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![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 27 Sep 05 Posts: 252 Credit: 63,160 RAC: 0 |
The link Vester posted gives the definition as, "A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others." There's a song titled "Schadenfreude" from the musical Avenue Q. Very good play and very good song. It also explains the concept nicely. Check it out. The lyrics are here: Much better when listen to than when read but there are some laws or something that keep me from sharing the audio :) |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 Dec 05 Posts: 106 Credit: 1,000,020 RAC: 0 |
Would someone please remove this result that has been in my results stack since March 2? dag --Finding aliens is cool, but understanding the structure of proteins is useful. |
Mod.Sense Volunteer moderator Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 4018 Credit: 0 RAC: 0 |
Dag, we've got the issue of WUs sticking on the results page on our list of items that require the review of the project team. From what I can tell the problem is very rare, and has zero impact on your operations, and so I believe it's got a rather low priority. If I'm mistaken on the pervasiveness (I've seen post from about 3 people in total effected I believe) or the impact, be sure to let us know. Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense |
![]() Send message Joined: 19 Sep 05 Posts: 403 Credit: 537,991 RAC: 0 |
Would someone please remove this result that has been in my results stack since March 2? I have some to. This computer has 2 Here is 1 more and this computer has 2 Anders n ![]() |
Mod.Tymbrimi Volunteer moderator ![]() Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 148 Credit: 153 RAC: 0 |
27345 Here's a hotmail user that isn't receiving the emails from the Rosetta server. carl.h mentioned he wasn't receiving the message delete alerts on his hotmail account. Does someone else who uses a hotmail account want to test this and see if all the Rosetta messages are being stored in the junk/bulk mail folder on hotmail? Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Tymbrimi ROSETTA@home FAQ Moderator Contact |
Nemesis![]() Send message Joined: 12 Mar 06 Posts: 149 Credit: 21,395 RAC: 0 |
from mod email: Not confused at all. It is important to see which topics have been previously addressed, so as to not repeat a request, or to see what the resolution was. They both should be stickied, or left combined. Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. ![]() |
zombie67 [MM] Send message Joined: 11 Feb 06 Posts: 316 Credit: 6,621,003 RAC: 0 |
No annonymous moderators Annonymous or not, moderators should not have two accounts. Someone had a good analogy earlier in this thread: You *can't* be referee and player in the same game. No one can ever be sure you are really acting in a fair and unbiased manner....even if you do! So if you want to moderate, then great! Be a moderator. But that should mean giving up posting under your private acount for the duration. It also has the advantage of making the issue of anonymity moot. Reno, NV Team: SETI.USA |
Mod.Sense Volunteer moderator Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 4018 Credit: 0 RAC: 0 |
A response to Whl. Whl, your first deleted post, referred to as #15 was a quote of a post that had been deleted. Reposting content which we've already deleted once is a great way to get deleted again. It was deleted as "flamebait", because you refer to actions of others which you are predicting. You are putting words is someone else's mouth. This will only serve to insight a response from anyone that perceives you may have been referring to them... you see, this is what flamebait is. Moderators delete it, even if anything else in the post had merit in the thread it was in. Anyone seeing a post they find offensive to them or others should report it to us in the moderators contact thread... NOT the thread where the offense is posted. And responding to imflamatory statements is a great way to start a process which results in entire threads being deleted. When I deleted that first post I EMailed you the reasons. Your subsequent two posts about "Why was my post deleted?" are off-topic in any thread other then moderators contact thread 1000. Since they occured within 15min. of the first, and therefore you probably hadn't seen the resulting EMail, I did not detail a reason for deletion, simply flagged it as off-topic. Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense |
Whl. Send message Joined: 29 Dec 05 Posts: 203 Credit: 275,802 RAC: 0 |
A response to Whl. Who's mouth is that then ? This will only serve to insight a response from anyone that perceives you may have been referring to them... you see, this is what flamebait is. Moderators delete it, even if anything else in the post had merit in the thread it was in. They were in a thread about censorship LOL! Ok, so why were the ones, which are not marked in red and that I have no idea who modded deleted/hidden ? ![]() |
Mod.Tymbrimi Volunteer moderator ![]() Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 148 Credit: 153 RAC: 0 |
Whl: In the How's the Project Production Shaping Up? thread, a flamewar was started. it went like this: deleted post#1 - references to group "A" in a flamebait manner. deleted post#2 - quote of deleted post#1, reference to group "A" with flamebait comment. deleted post#3 - quote of deleted posts, reference to group "C" with flamebait comment. deleted post#4 - quote of deleted posts, material pertinent to the thread reposted with offending material removed. deleted post#5 - quote of deleted posts. deleted post#6 - quote of deleted posts, material pertinent to the thread reposted with offending material removed. Flame war. This is where I came in and reposted the non offending material. The flame war flared up again in the same thread. The thread was deleted. A new thread was created, and the threads prior to the first flame war were moved over. The flame war restarted. A third thread was created and the same beginning messages were moved over. A non flame war discussion continued in the 3rd thread. Discussion of personal moderation actions is probably better discussed in email. Deleting off topic messages and sending answers to your questions didn't seem to work. Would you mind writing to rosettamod at gmail dot com? Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Tymbrimi ROSETTA@home FAQ Moderator Contact |
