User Profiles from Netherlands: Page 13 of 17

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:12 UTC

Olivier ("I have been crunching since 1999 and it's just plain fun. Besides user and team...")
marcel100 ("Sparing some idle time of my 1366 rig.")
Maikel ("The name is Maikel and I live in the south of the Netherlands. I'm an active citizen...")
Niels van Hoof ("Hello I am a guy who loves everything that has something to do with computers, this...")
2smart2 ("test")
Henk Haneveld
Lupus Furens ("Maths and Physics Teacher")
Kees Bergwerf ("I am from the Netherlands, born in 1961. I had to give up my carpentry and now I do some...")
Peter Jan Gouwerok ("Hello, I am Peter Jan Gouwerok and living in the Netherlands I'm 57 years old (or young...")
Kebabulance ("I'm just an average bloke, who seems to have got this thing to work and hope its going some...")

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