Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : R@H Volunteer update: Tell-a-friend
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BennyRop Send message Joined: 17 Dec 05 Posts: 555 Credit: 140,800 RAC: 0 |
And can we get Dr. Baker to stop in and weigh in on where cures/vaccines/treatments will come from? (Here, or other DC projects using the Rosetta client.) |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
Sorry, RL is really, really, really hectic atm. I've still got a few tweaks to make to the html. I'll do that now, if I can find the emails relating to it. |
tralala Send message Joined: 8 Apr 06 Posts: 376 Credit: 581,806 RAC: 0 |
Perhaps you can add a line that upper and lower case letters are distinguished. |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
(sorry about double posting) Ok, I've made a few changes to the script (again) fixed some bugs (again) and hopefully made it a bit faster in the process. I've also added some more configuration options, tweaked some options, and taken one away (made it a basic calculation). Can everyone test it? Make sure you are happy with it? Consider this version Release Candidate 1. The text on the front saying that the script is still in Beta will remain till the script gets handed to the project. |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
Ok. Since no-one has complained.. I guess its ok then? Possesive apostaphies are ok. I'll need to escape them, but thats easy. Can you check the text over (anyone), and if you are happy with it, I will send the code asap (probably late next week, maybe next. Depends when I can get online, and more importantly, get the files uploaded.) |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Dec 05 Posts: 1755 Credit: 4,690,520 RAC: 0 |
The second and third paragraphs are reversed. If I preview the letter, I presume I must enter the hidden word properly to get to the preview, so why must I enter another hidden word on the preview page to EMail it? The font used on the preview page seems very large. The HHMI logo appears twice, once at the top and once to the right of the last paragraph. I think we just want it at the top. Can we get some spacing between the 4 logos at the top? Or create a white block logo and place one between each? There's something about the positioning of Dr. Baker's photo that seems to force all of the text to be squeezed along the left side, even when I widen my display, the text can't spread out much. Can we make the graphic area smaller and the text area bigger? Paragraph 2 widens with the screen, but P1 seems to widen the graphic instead of the text. I EMailed myself, and Yahoo! Mail dropped it right in the bulk mail (i.e. SPAM) bin. Is that due to making the reply to EMail not match the sender? Add this signature to your EMail: Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might! |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 05 Posts: 169 Credit: 3,915,947 RAC: 0 |
I EMailed myself, and Yahoo! Mail dropped it right in the bulk mail (i.e. SPAM) bin. Is that due to making the reply to EMail not match the sender? Same with me. It also ended up in the SPAM folder. Also, I usually have the "Do not load remote images in Mail & Newsgroup messages" option set in Mozilla. So the images were not displayed. The same happend with the recent "Letter to Rosetta@home crunchers". Perhaps the letter should be designed in such that it also makes sense without the images ? The fonts you used come out rather large, by the way. I can't believe that you intended them so large - perhaps IE displays them smaller ? Team - discuss and celebrate the future - |
R/B Send message Joined: 8 Dec 05 Posts: 195 Credit: 28,095 RAC: 0 |
Thanks for all you're doing to get the form letter configured. I check in here every couple of days or so to see if it's up yet. I'm looking forward to moving alot of my team out of inactive status and crunching for Rosetta once this is prepared. Thanks again. Founder of BOINC GROUP - Objectivists - Philosophically minded rational data crunchers. ![]() ![]() |
Stwato Send message Joined: 11 Jan 06 Posts: 150 Credit: 655,634 RAC: 0 |
This looks excellent! I just tried e-mailing myself and it worked OK (though you have to have cookies enabled to be able to send the e-mail. I suspect this is kind of fundamental though). I really liked the 'letter' when you click through to the more info page. Congratulations to all involved and especially Johnathon :D |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Dec 05 Posts: 1755 Credit: 4,690,520 RAC: 0 |
This looks excellent! I just tried e-mailing myself and it worked OK (though you have to have cookies enabled to be able to send the e-mail. I suspect this is kind of fundamental though). Thank you for your kind words. it basically what you would tell your friend? And the information you think might be of interest to your friend? We found it difficult to balance enough information, without it getting too complex or too long to easily read. I'm guessing the cookies must be part of the hidden word thing. But Johnathan probably knows for sure. The screen should point out that the cookie is required if we can't eliminate the need for it. Add this signature to your EMail: Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might! |
Stwato Send message Joined: 11 Jan 06 Posts: 150 Credit: 655,634 RAC: 0 |
Thank you for your kind words. it basically what you would tell your friend? And the information you think might be of interest to your friend? We found it difficult to balance enough information, without it getting too complex or too long to easily read. It was my thought that the cookies were needed because of the hidden word. If this is indeed the case then I think it should be said on the page for those that have them disabled. The e-mail is very much what I would tell my friends. One point/query though, at the link to the more info page I get the following message MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be <the above link will go to a proposed new landing page on the Rosetta site. For now, it clicks through to the next page of info. that will be presented.> I'm not sure whether the MailScanner message is generated by Thunderbird or my uni network but if it happens to me, then it will proabably happen to someone else who could be frightened of it and not follow the link etc... Judging by the message below in <>'s this is know about but just in case I thought I'd let you know that this happens. Again I love the flow of the text and the very positive and informative style on the linked page. E.g. you CAN do this, you CAN do that, Go here, look there etc. It's very get-up-and-go and motivational. Congrats again, and here's to seeing it up and running as soon as possible Stwato |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Dec 05 Posts: 1755 Credit: 4,690,520 RAC: 0 |
