Why no R@h work downloading? I also run SETI

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Message 45263 - Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 14:30:10 UTC - in response to Message 45246.  
Last modified: 22 Aug 2007, 14:31:23 UTC

... I guess the B in BOINC being Berkeley should tip us off that SETI has priority over who gets what.

It's working exactly as designed, and not some devious scheme by the SETI folks.
The concepts of resource share and debt are fundamental to the way Boinc operates, yet so many people do not understand that, probably because they don't bother to learn it. Same is true for "Communications Deferred" or "(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks)". I advocate that Boinc create a tutorial/slide show that gives the basics of how Boinc operates and what a participant should observe during normal and abnormal operation. The tutorial must be completed before anyone can download Boinc and start using it. Despite all the sticky threads and FAQs available, no one seems to read them and the fora becomes populated with the same questions and the same answers. I truly commend the perseverance and patience of the dedicated helpers who quietly and calmly continue to repeat themselves ad nauseum for edification of others.
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Message 45264 - Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 15:22:24 UTC

I think the BOINC stance is that you don't NEED to know. It takes care of itself. Unfortunately it isn't true every time.

The main way people get themselves confused an in to a position where they need to read to understand... is they try to FORCE BOINC to do things the way THEY think they should be done.

If they would take the "hey, it's running something, so that's good" stance, then they wouldn't have to ask questions like "why is it running one thing and not another?" such as the topic of this thread.

I've started moving new posts here to reduce number of threads on the same subject.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 45279 - Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 20:45:36 UTC - in response to Message 45264.  

I think the BOINC stance is that you don't NEED to know. It takes care of itself. Unfortunately it isn't true every time.

The main way people get themselves confused an in to a position where they need to read to understand... is they try to FORCE BOINC to do things the way THEY think they should be done.
Yeah, exactly. Hardly anyone takes the default defaults as supplied by boinc. They have to play with the parameters without taking the trouble to understand the impact of it...change the resource shares, suspend tasks or projects, no-new-work and resume, abort, reset, detach/re-attach, hey lets hit them all at once and see what happens! I'm just venting... tired of coming to the fora and reading the same tiresome old stuff; yes I can ignore it but I have to take the effort FIRST to read the post before I can decide to ignore it... too late then. I just think Boinc ought to make a more concerted effort to educate participants on how to get information about running boinc BEFORE they download it, much like some places make you accept the disclaimer or terms before you download something.
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Message 45663 - Posted: 1 Sep 2007, 18:23:31 UTC

9/1/2007 12:01:45 PM|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user
9/1/2007 12:01:45 PM|rosetta@home|Requesting 1 seconds of new work
9/1/2007 12:01:51 PM|rosetta@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
9/1/2007 12:01:51 PM|rosetta@home|Deferring communication for 2 hr 5 min 26 sec
9/1/2007 12:01:51 PM|rosetta@home|Reason: no work from project

been going on for the past week... thankfully the other projects have held up...

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Message 45680 - Posted: 1 Sep 2007, 22:43:51 UTC

I moved BoB's post here. BoB, by the fact that you are had this occuring for some time, and your RAC for Rosetta is now down to zero, and you are still only requesting one second of work... it tells me you do have debt to pay to the other projects on your machine. Or perhaps you have a deadline that BOINC is concerned you may miss, so it is crunching hard to try and meet the deadline for another project. (Climate, with such long running tasks and widely fluctuating estimates for time to completion, can often cause BOINC to think it is at risk of missing a deadline).

...how many of the 33 projects listed in your profile does your machine still think it is participating in?
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Message 45692 - Posted: 2 Sep 2007, 9:01:36 UTC - in response to Message 45680.  

I moved BoB's post here. BoB, by the fact that you are had this occuring for some time, and your RAC for Rosetta is now down to zero, and you are still only requesting one second of work... it tells me you do have debt to pay to the other projects on your machine. Or perhaps you have a deadline that BOINC is concerned you may miss, so it is crunching hard to try and meet the deadline for another project. (Climate, with such long running tasks and widely fluctuating estimates for time to completion, can often cause BOINC to think it is at risk of missing a deadline).

...how many of the 33 projects listed in your profile does your machine still think it is participating in?

I don't think the request for 1 second of work is odd. A very very very long connect to interval coupled with a lot of projects could account for that. What I find odd is that the server is answering with no work from project.

I haven't checked the server status page, but I'd assume that Rosie has work or we'd be seeing a ton of posts asking where the work is.
Kathryn :o)
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Message 45777 - Posted: 9 Sep 2007, 5:17:14 UTC

Just wanted to bump this post and point out that now that it has been Rosetta that has been down for several days, if you are crunching other projects as well, you can now expect to see the reverse of the subject line... that is you will likely see Rosetta "taking over" your machine, and no work from other projects. BOINC keeps track of the time spent on each project. Once it has crunched enough Rosetta to meet your target allocations, it will go back to pulling work from other projects and a more normal switching between them.