Mod.Sense Volunteer moderator Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 4018 Credit: 0 RAC: 0 |
Whl. Ok, so why were the ones, which are not marked in red and that I have no idea who modded deleted/hidden ? I'm not positive which you refer to. But if you see it in your message list and it is not marked in red as deleted, try clicking the thread which it was a part of. You will probably see that the entire thread was deleted. Unfortunately the system does not seem to support us entering a comment nor notification to effected posters in the thread that is deleted. And such threads often have 80 or more posts in them, so we do not have time to delete each post individually. Plus, if we did, it might be seen as an indication that every specific post in the thread warrented deletion, which is never the case. Basically, this means there was nothing specific about your single message that caused a moderator to delete, however the whole thread it was a part of was deemed something that really had erupted into an off-topic or otherwise waring conversation. This has happened several times recently and moderators have attempted to create new threads with the original train of posts to see if a fresh start can clear heads and stay on the subject at-hand. ...and when that doesn't work, we do it again. If your post wasn't copied in to such a new thread, it should just be taken as an indication that it did not seem to contain information about the core topic. You should expect that unless your specific post were part of what caused the war to erupt in a thread, that you could repost such a message in the new thread if you feel it has useful content about the subject. Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense |
Mod.Sense Volunteer moderator Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 4018 Credit: 0 RAC: 0 |
OK, now I see your point. We prefer not to sticky everything. And most issues that come up there, like fix my team account, or installation help, or WUs that won't drop from the list etc. are not really of interest over a longer timeframe. If it were project info. like describing a new version or prediction method, I'd be more inclined to agree with you to keep it readily available. There is a link in the bottom (or top depending how you order your posts) of the currently active moderator contact thread to this one for reference to passed issues. This thread is just a place for us to move issues that have been addressed, so that the contact thread stays cleaner, making it easier to focus on things that are still unresolved. The concern is that people start mistakenly posting to both threads and then it becomes impossible to locate unresolved issues. Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense |
Mod.Sense Volunteer moderator Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 4018 Credit: 0 RAC: 0 |
Nemesis, we have respectfully asked that the guessing as to moderator identity be a solitary sport, and NOT done on the forums... placing such speculation in your note footer rather then in messages does not subvert moderation. Your footer appears in all 40+ of your posts. If you do not revise your signiture to remove speculation about moderator identity, or any other objectionable content, I will begin systemmatic deletion of all of your posts to remove the objectionable content which they all now contain. To resolve the problem, you simply need to revise your profile's signiture. Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 Dec 05 Posts: 106 Credit: 1,000,020 RAC: 0 |
Boring. Take it to alt.moderators.flamebait dag --Finding aliens is cool, but understanding the structure of proteins is useful. |
Nemesis![]() Send message Joined: 12 Mar 06 Posts: 149 Credit: 21,395 RAC: 0 |
This is supposed to be the thread to discuss moderation of postss, but the posts that we're trying to discuss keep getting moderated away ? What a zoo Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. ![]() |
Nemesis![]() Send message Joined: 12 Mar 06 Posts: 149 Credit: 21,395 RAC: 0 |
I changed my sig - no guessing. Now - why can't we speculate on who the mods are? Give me good logical reasons for prohibiting it. If you don't confirm it, it's just a harmless guessing game. Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. ![]() |
Nemesis![]() Send message Joined: 12 Mar 06 Posts: 149 Credit: 21,395 RAC: 0 |
I changed my sig - no guessing. And now you have admitted moderating posts away because you "don't like" the content which violates no rules. No - there is no guessing of mods in my signature. There is one statement, which is not a guess. There is one question, which hs no mention of mods. And no, you will not dictate what I put in my signature. Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. ![]() |
Nemesis![]() Send message Joined: 12 Mar 06 Posts: 149 Credit: 21,395 RAC: 0 |
Now I can add another example of Mod.DE moderating based on his/her personal dislike of the contents of a post, stated directly in the post. Here in the mod contact thread Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. ![]() |
Whl. Send message Joined: 29 Dec 05 Posts: 203 Credit: 275,802 RAC: 0 |
That is'nt an official Rosetta address and I dont want my account getting into the hands of spammers, as can easily happen with gmail. ![]() |
Mod.Tymbrimi Volunteer moderator ![]() Send message Joined: 22 Aug 06 Posts: 148 Credit: 153 RAC: 0 |
Whl: Google must have cut their ties to Spamford Wallace, since I haven't got a single piece of spam on the email address that I'm using to communicate with the gmail account. It's been about 10 days so far. Do you want to wait until one of the staff at the Seattle campus have time to act as intermediary? Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Tymbrimi ROSETTA@home FAQ Moderator Contact |
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