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Message 50743 - Posted: 16 Jan 2008, 23:59:13 UTC - in response to Message 50737.  

Thanks. You accidentally left out the "C" in I changed my resource share at, but Einstein gave an incorrect response and WCG gave no response. So I went to and changed Einstein's resource as you had explained for Rosetta. It worked. I can't figure out how to change the resource number for WCG though. Maybe I have it setup wrong or have to wait until I have some work done and get credit. Any ideas? Edit: I changed the resources so that I got the percents I wanted while leaving WCG at 100.

I attached the stats GIF you provided, but I know I have about twice the work done for Einstein. How long does it take for credit to be applied? I also have a World Community Grid project running. Do projects with zero credit not appear on the stats GIF? More to the point, is it a static image or does it update?

In WCG, go to My Grid, Device Manager, Device Profiles........if you have more than one profile, you'll need to edit each one.
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Message 50744 - Posted: 17 Jan 2008, 0:02:12 UTC - in response to Message 50742.  
Last modified: 17 Jan 2008, 0:10:29 UTC

Thanks again. I think WCG used to use their own client, but they have switched to Boinc. As a matter of fact, I got my Boinc client from them. Maybe they don't have everything setup yet. Edit: Thanks, j2satx.

On my home PC Boinc has Einstein showing work done as 473.69, but I know the recent work was done on my work PC. Is their something I need to do to get my work machines' numbers to report on Cross Project ID?
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Message 52253 - Posted: 5 Apr 2008, 1:27:11 UTC
Last modified: 5 Apr 2008, 1:28:26 UTC

I've gone through the entire "Newbie Q&A," but I didn't find this question asked:

What are the optimum CMOS settings to maximize System/CPU/Memory efficiency for Rosetta WITHOUT overclocking?

For example, my Mobo has the option for "virtualization technology." Does having this enabled help or hurt Rosetta performance?

I'd like to tweak my CMOS and reboot, but because it's running 8 processes at once, I always lose credit for several of the processes because they aren't far enough along to remember how far I've gotten, and they start back at zero. It would be nice if these 'markers' were more frequent.

I know I'm asking a lot, but making this thread just about efficiency and not about overclocking would make it really useful for me, since I tend to just go with the default settings and don't know if it's hurting me.
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Message 52505 - Posted: 16 Apr 2008, 1:35:00 UTC

How can I avoid "Client error" or what causes it? Another problem is "Validate error". Have I done something wrong to cause these 2 issues? I am just curious. I find these comments under "Tasks for user".
Hope someone can explain it to me. Thanks a lot. joseps
I turned off my 5computers when I went on vacation. When I return today, I can not upload work. Need work units to run computers.
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Message 52520 - Posted: 16 Apr 2008, 15:45:07 UTC

joseps, unless your client errors are download errors, which might indicate a better internet connection would be helpful, there isn't really anything you can do on your side to resolve these issues.
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Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might!
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Message 52521 - Posted: 16 Apr 2008, 15:48:25 UTC

Mark, RE: your question about CMOS settings. I'm sorry, I have no idea, so that is why I've not responded. I've seen similar topics that an entire thread on their own with various processor manufacturers and memory configurations possible. So perhaps starting a new thread describing the specifics would bring about an answer for you.
Add this signature to your EMail:
Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might!
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Message 55287 - Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 18:02:05 UTC - in response to Message 18007.  
Last modified: 25 Aug 2008, 18:03:43 UTC

This machine (PowerBook G4) seems to have trouble getting work. My other machine G4 iMac doesn't seem to have any trouble. This is message is typical:

Mon Aug 25 08:06:54 2008|rosetta@home|Finished upload of t015_1_NMRREF_1_t015_1_S_00004_0003833IGNORE_THE_REST_070000_4426_694_1_0
Mon Aug 25 09:50:34 2008|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 172800 seconds of work, reporting 3 completed tasks
Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work for other platforms)

I have noodled around the faq but not found this particular topic (no work sent / was work for other platforms) explained.

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Message 55312 - Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 2:35:26 UTC - in response to Message 55287.  

This machine (PowerBook G4) seems to have trouble getting work. My other machine G4 iMac doesn't seem to have any trouble. This is message is typical:

Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work for other platforms)

My old G3/900Mhz is also being snubbed in this manner, though my new iMac is having no employment problem. I've let it (the G3) sit, idle, for lengthy periods awaiting work. I did manage on occasion to force the issue by "resetting" the project and then doing an "update." Have I done any harm? This machine is always on, and I'm sure it would like be productive and have a purpose. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Message 55316 - Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 11:56:08 UTC - in response to Message 55312.  

