User Profiles from Sweden: Page 4 of 7

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

sm3lev ulrich ("Gammgubbe med fru och hundar datan står på hela dagen så då kan den jobba")
Fredrik Johansson ("Hello! My name is Fredrik. I'm 28 years old and live in Linköping, Sweden. My...")
Robert Forsberg ("This is my profile")
tb ("From Älvsbyn, Northern Sweden, born -73, working as mainly a sysadm (the business card...")
BenPac ("I'm a 26 year old PhD student in cell and molecular biology at Lund University, Sweden....")
Rag3Rac3r ("A bit of a computer-lover, born in the wonderful year of 1982. ;) Living near the middle...")
Christos Tolis ("Just a nobody from sweden :)")
Metonymy ("My name is johan and im 32 years old. Live in Stockholm.")
BadOmen ("Hi, I just want to do something useful with my computer... Helping out with this research...")

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