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be That's a great message! What it is telling you is that clicking here is NOT what it appears to be! i.e. it displays as "" but it is going to GO to "geocities"... a message like this on every EMail client would virtually eliminate "phishing". For now, it's just the mechanics we used to illustrait our idea. Once there actually is a landing page on the bakerlab website, that message wouldn't appear, because the link will indeed go to the bakerlab as the display indicates. Add this signature to your EMail: Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might! |
![]() Send message Joined: 12 Nov 05 Posts: 360 Credit: 17,800,509 RAC: 10,649 ![]() |
I don't know if what I'm about to say could be considered as "dribble", but it seems to me that as I go through the posts, I'm seeing alot of people doing this because the individual, or a member of their family, is going through some form of health crisis (Alzhiemers seems to be a big one here). Although there is a certain degree of uncertainty, I'm fairly sure that if we were to put this to a vote, there would be a large percentage (if not 100%) of people who would definately put this somewhere in the top 10. At any rate, this isn't really a "complaint", but merely an observation. After all, it's a noble purpose. In fact, I think that I have it somewhere in my top 10 list. Because of this reason, I'm going to try and get people at work to try and participate in this. So far, I've peaked one person's curiosity. If there is to be any "competition" of any sorts (if there was any competition in the first place), it should be for who gets the most people to sign up for this project (sorry, kinda ranting at the moment). I have to admit, there is alot of projects out there. There is only a few that I would ever endorse myself (SETI, and Einstein are other good projects). But the ROSETTA project seems to inspire me more than the rest, as it seems to inspire alot of other users. I guess I'm taking a wee bit of a tangent on this "top 10 reasons", and maybe I'm "babbling", but maybe we could try and focus on ways of finding ways of getting to these cures or treatments faster. Like convincing co-workers, family members, customers, class mates, etc. There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't. |
R/B Send message Joined: 8 Dec 05 Posts: 195 Credit: 28,095 RAC: 0 |
bump....just looking and hoping for an update on this aspect...thanks. Founder of BOINC GROUP - Objectivists - Philosophically minded rational data crunchers. ![]() ![]() |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
Err.. yes.. Real Life is taking most of my spare time atm - along with a lack of personal internet access. If someone would like the files and take over from me, that'd be good. I'll check back here as and when I can. Sorry about this!!! I'm starting to work on getting internet at home, but for the moment, I'm a bit stuck (can't code php @ work really). |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
I'm preparing to order broadband, so I MIGHT be able to work on this soon. |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
I have (eventually) got broadband. Downloaded the files off hosting, and having a crack at them again now. Edit: I'm working now on trying to make the system recognise you have already validated yourself, If you use the preview function. HTML side should now be completed, (or rather, what the recvier gets). If you can try emailing it to yourselves, or look at the preview, and tell me what you think/tweaks etc. I probably won't be working on this again for a while. Also, I am no longer learning PHP, my focus has switched to Python... as that is the language my new job requires. We use a system called plone -, which is built in python. This means that once this has been built, I will be doing no further upgrades. If someone would like to take over, please send me a pm. You can find me on the member list, or rarely posting, over at the fadbeens team forum: As for the cookies, yes they are required. They enable a system called "sessions" in which the webserver sends you a cookie with a unique ID, dependant on THAT PARTICULAR time you visited. As soon as you close your browser, the cookie is deleted. This session allows data dependant on your use of the website to be stored on the server, so it allows me, for example, to track your progress around the site, or your activation state, which is the edit I need to make now. (Linking in a different system more) |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Dec 05 Posts: 1755 Credit: 4,690,520 RAC: 0 |
Johnathon, what is left yet to do on the project? ...I see in the BOINC mailing list that they are working on some sort of tell-a-friend function which will be added (not sure when) to the standard BOINC server code. Not sure if they've published much detail on what they've got planned. So don't know if it will have the hidden word etc. security functions as yours does. Add this signature to your EMail: Running Microsoft's "System Idle Process" will never help cure cancer, AIDS nor Alzheimer's. But running Rosetta@home just might! |
Johnathon Send message Joined: 5 Nov 05 Posts: 120 Credit: 138,226 RAC: 0 |
Hi. I've edited below :) Edit: Uploaded files. The link is Edit: As for the BOINC guys... oh well, beat em to it. Theirs will probably be better tho! |
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R@H Volunteer update: Tell-a-friend
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