Problems with Minirosetta 1.80

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Message 62184 - Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 13:17:42 UTC

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Jimmy McNulty

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Message 62196 - Posted: 12 Jul 2009, 3:48:25 UTC

Just came back to this project after a few months break because I was previously having problems with every single WU. I've run a couple dozen in the past week or so with no problems, then got an error with WU lb_alnmatrix_within_2_hb_t370__IGNORE_THE_REST_1DNLA_12_13913_6_0

Ran 31 hours with preferance set for 8, didn't budge past 69.725%

Additionally, I don't dare click show graphics on any work unit since i've returned to the project because 3 times I've gotten an error message for minirosetta 1.80 and progress stops. My computer keeps trying to crunch it but i'm forced to abort; however that was not the case with the WU I mentioned above.
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Message 62216 - Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 1:46:10 UTC
Last modified: 14 Jul 2009, 1:46:58 UTC

In reference to message 62095
I'm experiencing issues with 1.80 where by:
1)a WU does not exit memory.
I currently have 25 minirosetta_1.80_windows_intelx86.exe processes in memory only 2 of which are using any cpu time. Memory utilization ranges from 400kb to 200mb
The fact they are not exiting, is causing my virtual memory to run out.
2)I get error messages in the BOINC client.
3)The ...BOINCslots folder is filling up with numbered folders where most have only three files:boinc_lockfile, stderr.txt and stdout.txt.[/quoted]

- has any one also noted this type of issue as I have? It very annoying and I have resorted to suspending the project. There is a setting in the global_prefs_override that says remove from memory when in use. It seems this setting has no affect on this project. minirosetta 1.81/1.82 (dualcore Intel,2.66G 2Gbyte, xp sp3, boinc 6.6.36)
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Message 62219 - Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 3:23:29 UTC - in response to Message 62216.  

In reference to message 62095
I'm experiencing issues with 1.80 where by:
1)a WU does not exit memory.
I currently have 25 minirosetta_1.80_windows_intelx86.exe processes in memory only 2 of which are using any cpu time. Memory utilization ranges from 400kb to 200mb
The fact they are not exiting, is causing my virtual memory to run out.
2)I get error messages in the BOINC client.
3)The ...BOINCslots folder is filling up with numbered folders where most have only three files:boinc_lockfile, stderr.txt and stdout.txt.[/quoted]

- has any one also noted this type of issue as I have? It very annoying and I have resorted to suspending the project. There is a setting in the global_prefs_override that says remove from memory when in use. It seems this setting has no affect on this project. minirosetta 1.81/1.82 (dualcore Intel,2.66G 2Gbyte, xp sp3, boinc 6.6.36)

1.81 and 1.82??? These are on Ralph.

What you are reporting is new. Sounds like tasks are not completing properly.

Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 62222 - Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 9:49:09 UTC - in response to Message 62219.  

In reference to message 62095
I'm experiencing issues with 1.80 where by:
1)a WU does not exit memory.
I currently have 25 minirosetta_1.80_windows_intelx86.exe processes in memory only 2 of which are using any cpu time. Memory utilization ranges from 400kb to 200mb
The fact they are not exiting, is causing my virtual memory to run out.
2)I get error messages in the BOINC client.
3)The ...BOINCslots folder is filling up with numbered folders where most have only three files:boinc_lockfile, stderr.txt and stdout.txt.[/quoted]

- has any one also noted this type of issue as I have? It very annoying and I have resorted to suspending the project. There is a setting in the global_prefs_override that says remove from memory when in use. It seems this setting has no affect on this project. minirosetta 1.81/1.82 (dualcore Intel,2.66G 2Gbyte, xp sp3, boinc 6.6.36)

1.81 and 1.82??? These are on Ralph.

What you are reporting is new. Sounds like tasks are not completing properly.

I've been experiencing this issue since before 1.67, so, new?, not to me... but perhaps something not seen before by most. I haven't tried RALPH, so I couldn't report any issues there.
I've been experiencing this on 3 separate machines. All running into the same basic problem, where the Minirosetta application does not exit memory.
I have a plethora of errored WUs.

For the three machines I've been experiencing this on, because it drives memory usage into the ground and begin getting messages about running out of virtual memory, I've suspended the project on those machines, until I see some forward motion in resolution.
I do continue to have R@H running on one machine that does not seem to have this same issue.

Any ideas on what information I can supply that may help work towards a resolution?
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Message 62223 - Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 11:16:07 UTC

Any ideas on what information I can supply that may help work towards a resolution?

BOINC version, Rosetta version (which is shown in the tasks tab), computing platform (Windows edition, Linux, Mac), any information you might have about when the problem does and does not occur, whether you display the graphic, and whether you use BOINC as your screensaver, did the tasks complete normally and report back valid results with reasonable credit?

Those are my general questions I'd always ask. Bruce, in your case, is there anything unique about these 3 machines are compared to any others that you have experience with that might explain why they see the problem and others do not?? I'm guessing BOINC version perhaps?

Just so others are clear, in general, you would *prefer* that BOINC leave tasks in memory while preempted. It runs more efficiently that way. This is set up in the preferences. But what is being described here is tasks that are completed (i.e. not preempted) and are not leaving memory. And regardless of your preference, the program should free up all memory and BOINC slots when a task completes.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Mike Tyka

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Message 62225 - Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 17:10:32 UTC

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Message 62229 - Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 18:45:17 UTC
Last modified: 14 Jul 2009, 18:45:29 UTC

I'll keep this thread sticky until the remaining 1.80 work reaches the 10 day deadline.
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Message 62234 - Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 5:32:00 UTC - in response to Message 62223.  

