User Profiles from Sweden: Page 1 of 7

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

anders n ("I live in Knislinge Sweden and was born in 1965. I´m cruching Boinc projects as my...")
petrusbroder ("I am father of two girls and a boy living in a nice house in Västerbotten, in northern...")
Per Trelje ("I run the following websites. Shareware Downloads Blog for Money Learn About Spam ")
solok ("Hi, my name is Ove and I'm from Sweden. I'm currently studying computer science, and I run...")
Björn Johansson ("Hi there. My name is Björn Johansson, I'm from Sweden and I was born in 1979. Parts...")
richard ("Just a kid !! And i whant to help out !! ")
Pelle Bengtsson ("42 years from Sweden, Gothenburg. ")
Micael Karlsson ("I am a 44 year male from Sweden. Hobbies: Robotics, electronics, Photo, Reading books")
Luke Skywalker ("I am a 41 year old Applied Physicist that wants to contribute to scientific computing. I...")

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