5.4.9 vs Trux for Claimed Credit

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Message 19602 - Posted: 1 Jul 2006, 3:24:00 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jul 2006, 3:35:33 UTC

I have just started running Rosetta again and am using Trux's calibrated client. I would like to upgrade to Boinc 5.4.9 to be able to use Bam but am somewhat hesitant as this and other hosts I have had in the past with Boinc stock clients have claimed notooriously low.(terrible benchmarks always claiming low vs other like hosts) I have been intensly doing Einstein over the past few months and it does not make a bit of difference using Trux now for Einstein or Seti now because of counting flops or fixed credit but still wonder about the projects like Rossetta that still use benchmarks... Can anyone help guide me here?
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Message 19619 - Posted: 1 Jul 2006, 9:14:57 UTC

I think a new benchmark is in the works (possibly in testing on ralph?) - I'm not sure if there's a plan to move to flops counting but I hope it's soon!
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Message 19642 - Posted: 1 Jul 2006, 16:15:47 UTC

Boinc Studio is based on 5.4.9 and does calibration, too.

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Message 19647 - Posted: 1 Jul 2006, 16:43:51 UTC - in response to Message 19642.  

Boinc Studio is based on 5.4.9 and does calibration, too.

Thanks Terry for the advice I will try it :)
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Message 19723 - Posted: 3 Jul 2006, 2:48:15 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jul 2006, 2:51:57 UTC

I can't recall exactly which forum I read this on (I run 7 projects:P), but there's a way to run the truxoft client with BOINC 5.4.9. Just install 5.4.9, then copy over all the BOINC files except for the boinc.dll file from the truxoft calibrating client 5.2.13. Although this does nothing for SETI or Einstein (as they have switched to an entirely new way of calculating credit that is more even) ,it still works for most of my projects. Technically the client will consider itself 5.2.13tx37, but all the statistics, functions, etc. will be from 5.4.9 and help-->about show 5.4.9. I tried BOINC Studio but it just didn't suit my needs (seems to be more useful for somebody with several computers running BOINC) so I just thought this would help.

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Message 19725 - Posted: 3 Jul 2006, 5:07:32 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jul 2006, 5:11:18 UTC

Thanks SurlyDuff as what I have found is BoincStudio and to a greater degree Boincview use up way too much of my cpu cycles. My lil ol farm is all in 1 house and doesn't need the tools given to manage and take up WAY too much of my meager resources.I can find what I need online and by manually watching and adjusting am much more efficient. Being able to use Bam will be beneficial to me when I go out of town on vacation,and will be more confident still using Trux for LHC and Rosetta so I won't get screwed on credits....This idea of yours should work....I do hope the next generation of Boinc calibrates clients on projects using benchmarks...
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Message 19745 - Posted: 3 Jul 2006, 22:29:57 UTC

I've heard in this forum that the project management frowns on the use of calibrating or optimized clients in Rosetta. It would be nice if the project management would make a statement of policy on this issue.

I use a plain vanilla 5.4.9 client and I too feel I'm being shorted on credit but I personally think optimized and calibrating clients in this project are improper. Having said this, I don't think it's possible for the project management to do anything with regard to requiring the use of a plain vanilla client. After all, anybody can make their own client that does whatever it is they want it to do.

If and when the project implements an 'internal' credit award system I expect we'll see alot of complaints from the people now using optimized and calibrating clients, much like what has happened at SETI and Einstein. Even so, I think it will be fairer than it is now. I regularly see results claiming 4 to 6 times the credit that I claim (adjusted for processor efficiency and WU run time).

I use the credits as a measure of my contribution to this project and when I see results with inflated credit claims it offends me. Is the computer that claims 4 times the credit contributing 4 times the work? I don't think so.

