User Profiles from Switzerland: Page 2 of 9

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

fthibaud0001 ("25 years in the computing business and now woodworker and shaman Kin 154: WHITE SPECTRAL...")
Tribaal ("I'm a software engineer from Geneva, Switzerland. I found out about rosetta@home on...")
Axilia-Workstations ("This user gathers our company's workstations. Here's a shot of some of the machines...")
Axilia-Servers ("This is the user for our company's servers. We hope using their idle CPU cycles will...")
Axilia-Oldies ("This is the user gathering all the old computers from our company. We've piled up quite a...")
MotW_ Florian
Flumsi ("1. because it's better than idle 2. i hope the project becomes successful 3. smaller...")
Louis Brauer ("29, male, from Zurich, Web Developer (ColdFusion, Oracle etc). Always looking for friends!")
Pierre ("Je vis et suis né à Genève en Suisse. Je suis Bernois d'origine et j'ai 54...")
Marlyse ("Geneva, 68 years old,retired, divorced, 2 girls (one is a doctor, the second is studying...")

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