
User ID 151829
Rosetta@home member since 9 Mar 2007
Country United States
Total credit 310,372
Recent average credit 0.08
Computers View

Projects in which Blurf is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Asteroids@home 908,600 1,752 1 Apr 2013
WUProp@Home 301,771 45 25 Aug 2010
Rosetta@home 310,372 0 9 Mar 2007
PrimeGrid 180,779,818 0 11 Mar 2007
SETI@home Beta 790,851 0 29 Mar 2007
SETI@home 12,678,685 0 2 Sep 2006
GPUGRID 120,872,505 0 20 Dec 2011
Cosmology@Home 390,860 0 27 Dec 2007
Enigma@Home 134,749 0 24 Jun 2009
yoyo@home 646,654 0 7 Feb 2008
MilkyWay@home 26,380,160 0 13 Mar 2008
NFS@Home 839,620 0 13 Dec 2010
RNA World 178,735 0 1 Aug 2010
Moo! Wrapper 6,086,468 0 5 May 2011
TN-Grid 104,493 0 28 Aug 2015
Profile View
Team The Knights Who Say Ni!
Message boards 1 posts
Friends (1)

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Generated 26 Jul 2024, 23:48:22 UTC