
User ID 2952
Rosetta@home member since 6 Oct 2005
Country United States
Total credit 1,327,104
Recent average credit 0.09
Computers View

Projects in which FreeLarry is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Rosetta@home 1,327,103 0 6 Oct 2005
PrimeGrid 95,002,649 0 29 Oct 2005
SETI@home Beta 3,676,631 0 19 Feb 2008
SETI@home 7,487,729 0 29 Aug 2001
RALPH@Home 77,468 0 19 Feb 2008
GPUGRID 20,171,555 0 19 Feb 2008
Cosmology@Home 5,000 0 19 Feb 2008
yoyo@home 2,879,990 0 10 Jan 2008
MilkyWay@home 5,521,101 0 19 Feb 2008
Team The Final Front Ear
Message boards 1 posts

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 7:40:01 UTC