why so progressing so slowly?

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Message 56272 - Posted: 7 Oct 2008, 12:13:54 UTC

I dunno why the computing I am doing on rosetta is so slowly,a task may require days to finish,I even stop downloading new task,cuz I 'm afraid I cant meet the deadline.Is this a common phenomenon?do any of you encounter such a problem,or is my computer too obsolete to satisfy the massive calculation?

thanks for help!
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Message 56274 - Posted: 7 Oct 2008, 14:14:45 UTC

I only see one completed task and it completed in under 3 hours. So, I take it the one you aborted took much longer. I see also that you are new to the project. There are some issues recently where tasks are occaisionally taking much longer then expected. See the long-running models thread.
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Message 56294 - Posted: 8 Oct 2008, 14:05:02 UTC

It's driving me crazy!I almost cant bear it any longer.This task has ,as it shown in the statistic,occupied me about Nine hours to crunch it,now,about 98% has been completed.the problem occured when progress to 95%,before I accomplished 95%,it ran at a normal speed,(it took me about a noon to finish 95%)but after I reached that stage,it became a real snail!!I even suspended tasks from other projects to give it a kind of priority,but it runs so so so slowly!what is the problem with it??? As you can see, i'm a freshman to Rosetta,or even boinc,I have just had succeed one task(of all the projects i have involved) in rosetta ever since I start to use boinc,I quit many other projects I joint,cuz I found them run like the of rosetta in last5% I m running now,which i 'm impossible to meet the deadline.i dunno if this is because my PC configuration is too out-of-date,I'm afraid according to the present rate,I will never earn more than 1000 credits,I just got 4 credits from the only task I succeed in rosetta.I bought my pc in 2003,the CPU is 1.99GHz, 512MB memory,I notice that in this forum,many people like to take 3.00GHz as a standard config to explain some problem,i'm kept wondering,are most of you guys pc 3GHz?I 'm in china,I dunno what situation are there in other countries,but in china 3GHz is very rare,it's so fresh and so powerful,only people who bought pc recently may have that config,and in most of the brand like dell and apple,2.5GHz or 2.6Ghz is a very strong config,is cpu so much more advanced in other countries than in china???
By the way,I want to consult experienced host about some problems i met.First,what 's WU??it's a high frequency word,but i dont get it,
second,everytime when I decide to finally suspend a task,I 'd like to first update those works I have done to the server,anyway,I donnt want what i have done has nothing contribute to science,it's not credits that i care about,contribute to science is what really matters,just what to make sure i 'm not encountering some abnomral problems.after I press update,the following words(I translate them into english,maybe there are some differences in the english version,mine is chinese) appears in the status column“waiting to be managed,requested by user”then"communication has been postponed(and a time countdown after that)".I want to know if this indicate I upload the work successfully?
To my great pleasure,while I 'm typing this long message,I saw "100%" in the progession!!!! and new rosetta task started running! but the credit is not rewarded,maybe there is a delay,doesn't matter.Im so happy!

If anyone can answer my quesion,I will be very grateful!
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Message 56295 - Posted: 8 Oct 2008, 14:20:55 UTC

"WU" is short for "work unit" which is BOINC's old term for "tasks".

Glad to hear it finally finished. With Rosetta, there is a project preference for your preferred runtime. This is changed on the website in your profile in the Rosetta preferences. If you have not been there before, the default is to attempt to complete your "WUs" within 3 hours. So if you see any that take more then 5 hours (2 hours longer then your preference), just go ahead and abort them if you like. These are the odd ones, and programming changes are underway to prevent them from taking so long in the future.

If you have tasks that have passed their due date, go ahead and abort them.

A 2ghz CPU should be fine. That is not the issue. It sounds like you do not have your machine on all day long, and that is fine, but does make it take longer to get work completed. It also means you will lose some amount of work each time you turn it off. Sometimes as much as a couple of hours. But generally less then 30 minutes.

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Message 56296 - Posted: 8 Oct 2008, 14:24:17 UTC

Your message "waiting to be managed,requested by user" did not translate very well. Which area of BOINC Manager did you see that message on? Projects tab? Messages area?

BOINC will take care of sending back the results when they are completed. It is a two step process. First step is send back the results file. Second step is to update to the project and confirm the file was received. Sometimes it waits a while before doing the second step. This helps accomplish more steps with a single scheduler request, and so reduces the load on the server over time.
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Message 56299 - Posted: 8 Oct 2008, 17:03:16 UTC

You probably got a "buggy" WU (WU = Workunit), if you are new, your target CPU time should be 3 hours. If your workunits surpasses this time by a lot (by 5+ hours over your target CPU time) then you probably got a buggy WU.
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Message 56302 - Posted: 9 Oct 2008, 1:14:56 UTC - in response to Message 56296.  

Your message "waiting to be managed,requested by user" did not translate very well. Which area of BOINC Manager did you see that message on? Projects tab? Messages area?

BOINC will take care of sending back the results when they are completed. It is a two step process. First step is send back the results file. Second step is to update to the project and confirm the file was received. Sometimes it waits a while before doing the second step. This helps accomplish more steps with a single scheduler request, and so reduces the load on the server over time.

thank you very much,your answer is very helpful to me.I saw the message I translate on project tab I guess.Most of time when I decide to abort a task,i click update,after a few seconds,I click abort.Is this too short for the task to be upload to the server,or maybe I should click abort after half an hour so the make sure my work is uploaded?
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Message 56309 - Posted: 10 Oct 2008, 1:52:30 UTC

I've tracked down some problems with the hombench_ WUs, so the next batches going out soon (in preparation now) should take considerably less time, certainly less than 2-3 per model, more likely (depending on the sie of the protiens) less than half an hour.


