. A computer that is not running doesnt help us.

I don't get to be a Superhero? That just sux....when I joined the project it was because of the understanding I would get to dress up in tights and gain 'super powers'......

I can't express how disappointed I am.....

Seriously though, I've dedicated more resources to Rosetta. I just wish we had that 'tell your friends' feature functional.

Founder of BOINC GROUP - Objectivists - Philosophically minded rational data crunchers.

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Message 20308 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 15:16:05 UTC

I now have 7 computers running Rosetta 100% and I am working on getting other people's computers running Rosetta.
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Profile adrianxw

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Message 20311 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 16:03:40 UTC

I don't think it is ethical for a project to ask people to stop crunching other projects and concentrate on theirs. I understand the reason behind it, but it "tastes bad".

I had already upped my R@H quota for the duration of CASP, I refuse to let down my other projects further, and letting them down is how I regard it.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
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Profile Bob Bowen

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Message 20314 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 16:30:52 UTC

Just went over 100,000 Rosetta.

I am now at 100% Rosetta!
Join our Great Team at Team-SciFi

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Message 20318 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 17:09:48 UTC - in response to Message 20307.  

4- Use your common sense: do not try to be a superhero. Please remeber that the enviromental variables ( the freaking heat), the electric bill, and your ISP can produce the nasty surprise that your computers may have to sut down. We do not need that. A computer that is not running doesnt help us.

I don't get to be a Superhero? That just sux....when I joined the project it was because of the understanding I would get to dress up in tights and gain 'super powers'......

I can't express how disappointed I am.....

Seriously though, I've dedicated more resources to Rosetta. I just wish we had that 'tell your friends' feature functional.

Everyone!!!! Big or Small is a hero!!!!

Please post a picture of yourself in tights!!!. If you do so you are a braver person than me!!!!! I am just getting my face painted like Braveheart!!!!! (They are the colors of my team) and I am shaving my makes for better areodynamics!!!!! LOL LOL

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Profile JChojnacki

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Message 20321 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 18:49:45 UTC - in response to Message 20311.  
Last modified: 16 Jul 2006, 18:54:18 UTC

I don't think it is ethical for a project to ask people to stop crunching other projects and concentrate on theirs. I understand the reason behind it, but it "tastes bad".

Sorry, but no one asked anyone to stop crunching for other projects!!

All that was asked it that if you can, then please crunch more for Rosetta, not only Rosetta. One way would be to set your other projects to no new work during the requested time frame. Then, BOINC will eventually even things back out, based on your resource share, over time, because of your long term debt.

This is just but ONE way to help the Rosetta team during this crunch time. There are a few other types of things that could be done as well. However, if you are concerned for your other projects, which is perfectly fine with everyone here, don't change anything.

I would like to thank you, adrianxw, for all your BOINC efforts. Both here at Rosetta and for all your other projects as well. I personally think BOINC and what can be done with it, is the greatest thing to happen to science in a long time. Crunch on!


P.S. Here is hoping the BBQ Party is a success. Oh, and tasty too. ;-)

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Message 20324 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 19:38:33 UTC

I've put the AMD 64 Athlon XP 3200+ laptop in the floor over an airconditioning vent. Flat before...but "Quit'n'Cool" doesn't slow us down.

There are other BOINC projects???
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Message 20325 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 19:42:53 UTC - in response to Message 20311.  

I don't think it is ethical for a project to ask people to stop crunching other projects and concentrate on theirs. I understand the reason behind it, but it "tastes bad".

I had already upped my R@H quota for the duration of CASP, I refuse to let down my other projects further, and letting them down is how I regard it.

Why not? It's up to you to decide whether or not to do this or that. You're a free human being. Noone is sabotaging another project through nefarious means. Are we not wise enough to decide what to crunch when ?
Founder of BOINC GROUP - Objectivists - Philosophically minded rational data crunchers.

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Message 20326 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 20:08:11 UTC - in response to Message 20325.  

I don't think it is ethical for a project to ask people to stop crunching other projects and concentrate on theirs. I understand the reason behind it, but it "tastes bad".