See the rest of the discussion in this thread to understand more about why this occurs. And, as always, post with any further questions on the topic.
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Message 45779 - Posted: 9 Sep 2007, 5:32:06 UTC - in response to Message 41801.  

Hi from Spain!
I simple question... Why...?

03/06/2007 17:29:06||Fetching configuration file from https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/get_project_config.php
03/06/2007 17:29:21|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user
03/06/2007 17:29:21|rosetta@home|(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks)
03/06/2007 17:29:53|rosetta@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
03/06/2007 17:29:53|rosetta@home|Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
03/06/2007 17:29:53|rosetta@home|Reason: requested by project

four days ago!!!

Regards! Nice day!

This is probably because you have R@H tasks being crunched at that time. When you have reported some tasks and you are out of R@H tasks BOINC will almost certainly download more tasks.
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Message 47321 - Posted: 2 Oct 2007, 13:01:59 UTC

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Message 47365 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 3:29:13 UTC - in response to Message 47321.  



Proudly Banned from Predictator@Home and now Cosmology@home as well. Added SETI to the list today. Temporary ban only - so need to work harder :)

"You can't fix stupid" (Ron White)
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Message 47366 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 4:02:49 UTC


...because user's continue to post this question about 3 times a week, so I want the answer visible to those that do look for one. Yet, I don't want to make yet another dreded sticky.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 47384 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 14:05:49 UTC - in response to Message 47366.  
Last modified: 4 Oct 2007, 14:06:58 UTC

10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user
10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks)
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Reason: requested by project

I have about 5 machines...they all only run RAH...they all have the Preferences set to 10days of work...all running version 5.10.20. All machines have been set up and working perfectly fine for at least a few weeks, some even 6+ months.

None of my machines have received work in a few days...I have tried the Update button and also the Retry Communications numerous times on all machines over the past few days. No new work is coming to me.

Is RAH down in regards to sending work?

Yes, I've read this thread and although it doesn't solve my problem, there are some non-laymen terms thrown around here (like LTD and debt) that aren't defined.

Can someone please reply regarding my immediate question: why aren't I getting work?



p.s. it would be nice if there was a Joe Public, laymen-worded FAQ about the topic of not receiving new work and how to troubleshoot.
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Message 47385 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 14:16:06 UTC - in response to Message 47384.  
Last modified: 4 Oct 2007, 14:17:03 UTC


The simple answer is it's a bug in BOINC, and nothing to do with debt to other projects etc (at least in our cases!). You're not alone... I'm not sure whether its a problem with the server software or the client software? - Can someone clarify this?

I have a few remote machines that aren't crunching because of this. I don't know whether installing the latest BOINC version will fix it???
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Message 47387 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 14:38:12 UTC - in response to Message 47385.  
Last modified: 4 Oct 2007, 14:39:24 UTC


The simple answer is it's a bug in BOINC, and nothing to do with debt to other projects etc (at least in our cases!). You're not alone... I'm not sure whether its a problem with the server software or the client software? - Can someone clarify this?

I have a few remote machines that aren't crunching because of this. I don't know whether installing the latest BOINC version will fix it???

Since I/we are not alone, I would suggest that RAH put this problem on the News page and state a resolution will be available within ___ days and have a hyperlink to the solution once it is available.


p.s. my version of BOINC is the latest on this website...so no, installing that current download will not help.
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Message 47393 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 17:10:26 UTC

RAH can't promise what changes BOINC will make to resolve the issue. And by the message indicating that no work is being requested, it confirms it is a BOINC client scheduler issue.

Suggest you reduce your 10 day preference, as this seems to have some relation to why it doesn't get work when it is required.

Here is a reference to information about the scheduler and debt. Thank you for pointing out that this is a new term to many. That site refers to RPC many times. RPC is basically just a reference to your machine contacting the project server (as it does when updating to project, or requesting work).
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 47404 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 20:43:10 UTC - in response to Message 47384.  
Last modified: 4 Oct 2007, 20:43:39 UTC

According to your Computers page, all of your machines have downloaded work over the last three days, in many cases hundres of WUs per CPU. I don't see the problem...

10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user
10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks)
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Reason: requested by project

I have about 5 machines...they all only run RAH...they all have the Preferences set to 10days of work...all running version 5.10.20. All machines have been set up and working perfectly fine for at least a few weeks, some even 6+ months.

None of my machines have received work in a few days...I have tried the Update button and also the Retry Communications numerous times on all machines over the past few days. No new work is coming to me.