Any ideas on what information I can supply that may help work towards a resolution?

BOINC version, Rosetta version (which is shown in the tasks tab), computing platform (Windows edition, Linux, Mac), any information you might have about when the problem does and does not occur, whether you display the graphic, and whether you use BOINC as your screensaver, did the tasks complete normally and report back valid results with reasonable credit?

Those are my general questions I'd always ask. Bruce, in your case, is there anything unique about these 3 machines are compared to any others that you have experience with that might explain why they see the problem and others do not?? I'm guessing BOINC version perhaps?

Just so others are clear, in general, you would *prefer* that BOINC leave tasks in memory while preempted. It runs more efficiently that way. This is set up in the preferences. But what is being described here is tasks that are completed (i.e. not preempted) and are not leaving memory. And regardless of your preference, the program should free up all memory and BOINC slots when a task completes.

Here's some additional informaion on my situation, and while I describe the situation on one computer, the same situation exists on two others.

These 4 computers are cabable of running only two tasks at a time; and I've had no problem with the applications staying in memory during their normal processing or waiting for resources/pausing during usage; but, There really isn't any reason why 25 WUs should remain in memory(yes, I've observed upwards of 25 jobs in memory, typically I'll begin to notice when around 10 rosetta jobs are in memory. My observation over the last few years has been that they do exit where there was an error, or they've completed running, and at any given time, I would only see two jobs running. I'm not refering to remaining in memory during the normal course of waiting for resources. This behavior is not normal.....that being said, here the information requested

Some tasks complete normally soon after a reboot, but within a day or so I begin seeing errored WUs The errored WUs, no credit is given.

Common to all 4 computers:
BOINC: 6.6.36; Rosetta 1.80
All computers have all latest service packs and patches on operating systems and applications.
swtich between apps every 200 minutes
use at most 100% processors
use at most 75% of CPU time
use at most 20gb HD space
use at most 50% memory when in use
use at most 90% memory when idle
Projects: rosetta@home (Resource Share:600); seti@home (Resource Share:75)

Computer 1 (no observed errors)
2 AMD Opteron 250 processors
8 gb RAM
Windows 7 RC (64bit)
4 146gb HDs (scsi)
No screen saver active
(Light usage:email, internet, etc)

Computer 2
3.0ghz Pentium 4 (w/hyperthreading on)
2.0gb RAM
WinXP Pro (32bit)
1 76gb HD(sata), 1 160gb HD (SATA)
no screen saver active
(almost no usage (runs boinc and tomcat only))

Computer 3
Dell Latitude D830
T7500 Duo Core2
2gb RAM
Windows XP Pro (32bit)
1 80gb HD
Boinc screen saver active and displays graphics
(heavy usage)

Computer 4
Compaq/HP CQ60-215DX
AMD Athlon Dual-Core QL-62 2.0ghz
2gb RAM
Windows Vista Home Premium (32bit)
250gb HD
non-boinc screen saver - no boinc/rosetta graphics
(light usage: internet, email)
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Message 62246 - Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 8:39:38 UTC

Compute error after 101,115 seconds (1 decoy):

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Message 62268 - Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 18:29:44 UTC

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Message 62474 - Posted: 26 Jul 2009, 18:33:53 UTC - in response to Message 62234.  

Any ideas on what information I can supply that may help work towards a resolution?

BOINC version, Rosetta version (which is shown in the tasks tab), computing platform (Windows edition, Linux, Mac), any information you might have about when the problem does and does not occur, whether you display the graphic, and whether you use BOINC as your screensaver, did the tasks complete normally and report back valid results with reasonable credit?

Those are my general questions I'd always ask. Bruce, in your case, is there anything unique about these 3 machines are compared to any others that you have experience with that might explain why they see the problem and others do not?? I'm guessing BOINC version perhaps?

Just so others are clear, in general, you would *prefer* that BOINC leave tasks in memory while preempted. It runs more efficiently that way. This is set up in the preferences. But what is being described here is tasks that are completed (i.e. not preempted) and are not leaving memory. And regardless of your preference, the program should free up all memory and BOINC slots when a task completes.

Here's some additional informaion on my situation, and while I describe the situation on one computer, the same situation exists on two others.

These 4 computers are cabable of running only two tasks at a time; and I've had no problem with the applications staying in memory during their normal processing or waiting for resources/pausing during usage; but, There really isn't any reason why 25 WUs should remain in memory(yes, I've observed upwards of 25 jobs in memory, typically I'll begin to notice when around 10 rosetta jobs are in memory. My observation over the last few years has been that they do exit where there was an error, or they've completed running, and at any given time, I would only see two jobs running. I'm not refering to remaining in memory during the normal course of waiting for resources. This behavior is not normal.....that being said, here the information requested

Some tasks complete normally soon after a reboot, but within a day or so I begin seeing errored WUs The errored WUs, no credit is given.

Common to all 4 computers:
BOINC: 6.6.36; Rosetta 1.80
All computers have all latest service packs and patches on operating systems and applications.
swtich between apps every 200 minutes
use at most 100% processors
use at most 75% of CPU time
use at most 20gb HD space
use at most 50% memory when in use
use at most 90% memory when idle
Projects: rosetta@home (Resource Share:600); seti@home (Resource Share:75)

Bruce, Rosetta@home is known to have problems running properly when the CPU time percentage is set to less than 100%. Usually shows up as a lockfile problem.

Both my desktop computers seem to run properly with the CPU percentage set to 100%, since programs you start yourself normally get higher priority than BOINC workunits. However, I currently have one of them set to use only 95%, to help track down the lockfile problems.

Laptops and some computers with poor cooling cannot use 100% without overheating, though.
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