This machine (PowerBook G4) seems to have trouble getting work. My other machine G4 iMac doesn't seem to have any trouble. This is message is typical:

Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work for other platforms)

My old G3/900Mhz is also being snubbed in this manner, though my new iMac is having no employment problem. I've let it (the G3) sit, idle, for lengthy periods awaiting work. I did manage on occasion to force the issue by "resetting" the project and then doing an "update." Have I done any harm? This machine is always on, and I'm sure it would like be productive and have a purpose. Any advice would be appreciated.

My ppc Mac also gets this message occasionally. I believe the message appears when there are only minirosetta tasks available. Since no mini app was written for ppc macs we have to wait until more version 5.98 tasks are created. And since all the other computers that can run minirosetta can also run 5.98 (and are probably faster and asking for more work on each, possibly more frequent, connection) we are sometimes simply going to miss out.

I've got three practical suggestions, no resetting required:

If you still have work on board lengthen your preferred runtime. Make the change on the website, hit update in BOINC manager and the change will be applied to all the tasks on hand. If you do have a lot of tasks on hand make sure you keep the deadlines in mind when deciding how much to increase the runtime.

On the version of BOINC that I am running (5.10.45) the "work for other platforms" message results in a 24 hour backoff but there is no need to wait that long. Simply hitting update will result in another request for work. If there is still no work you will see another 24 hour backoff. I'm not suggesting you sit there hitting the update button all day, just that if you find yourself 6 or 12 hours into a backoff period, hitting update might prove fruitful.

Attach to second project. If Rosetta is your true love you can set your resource shares accordingly and the secondary project will kick in when requests to Rosetta can't be met. If you are interested in health related production projects check out the dengue drugs project on World Community Grid.

Hope this helps.

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Message 55431 - Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 19:38:38 UTC

I have 3 problems:

1. All the wu's presently showing on my task page on Rosetta@home do not show on my BOINC manager.

2. All the wu's presently showing on my BOINCE manager are not showing on my Rosetta@home task page.

3. Rosetta says I have had no activity or update since 24 Aug. Credit shows 86 and it should be 250+ and going up each day.

What the heck is going on around here?

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Message 55433 - Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 21:16:42 UTC - in response to Message 55316.  

Thanks for the advice, I have added another project, but I confess that I like the graphics on Rosetta@home.

Now none of my g4 machines have Rosetta tasks. Intel machines don't seem to have a lack of tasks. I guess that my slower machine takes longer to go through its tasks and by the time it needed tasks, they were available.


This machine (PowerBook G4) seems to have trouble getting work. My other machine G4 iMac doesn't seem to have any trouble. This is message is typical:

Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work for other platforms)

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Message 55476 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 10:55:47 UTC

Apparently Rosetta hasn't had an xml update since 24 August. That's the last time my stats were updated. No Rosetta wu's are showing on my tasks list on this site. When is someone going to pay attention around here. How about some kind of answer instead of nothing....I have heard Rosetta is notorius for ignoring people.
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Message 55480 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 13:33:17 UTC

Richard, please review the details in this thread and see if your machine is requesting any work.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 55486 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 17:28:17 UTC - in response to Message 55480.  

Richard, please review the details in this thread and see if your machine is requesting any work.

I have plenty of work on my machine. I just added more today. Work is not the issue whatsoever. The issue is that Rosetta has 9 wu's (in red) that shouldn't be in my qeue. It should show about 35 wu's. My stats page has me at 86 credits whereas on BOINCSTATS I have nearly 300 with a RAC of 16. My BOINC manager says the same thing. Rosetta stats page says my last update was 24 August. Rosetta homepage for all my stats is wrong and has been for nearly 10 days.
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Message 55487 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 17:37:54 UTC - in response to Message 55486.  
Last modified: 2 Sep 2008, 18:30:32 UTC

Richard, please review the details in this thread and see if your machine is requesting any work.

I have plenty of work on my machine. I just added more today. Work is not the issue whatsoever. The issue is that Rosetta has 9 wu's (in red) that shouldn't be in my qeue. It should show about 35 wu's. My stats page has me at 86 credits whereas on BOINCSTATS I have nearly 300 with a RAC of 16. My BOINC manager says the same thing. Rosetta stats page says my last update was 24 August. Rosetta homepage for all my stats is wrong and has been for nearly 10 days.