Is RAH down in regards to sending work?

Yes, I've read this thread and although it doesn't solve my problem, there are some non-laymen terms thrown around here (like LTD and debt) that aren't defined.

Can someone please reply regarding my immediate question: why aren't I getting work?



p.s. it would be nice if there was a Joe Public, laymen-worded FAQ about the topic of not receiving new work and how to troubleshoot.

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Message 47407 - Posted: 4 Oct 2007, 21:34:36 UTC

some of mine haven't:


THe first two on the list had errors saying they weren't requesting new work. I was in a rush so didn't have time to pick up the errors - just did project reset on one and tried retry comms/update on the other. It looks like neither has worked although the reset caused the 2nd to pick up some new work.
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Message 47425 - Posted: 5 Oct 2007, 20:13:17 UTC - in response to Message 47404.  

According to your Computers page, all of your machines have downloaded work over the last three days, in many cases hundres of WUs per CPU. I don't see the problem...

10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user
10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks)
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Reason: requested by project

I have about 5 machines...they all only run RAH...they all have the Preferences set to 10days of work...all running version 5.10.20. All machines have been set up and working perfectly fine for at least a few weeks, some even 6+ months.

None of my machines have received work in a few days...I have tried the Update button and also the Retry Communications numerous times on all machines over the past few days. No new work is coming to me.

Is RAH down in regards to sending work?

Yes, I've read this thread and although it doesn't solve my problem, there are some non-laymen terms thrown around here (like LTD and debt) that aren't defined.

Can someone please reply regarding my immediate question: why aren't I getting work?



p.s. it would be nice if there was a Joe Public, laymen-worded FAQ about the topic of not receiving new work and how to troubleshoot.

I didn't get a chance to reply sooner than now...about 1 hour after I posted that last message, all my machines magically started downloading. Until then, for at least a day or more, my machines were almost out of work units when each typically has at least 20 to crunch.

I dunno...wasn't me...if it's the scheduler than someone at BOINC should confirm/deny it as a bug and more importantly, document it thoroughly in laymens terms...

Things are normal now (no, I have not lowered my # of days from 10 to lower) but this matter should be looked into...there are numerous people reporting this issue...and probably a lot more that are not.

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Message 47427 - Posted: 5 Oct 2007, 20:58:26 UTC - in response to Message 47425.  
Last modified: 5 Oct 2007, 21:01:39 UTC

According to your Computers page, all of your machines have downloaded work over the last three days, in many cases hundres of WUs per CPU. I don't see the problem...

10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user
10/4/2007 9:53:01 AM|rosetta@home|(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks)
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
10/4/2007 9:53:06 AM|rosetta@home|Reason: requested by project

I have about 5 machines...they all only run RAH...they all have the Preferences set to 10days of work...all running version 5.10.20. All machines have been set up and working perfectly fine for at least a few weeks, some even 6+ months.

None of my machines have received work in a few days...I have tried the Update button and also the Retry Communications numerous times on all machines over the past few days. No new work is coming to me.

Is RAH down in regards to sending work?

Yes, I've read this thread and although it doesn't solve my problem, there are some non-laymen terms thrown around here (like LTD and debt) that aren't defined.

Can someone please reply regarding my immediate question: why aren't I getting work?



p.s. it would be nice if there was a Joe Public, laymen-worded FAQ about the topic of not receiving new work and how to troubleshoot.

I didn't get a chance to reply sooner than now...about 1 hour after I posted that last message, all my machines magically started downloading. Until then, for at least a day or more, my machines were almost out of work units when each typically has at least 20 to crunch.

I dunno...wasn't me...if it's the scheduler than someone at BOINC should confirm/deny it as a bug and more importantly, document it thoroughly in laymens terms...

Things are normal now (no, I have not lowered my # of days from 10 to lower) but this matter should be looked into...there are numerous people reporting this issue...and probably a lot more that are not.


we have had a similar discussion in another thread. whats your connect to the internet set for? try lowering that to 1 or .5 days. i am a sole rosie cruncher and i almost ran out of work a few times until i lowered my connect time. there is also the discussion of debt load between seti and rosie as well. i'm sure mod.sense will jump in here and point out all the different threads and possibilities of not getting any work or very late in the process of getting work.
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Message 47466 - Posted: 6 Oct 2007, 23:10:39 UTC

John McCleod VII wrote some time ago on the BOINC fora:
Settings larger than (report deadline - 1 day) / 2 are just about guaranteed to download a batch and run it to completion before downloading the next batch.
So it seems that Rosetta would work best with caches of less than 6 days, 4 days is better. And this includes the connect interval plus any additional days of cache in your preferences override.
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