Dan Wulff

User ID 326
Rosetta@home member since 17 Sep 2005
Country United States
Total credit 21,191,195
Recent average credit 7,266.76
Computers View

Projects in which Dan Wulff is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Einstein@Home 560,524,285 589,847 11 Feb 2005
GPUGRID 110,134,695 86,489 19 Sep 2020
SiDock@home 12,509,348 10,894 21 Mar 2022
World Community Grid 22,290,799 8,742 29 Dec 2016
Rosetta@home 21,191,194 6,851 17 Sep 2005
DENIS@Home 2,799,296 4,027 7 Jul 2022
climateprediction.net 683,241 0 31 Aug 2004
LHC@home 3,751,656 0 28 Sep 2004
SETI@home Beta 18,913 0 1 Jul 2006
SETI@home 5,039,951 0 18 Mar 2000
MilkyWay@home 145,041,796 0 6 Dec 2017
TN-Grid 7,888,313 0 21 May 2020
Universe@Home 76,610,802 0 30 Mar 2015
Team The Final Front Ear
Message boards 3 posts

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 3:07:05 UTC