User Profiles from Hungary: Page 6 of 7

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:12 UTC

standoló program ("A StandUp Standoló Program a vendéglátóipari standolást könnyíti meg. A több órás...")
macko ("Brumm!!!")
chepavel ("I'm a Systems Engineer from Hungary.")
Goher Attila ("I am from Hungary, and am 43 years old, male. I work in financial IT. ")
Janos Maros ("I am from Budapest. Based on my more than almost 60 years long experiment, I can state that...")
ancilod ("I am IT programmer. My hobbies are photography and making fractal graphics. If only I...")
Zöld informatika ("We are the hungarian "Zöld informatika" (Green IT) team.")
AnswerMiner ("Dear Visitor! Thank you for your interest in our company and for visiting our profile....")
Seek the Truth, while He may be found: God is Love, Jesus proves it! Lost, searching for the meaning of life, God touched my heart + soul and showed me He loved me so much as to lay down His life for me. Dios es amor f.Sk ("I have a PhD in engineering, and I am a professional...")

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