Too slow to run?

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Message 70724 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 3:33:05 UTC

Is my 1.6 Ghz Pentium M too slow to run Rosetta?
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Message 70729 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 14:49:35 UTC - in response to Message 70725.  

No, but there might be other problems, like diskspace and/or insufficient RAM. Follow this link for the requirements to run Rossetta.

I'm pretty good in the RAM department, I've got 2 Gigabytes and same for the harddrive as well.

Was primarily concerned with not finishing the assignments on time because of the slow CPU
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Message 70730 - Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 15:26:12 UTC - in response to Message 70729.  

No, but there might be other problems, like diskspace and/or insufficient RAM. Follow this link for the requirements to run Rossetta.

I'm pretty good in the RAM department, I've got 2 Gigabytes and same for the harddrive as well.

Was primarily concerned with not finishing the assignments on time because of the slow CPU

It'll be fine here if you're running it for more than a few hours a week. I expect it will outperform a 2GHz P4 - BOINC might take a while to work out how many tasks to store based your settings and how much it's running though.
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Message 70737 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 1:16:37 UTC - in response to Message 70735.  

No, but there might be other problems, like diskspace and/or insufficient RAM. Follow this link for the requirements to run Rossetta.

I'm pretty good in the RAM department, I've got 2 Gigabytes and same for the harddrive as well.

Was primarily concerned with not finishing the assignments on time because of the slow CPU

There's a 10 day deadline. And since you're reporting them well within that time, you do not need to be worried about your computer being too slow, I would say.

Yes, I was definitely finishing them before 10 days.

Now I have a new problem. My computer locks up after I let it sit for a while and the Screen saver comes on.

My cpu shouldn't be getting too hot. I recently cleaned the heatsink and fan and I have a notebook cooler running underneath the computer.
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Message 70739 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 16:07:49 UTC - in response to Message 70738.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2011, 16:14:01 UTC

Now I have a new problem. My computer locks up after I let it sit for a while and the Screen saver comes on.

Isn't, the screensaver coming up, standard behaviour if you don't use your computer?

It's the default behavior for an "out of the box" Windows installation. You can, however, disable the screensaver and just turn off the monitor manually, which is what I do.

You're running XP on it, just right click on the desktop, select "Properties" from the context menu, select the screensaver tab in the window that pops up, and then select "(None)" from the dropdown list where you choose the screensaver.

-- Edit --

And just to confirm what was said, 2GB RAM and 2GB disk should be plenty. I have a bunch of quad core crunchers in my farm, they all run four copies at the same time in 2GB am for the lot - I assume 500 megs / core is enough, and it seems to work fine.

Looking at my current desktop box that I'm typing this on, it's a hex core AMD, I've given 2GB to Boinc which is only running Rosetta, and it's filled about 910 MB of the available space.

Bottom line, you ought to be just fine on that system.
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Message 70740 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 16:16:53 UTC - in response to Message 70738.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2011, 16:55:03 UTC

Now I have a new problem. My computer locks up after I let it sit for a while and the Screen saver comes on.

Isn't, the screensaver coming up, standard behaviour if you don't use your computer?

When I come home from work the Rosetta@home screensaver is on, which is no big deal I like it.

But my computer is FROZEN, its completely locked up as in I have to unplug the machine to get back into windows.

I can't seem to pin down the problem. I have a fresh copy of XP installed with correct drivers.

Initially I suspected heat buildup, but with the external fans blowing and recently cleaned heat sink and fan, I hesitant to think that is the real culprit.

But my computer is frozen. I have to physically unplug it to gain access.
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Message 70742 - Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 20:01:42 UTC

Try disabling your screen saver and see if it still freezes.
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Message 70749 - Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 10:57:46 UTC

For a Pentium M I can recommend the usage of Notebook Hardware Control to undervolt the CPU. Together with some small "optimizations" of the notebook case around the cooling I could reduce the CPU temperature from about 80°C to 55°C under full load. But of course depending on the CPU, YMMV, I could reduce the voltage by 334mV (actually even 80mV more, but I keep that as a safety margin).
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Message 70753 - Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 15:32:09 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jul 2011, 15:35:43 UTC

Well, disabling the Screen Saver seemed to work.

As for undervolting, is there a utility for a dell that will work? I've never seen a way to do that other than the in a BIOS that supports it.

Oh, and what does "RAC" stand for?
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Message 70756 - Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 17:55:30 UTC - in response to Message 70753.  

As for undervolting, is there a utility for a dell that will work? I've never seen a way to do that other than the in a BIOS that supports it.

Try "Notebook Hardware Control", which is working for me. I don't have Dell, but that should usually not matter, if it won't recognize your hardware, maybe someone will come with something else.

Oh, and what does "RAC" stand for?

Recent Avarage Credit, the avarage credit per day you had recently.
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Message 70759 - Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 10:43:34 UTC - in response to Message 70756.  

As for undervolting, is there a utility for a dell that will work? I've never seen a way to do that other than the in a BIOS that supports it.

Try "Notebook Hardware Control", which is working for me. I don't have Dell, but that should usually not matter, if it won't recognize your hardware, maybe someone will come with something else.

Or try RMClock - I've always sworn by that where the BIOS didn't support undervolting until Arrandale/Nehalem put a stop to undervolting altogether.
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