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Message 56325 - Posted: 11 Oct 2008, 1:06:51 UTC - in response to Message 56294.  
Last modified: 11 Oct 2008, 2:00:07 UTC

It's driving me crazy!I almost cant bear it any longer.This task has ,as it shown in the statistic,occupied me about Nine hours to crunch it,now,about 98% has been completed.the problem occured when progress to 95%,before I accomplished 95%,it ran at a normal speed,(it took me about a noon to finish 95%)but after I reached that stage,it became a real snail!!I even suspended tasks from other projects to give it a kind of priority,but it runs so so so slowly!what is the problem with it??? As you can see, i'm a freshman to Rosetta,or even boinc,I have just had succeed one task(of all the projects i have involved) in rosetta ever since I start to use boinc,I quit many other projects I joint,cuz I found them run like the of rosetta in last5% I m running now,which i 'm impossible to meet the deadline.i dunno if this is because my PC configuration is too out-of-date,I'm afraid according to the present rate,I will never earn more than 1000 credits,I just got 4 credits from the only task I succeed in rosetta.I bought my pc in 2003,the CPU is 1.99GHz, 512MB memory,I notice that in this forum,many people like to take 3.00GHz as a standard config to explain some problem,i'm kept wondering,are most of you guys pc 3GHz?I 'm in china,I dunno what situation are there in other countries,but in china 3GHz is very rare,it's so fresh and so powerful,only people who bought pc recently may have that config,and in most of the brand like dell and apple,2.5GHz or 2.6Ghz is a very strong config,is cpu so much more advanced in other countries than in china???
By the way,I want to consult experienced host about some problems i met.First,what 's WU??it's a high frequency word,but i dont get it,
second,everytime when I decide to finally suspend a task,I 'd like to first update those works I have done to the server,anyway,I donnt want what i have done has nothing contribute to science,it's not credits that i care about,contribute to science is what really matters,just what to make sure i 'm not encountering some abnomral problems.after I press update,the following words(I translate them into english,maybe there are some differences in the english version,mine is chinese) appears in the status column“waiting to be managed,requested by user”then"communication has been postponed(and a time countdown after that)".I want to know if this indicate I upload the work successfully?
To my great pleasure,while I 'm typing this long message,I saw "100%" in the progession!!!! and new rosetta task started running! but the credit is not rewarded,maybe there is a delay,doesn't matter.Im so happy!

If anyone can answer my quesion,I will be very grateful!

My computer is 1.90 GHz, dual core, with 2 GB of memory. I suspect that your 512 MB of memory is not enough to run certain BOINC projects well; I had problems when my machine had only 1 GB of memory.

The delay between when a task finishes and credit for it is awarded is often less than one day.

Can you afford more memory, and can your machine make use of more? The limit mine can handle is 2 GB, which I have now, or I'd consider going up to the 4 GB limit that 32-bit Windows Vista can handle.

If you can get up to even 1 GB per core, your machine should return results a little faster than mine, although perhaps only half as often if it has only one core.

A WU is a workunit - a piece of work for your computer to do.

I was unable to follow the progress of workunits well until I clicked on the right and left edges of the workunits list screen, and dragged then outward so I could see which workunits were currently in progress.

Clicking the Update button seldom does much unless you have at least one workunit completed and ready to upload.
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Message 56359 - Posted: 14 Oct 2008, 1:26:38 UTC - in response to Message 56325.  
Last modified: 14 Oct 2008, 1:27:54 UTC

My computer is 1.90 GHz, dual core, with 2 GB of memory. I suspect that your 512 MB of memory is not enough to run certain BOINC projects well; I had problems when my machine had only 1 GB of memory.

The delay between when a task finishes and credit for it is awarded is often less than one day.

Can you afford more memory, and can your machine make use of more? The limit mine can handle is 2 GB, which I have now, or I'd consider going up to the 4 GB limit that 32-bit Windows Vista can handle.

If you can get up to even 1 GB per core, your machine should return results a little faster than mine, although perhaps only half as often if it has only one core.

A WU is a workunit - a piece of work for your computer to do.

I was unable to follow the progress of workunits well until I clicked on the right and left edges of the workunits list screen, and dragged then outward so I could see which workunits were currently in progress.

Clicking the Update button seldom does much unless you have at least one workunit completed and ready to upload.

Thanks for your advise,mine is one core,I dont expect high performance from it,and I will change a new machine,maybe a MAC,hope that can run better~~
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Message 56363 - Posted: 14 Oct 2008, 13:17:32 UTC - in response to Message 56359.  

It was mentioned here that for a new cruncher, CPU time should average around 2-3 hours. All my WU's show 11-11.5 hours. Is this normal?
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Mike Tyka

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Message 56366 - Posted: 14 Oct 2008, 18:19:39 UTC - in response to Message 56363.  

What's the WU name ? We're tracking down WUs that seem to overrun
so this info helps us a lot in making things smoother for you.

It was mentioned here that for a new cruncher, CPU time should average around 2-3 hours. All my WU's show 11-11.5 hours. Is this normal?

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Message 56370 - Posted: 14 Oct 2008, 21:01:06 UTC
Last modified: 14 Oct 2008, 21:01:44 UTC

Unfortunately, the initial time to completion is based on PRIOR work done, not the current work you have in your list. A quick look down the results list for both of shouravd's servers looks like no completed work has been reported recently. So, either the description of long initial estimate pertains to a host under another user ID, or this is a residual from long enough ago that the WUs are no longer in the system and the work will in fact complete close to your runtime preference.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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