I had already upped my R@H quota for the duration of CASP, I refuse to let down my other projects further, and letting them down is how I regard it.

Why not? It's up to you to decide whether or not to do this or that. You're a free human being. Noone is sabotaging another project through nefarious means. Are we not wise enough to decide what to crunch when ?

And if you feel like it's bad to ask for more share or even exclusive share during the next 3 weeks - then give Rosetta the exclusive share for the next 3 weeks, and cut back on Rosetta afterwards until you've manually balanced your boinc share between your other projects.

This is like harvest time for a hand picked crop - there's work to be done before the harvest; there's work to be done after the harvest. But during the harvest, there is a tremendous need for extra help to get everything harvested while it's ripe. Parents used to get their 5 year old children out there with a pail picking the fruit/vegetables to help get the crops in on time.
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Profile adrianxw

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Message 20327 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 20:08:57 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jul 2006, 20:16:20 UTC

Sorry, but no one asked anyone to stop crunching for other projects!!

To quote the OP in this very thread...
If you are running multiple DC projects , think about the posibility of going 100% Rosetta during these next 2-3 weeks and then go back to your regular schedulle after August 7.

... yes they did.

Believe me, I do understand the current issue, but I also, as you may have checked, support many projects. If all of them start doing doe eyed appeals for "just a few weeks" then they all suffer, because nobody will, cynicism sets in.

The majority of BOINC projects have a lot to offer to the scientific community at large, there are some frivilous ones, we can choose to ignore them. I know other projects that have, sadly for them, upped their stakes in BOINC just as the crunchers swang to R@H for CASP, I feel bad about that.

R@H is still my favourite project at the moment, because of the involvment of the project scientists and feedback, may it long be so, but the others, who work just as hard, deserve some loyalty as well.

I am not knocking, I just do not feel comfortable with the current "begging bowl" direction. It is not just for the next two weeks, we were asked already to up our quotas at the start of CASP in May.

Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
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Message 20328 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 20:17:27 UTC - in response to Message 20311.  

I don't think it is ethical for a project to ask people to stop crunching other projects and concentrate on theirs. I understand the reason behind it, but it "tastes bad".

I had already upped my R@H quota for the duration of CASP, I refuse to let down my other projects further, and letting them down is how I regard it.

Then don't =- why did you even respond to this thread - Just to start a flame fest - if this is what you want - post over at Seti Cafe.

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Profile adrianxw

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Message 20330 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 20:46:12 UTC

Just to start a flame fest - if this is what you want

I did not. Check my posts here, you will find them steady and reasonable. I did think, however, that the community here was adult enough to take a counter point without generating hysteria.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
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Message 20333 - Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 22:08:34 UTC - in response to Message 20330.  
Last modified: 16 Jul 2006, 22:09:36 UTC

Just to start a flame fest - if this is what you want

I did not. Check my posts here, you will find them steady and reasonable. I did think, however, that the community here was adult enough to take a counter point without generating hysteria.

Adrian please re read: "think about the possibility"is not the same think as do!!!. The people at Baker Lab realize that not everyone is running a 100% Rosetta, nor can they expect it. They need help and they are asking for a little extra help. Those of us that can give it, will ; those who cannot, cannot. (Please notice I have asked people to be cautious about their rigs, we dont want frying computers)

I doubt there is any other team at the CASP trials that depends so much on distributed computing as Rosetta, nor any other one so successful in harnessing the power of DC in their endeavors.

But, there is a reality that they are facing in the next 10 days or so, they are being bombarded with some of the largest and some of the most complex models to predict and more important to refine. This at a time where DC participation is usually reduced due to environmental factors: it is freaking hot all over the world and computers when they overheat ;they crash (So many DCers tend to rest during the Summer.) Crunch time is now!!!! So every little bit helps.

That said: please understand why the call for help and why the wording. I for one do not see anything nefarious in being asked to switch priorities every now and then. I belong to a team of crunchers and there have been times I have been asked to switch some computing share to help members of my team doing other projects. From what I know, that is normal in many teams.

So and I say this to all. No need to get hyper


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