User Profiles from Switzerland: Page 3 of 9

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

Filippo P. ("I`m very creativ person and i have a much ideas about medicine in the future. So i build my...")
MicheleAngelo Zullo ("Hi, Im a Programmer and specialised into education, physics and biology. Thx for all ppl...")
Fireball10 ("Ich bin 32 Jahre alt und lebe in der Schweiz. Ich bin gelernter Polymechaniker EFZ arbeite...")
Ivo Baumann ("Hello I'm Ivo from Switzerland I live in a small village named Schöftland..")
RAK Internet Service ("RAK Internet Service Rolf A. Kneuss / 13.01.1959 Switzerland / Bern -...")
Marianne Kneuss ("RAK Internet Service Marianne Kneuss / 22.06.1960 Switzerland / Bern -...")
Fred ("My name is Frédéric HUBIN, I'm Belgian, living in Switzerland and was born in 1973. I...")
Rolf ("Hallo! Ich bin Schweizer und lebe in Basel, bin als Ermittlungsbeamter tätig, sehr...")
Daniel Gross ("One of the Grid Computer-Suporter in Basel (Switzerland)")
Svari ("I'm 38 years old living in Berne,Switzerland,with my wife and two kids(12y/8y).At the...")

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