User Profiles from Italy: Page 28 of 40

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:12 UTC

Bozzolo63 ("Hi to all! I'm Antonio, member of the BOINC.Italy team I'm doing the best that I can to...")
Antonietta Di Stefano ("Hi! I'm Antonietta Di Stefano and I'm 20 years old. I was born in Turin, where I'm living...")
Incoldblood ("Sono Di roma, ho 25 anni, lavoro in Polizia Di Stato, mi piace il modellismo e sono un...")
[HWU]gandalfk7 ("1987 class, works as system administrator and mantains his own servers.")
Kaar ("Hello to all, I have 45 years and it appeals to a lot to feel to me to me useful. For this...")
ANTONIO AMORUSO ("HELLO TO ALL I am a chemical researcher I work at the INEOS Tecnology (Italy) in...")
TheDav ("I'm 31 yo from Italy, a IT guys with passion for scuba diving, astronomy and everything...")
Orionis ("Hi, I'm an 'young'54 man, interested since ever in science, life and technology. My father...")
Riccardo Atzeni ("Immagino la ricerca di BOINC come tanti utenti uniti in un'unica grande rete... Un pò come...")

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