User Profiles from Norway: Page 3 of 6

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:12 UTC

Michael ("Professional gamer from the northern parts of Norway. Enjoy music, parties, football,...")
Vegard ("Norway, 18, Student")
StGL ("Soon off to work student who thinks his computer need more to do than just playing games...")
jorjoh ("Ph.D. Student Assessment of lamb carcass composition (fat and muscle tissue) Animalia,...")
Osman ("I live and study in an exotic city called Tromsoe of northern Norway. This quiet city is...")
Snorre ("I'm a 27yo student from norway.. You happy now? ;)")
Alex ("I am a regular guy, 31 years old divorced and 1 little boy. I have a descent computer that...")
Jens Tore ("I am from the south of Norway, living on a small island with only abt 200 inhabitans. I am...")
zapperen ("zapperen")

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