...My BOINC manager says "no work sent" even though I just received 14 wu's. Something is definitely wrong on Rosetta since BOINCSTATS & my BOINC manager have the correct numbers for my stats.
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Message 55489 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 19:20:06 UTC - in response to Message 55487.  

Richard, please review the details in this thread and see if your machine is requesting any work.

I have plenty of work on my machine. I just added more today. Work is not the issue whatsoever. The issue is that Rosetta has 9 wu's (in red) that shouldn't be in my qeue. It should show about 35 wu's. My stats page has me at 86 credits whereas on BOINCSTATS I have nearly 300 with a RAC of 16. My BOINC manager says the same thing. Rosetta stats page says my last update was 24 August. Rosetta homepage for all my stats is wrong and has been for nearly 10 days.

...My BOINC manager says "no work sent" even though I just received 14 wu's. Something is definitely wrong on Rosetta since BOINCSTATS & my BOINC manager have the correct numbers for my stats.

...Maybe I need to re-attach to Rosetta through my BOINC manager? As far as I can see this is an issue with Rosetta.
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Message 55491 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 19:56:10 UTC

Richard, see my reply in the thread you opened.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 55515 - Posted: 4 Sep 2008, 2:29:56 UTC


I'm currently having an issue with some 5.98 and Mini 1.32 tasks. The tasks are usually slated to complete in under 3 hours. They run merrily along and then when they hit about 9 minutes and 50 seconds left until completion, they virtually stop running. They begin to process .001 or .002% every 10 to 15 seconds. The file will eventually end up completing in 7-9 hours of total run time. Is this a flaw? Should I abort these units or let them run? By the way, I have encountered the same problem on three different computers.

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Message 55526 - Posted: 4 Sep 2008, 8:57:27 UTC
Last modified: 4 Sep 2008, 8:58:58 UTC

I'm currently having an issue with some 5.98 and Mini 1.32 tasks. The tasks are usually slated to complete in under 3 hours. They run merrily along and then when they hit about 9 minutes and 50 seconds left until completion, they virtually stop running.

Some of the recent models have been very large and do indeed take a long time. The behaviour you have noticed is normal. At least one model must be completed even if it exceeds your time limit. Once a model is completed the Boinc manager looks to see if it can complete another model within your three hours. If it can, it continues but if not, it uploads and starts another work unit.

Myself I have recently had models in the 5-7 hour range. Look carefully at the graphics and you will see the occasional movement.
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Message 55538 - Posted: 4 Sep 2008, 17:38:54 UTC - in response to Message 55316.  

This machine (PowerBook G4) seems to have trouble getting work. My other machine G4 iMac doesn't seem to have any trouble. This is message is typical:

Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: No work sent
Mon Aug 25 09:50:39 2008|rosetta@home|Message from server: (there was work for other platforms)

My old G3/900Mhz is also being snubbed in this manner, though my new iMac is having no employment problem. I've let it (the G3) sit, idle, for lengthy periods awaiting work. I did manage on occasion to force the issue by "resetting" the project and then doing an "update." Have I done any harm? This machine is always on, and I'm sure it would like be productive and have a purpose. Any advice would be appreciated.

My ppc Mac also gets this message occasionally. I believe the message appears when there are only minirosetta tasks available. Since no mini app was written for ppc macs we have to wait until more version 5.98 tasks are created. And since all the other computers that can run minirosetta can also run 5.98 (and are probably faster and asking for more work on each, possibly more frequent, connection) we are sometimes simply going to miss out.

I've got three practical suggestions, no resetting required:

If you still have work on board lengthen your preferred runtime. Make the change on the website, hit update in BOINC manager and the change will be applied to all the tasks on hand. If you do have a lot of tasks on hand make sure you keep the deadlines in mind when deciding how much to increase the runtime.

On the version of BOINC that I am running (5.10.45) the "work for other platforms" message results in a 24 hour backoff but there is no need to wait that long. Simply hitting update will result in another request for work. If there is still no work you will see another 24 hour backoff. I'm not suggesting you sit there hitting the update button all day, just that if you find yourself 6 or 12 hours into a backoff period, hitting update might prove fruitful.

Attach to second project. If Rosetta is your true love you can set your resource shares accordingly and the secondary project will kick in when requests to Rosetta can't be met. If you are interested in health related production projects check out the dengue drugs project on World Community Grid.

Hope this helps.


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