The Sarge

User ID 1971354
Rosetta@home member since 27 Dec 2017
Country United States
Total credit 70,019,880
Recent average credit 9,057.54
Computers View

Projects in which The Sarge is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
GPUGRID 1,547,632,331 131,243 27 Oct 2017
Rosetta@home 70,019,880 7,735 27 Dec 2017
PrimeGrid 347,694,148 0 27 Dec 2017
World Community Grid 6,499,671 0 4 Oct 2011
SETI@home 12,265,351 0 2 Jun 1999
NFS@Home 6,416,900 0 5 Jan 2019
Moo! Wrapper 9,319,456 0 28 Nov 2017
NumberFields@home 33,246,284 0 23 Nov 2017
Amicable Numbers 1,071,354,588 0 5 Nov 2017
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©2024 University of Washington

Generated 27 Jul 2024, 2:31:33 UTC