Yes, I'm just another disgruntled user. Thanks for listening to my rant.
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Message 19748 - Posted: 4 Jul 2006, 1:30:11 UTC

Having a crunching client that gives the same credit for Linux crunchers vs Windows crunchers will help eliminate one of the reasons for the calibrated cients.
And if you look at David Baker's post here. you'll see that there's plans for making the credit system fair for all.
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Message 19776 - Posted: 4 Jul 2006, 19:47:52 UTC

BAM will not work properly with Truxoft clients, even installing 5.4.9 you'll then be putting the older version back over it (though you'll have a newer boincmanager, that is all, boinc will still be the older version)

You will either need to use BoincStudio (just the 5.5.0 client not the whole package) if you want calibrating, though there is nothing to calibrate for rosetta@home or find a copy of Crunch3rs 5.5.0's boinc clients if you want to inflate the benchmark score (or want the 'return result immediatly' function like Truxoft has, not sure if boincstudio implemented that.)
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Message 19780 - Posted: 4 Jul 2006, 20:59:03 UTC - in response to Message 19776.  
Last modified: 4 Jul 2006, 21:02:47 UTC

BAM will not work properly with Truxoft clients, even installing 5.4.9 you'll then be putting the older version back over it (though you'll have a newer boincmanager, that is all, boinc will still be the older version)

You will either need to use BoincStudio (just the 5.5.0 client not the whole package) if you want calibrating, though there is nothing to calibrate for rosetta@home or find a copy of Crunch3rs 5.5.0's boinc clients if you want to inflate the benchmark score (or want the 'return result immediatly' function like Truxoft has, not sure if boincstudio implemented that.)

Its not so onerous as it may sound [inflate the benchmarks] even though thats what I am doing..... Its just I have a coppermine and a northwood that have for years claimed 20-40% low and was almost always the low in a quorum until optimized clients came along.... sometimes when I post a question like this I feel twinges of guilt that some posters act like I want to cheat(not aimed at you Fluffy and thanks for the heads up)...Is it so wrong to want to claim the same as the majority and not be underscoring? I mean Trux probably adds at most 20% not double or 400% or some other ridiculous figure
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Message 19781 - Posted: 4 Jul 2006, 21:42:19 UTC - in response to Message 19776.  

BAM will not work properly with Truxoft clients, even installing 5.4.9 you'll then be putting the older version back over it (though you'll have a newer boincmanager, that is all, boinc will still be the older version)

Although I haven't been able to connect to BAM, I still think it works with the trux client. It says that the account manager is temporarily unavailable but I was receiving this message even before I installed BOINC. I also tried the repair feature of BOINC 5.4.9 (to remove anything trux related, after backing up the folder) and I receive the same temporarily unavailable message. Therefore, I don't think installing the truxoft client over top of BOINC 5.4.9 has any affect on the functioning of BAM.

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Message 19827 - Posted: 6 Jul 2006, 13:42:01 UTC - in response to Message 19781.  

BAM will not work properly with Truxoft clients, even installing 5.4.9 you'll then be putting the older version back over it (though you'll have a newer boincmanager, that is all, boinc will still be the older version)

Although I haven't been able to connect to BAM, I still think it works with the trux client. It says that the account manager is temporarily unavailable but I was receiving this message even before I installed BOINC. I also tried the repair feature of BOINC 5.4.9 (to remove anything trux related, after backing up the folder) and I receive the same temporarily unavailable message. Therefore, I don't think installing the truxoft client over top of BOINC 5.4.9 has any affect on the functioning of BAM.

Ok it half works, (I used to run it) but you cannot attach/detach projects and some preferences as well as getting proper reading wia BAM, it needs to be a later version of the client (boinc.exe) preferably 5.4.9+ for all of it to work.

BUT I will warm you now
If you use Trux client then try to detach a project it will not (from BAM), it then sits in the detaching state, even if you try to re-attach.
Then comes the problem, if you do eventualy put a later version boinc.exe (either official 5.4.9, boincstudio/crunch3r 5.5.0 or the alpha testings 5.5.x) then it suddenly detaches you from the project.
Yes I know theis as 4 days worth of Rosetta@home and 1hrs downloading (dial-up) of new tasks went goodbye :-( when I did just that

P.S. Unless BoincStudio have fixed thier calibrating then you will massively overclaim on Rosetta@home since it use(d) the corection factor which is messed up at Rosetta due to the pick your own length tasks.

Goodluck and I recommend Crunch3rs 5.5.0 version :-)
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Message 19906 - Posted: 7 Jul 2006, 22:00:00 UTC - in response to Message 19827.  

Goodluck and I recommend Crunch3rs 5.5.0 version :-)

Got a link to that? ;)
Been trying to find it on google, but no luck :(

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Message 20063 - Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 9:05:57 UTC

There is an indirect link in every post of mine at the moment ;-)
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Message boards : Number crunching : 5.4.9 vs Trux for Claimed Credit

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