User Profiles from United Kingdom: Page 19 of 47

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

peter cowley ("Peter Cowley I'm interested in biologically inspired computing and systems. Until a...")
Olafur ("A veterinarian")
UBT - CM ("I live in Surrey and apart from supporting science projects I like sailing, skiing,...")
atomicpineapple ("I'm a 20 year old Aeronautical Engineering student at Loughborough University. Hobbies...")
COSMETIC SURGERY TUNISIA ("I am from Uk, I like travelling and cooking different and exotic food. I have a big...")
generaslfailure ("I'm from New Holland in North Lincolnshire in the UK, i'm 40 and in the merchant navy.")
James Dennett ("Hi, my names is James Dennett. I live in Hampshire in the UK. Im happy to help projects on...")
andy ross ("I've got my computer on most of the time, so why waste an opportunity to do some science in...")
spirit_of_the_sixties ("Hi! fellow crunchers, thanks for taking the time to view my profile, I'll try to make it...")

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