User Profiles from International: Page 14 of 18

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:12 UTC

dappleface ("Hey, I'm a High School student in Australia who is interested in Genetics.")
turgi ("new")
Mark Holton ("Optimist Enjoys family, running miles, and writing software")
16vjohn ("I like diesel/electric vehicles, photovoltaics, bacon, databases, distributed computing,...")
robl9x0 ("Just a dude trying to help out.")
@uohcuoygneg ("...")
Orianne Tokodi-Veaux ("J'offre un peu de mes CPU/GPU électricité et une peu de vie de mon matériel informatique...")
root ("from: Berlin, Germany 23 years old")
Charlie Hartono ChatGPT 찰리 하토노 李富荣 ("Charlie Hartono Artificial Intelligence Google")

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