User Profiles from Russia: Page 1 of 16

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

Nikolay A. Saharov ("My name is Nikolay. I'm from Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. I work at Russian...")
denizZz.RU ("I am 25 years college student from Russia. I live in Moscow. I like ufo's and music. My ICQ...")
blackbird ("I'm an ordinator (a kind of resident in US) studying anesthesiologycritical care in...")
DigiMaster ("Birth date: 16 Nov 1977 Education: ecologist/biologist (master's degree), geographer...")
keshon ("Russia,22,high student,C++.")
Ex1l ("My name is Anton, 17, from Moscow, Russia A great project. Long live Rosetta@Home!")
SwZ ("Hi! I born in 1974 year in Russia. Learned in Chebarcul school and then in Chelyabinsk...")
Kolia Kazak ("I'm from Moscow, born in '65 (thus I am 40 when writing this). I do some projects in...")

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