User Profiles from Philippines: Page 2 of 2

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:13 UTC

Jhunnies ("I used to contribute to SETI@HOME project and now I am back. I am an I.T. consultant from...")
emiocytosis ("I'm from somewhere, somewhere with palm trees and lots of smog. I am fond of proteins,...")
daysleeper_ed ("I did tech support for many years. I now do remote work for clients. I've been...")
Sonny Boy ("I am a nurse working at our regional hospital in the Philippines. I like playing computer...")
ukishun ("Among all the chemistry subjects I've taken, I liked biochemistry the least. So at least...")
Ferdie Tamayo ("I am a 48-year-old college professor from the Philippines who's into cycling, motorbikes,...")
Daniel ("👋Heya! I engineer and master and work in music production and I love helping out in...")

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