User Profiles from Netherlands: Page 8 of 17

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:12 UTC

Micah II
ktf ("I'm Dutch, about 18 years old and currently finishing secondary school. Next year I'll...")
Francis ("Male, fiftyish, I.T. professional.")
benwar ("83 years old retired psychiatrist.")
RiXarD ("Hi! My name is Richard Stroobach, I'm from The Netherlands and crunch for the Dutch Power...")
Marcel Koopmans ("I am the owner of Elysium Open System. Some of our servers have to stay on 24x7 but...")
Marko en Sandra ("Marko en Sandra")
Nizno ("Over mij valt weinig te vertellen. Heb een pc die alleen draait om bestanden van de ene...")
Koru77 ("Who iam I Just A bloke who got in computer al while ago, made it my job and still like...")

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