User Profiles from United Kingdom: Page 29 of 47

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

Bipana ("Postgraduate Student")
Tim Rogers ("I am 46 years old, I live in the beautiful of North Wales, UK and I would be very...")
necronym ("Photographer, 41 years old had a spare Powermac G5 Quad sitting around and thought I'd put...")
Sir Cracked of the Mind ("A 50 something cruncher, ploding away since 2003.")
Warmheart ("I'm a friend of Bigsheff1 and it's his nagging that's got me to join, bless him! I live...")
Chris Hurley ("Wow, I always get stuck on this part. Time to think introspectively. My name is Chris...")
Airey ("My name is Samuel Thomas Airey, I am currently 19 and I am a student studying in Northern...")
Steven(jammajup) ("My name is Steven Dixon im 35 and from the Birmingham Area of the UK. I have had an...")
bigeck ("Male,From Scotland ,age 40, kids 1 aged 3 ,work for Sky , running just a couple of projects...")
smith639 ("Welcome to the profile of: smith639 an active participant with the UK BOINC Team. See...")

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