User Profiles from Italy: Page 10 of 40

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:12 UTC

Emilio Tagliaferri ("Hi everybody, I'm from Naples (Italy) and I'm 41. I work in the financial sector, but my...")
Mario (TO,ITA) ("Hi, I'm mario, I study physics at TORINO (that's right, that's where the nicest ever...")
Sancio ("Sono nato a Tortona (AL) nel 1977, fin dalle scuole Medie appassionato di computer, dopo...")
EnricoBacciardi ("Bioengineering student. Intrested in writing, roleplay gaming, and working for a more equal...")
Maurizio ("I'm from Italy, born in 1959 and owner of a firm that works in software development,...")
Simone Poggi ("Ciao mi chiamo Simone. Appassionato di questi interessanti progetti")
Mello ("I'm from Italy, which is a country rich in awesome art masterpieces sitting in dusty musea,...")
wanderer ("Hi ! My nicname is "wanderer" and alive in Italy in province of Ferrara. I have various...")

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