User Profiles from France: Page 6 of 44

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:11 UTC

Artoupan ("I'm Olivier, from Bourgoin-Jallieu, near Lyon in France. I work in the Tax Department of a...")
Paul Smith ("Hi, I'm Paul, married with two young ones with another on the way. I originate in from the...")
[AF]Barthous ("bonjour à tous. Appelez moi barthous. Je réside à Paris, France. J'aime la SF : asimov,...")
[AF>Libristes>GNU-Linux] xipehuz ("A tous les défenseurs du logiciel libre : rejoignez la MT Linux de l'Alliance Francophone....")
[AF] mAxYmUs83 ("My name is Fabrice alias [AF]mAxYmUs83. I live in France. I have been involved in crowd...")
[AF>France>TDM>Centre]Jeannot Le Tazon ("J'aime/i like/mi piace/me gusta/mi plas : fiona apple/Mozart/The the/petrucciani/Woody...")
[AF>France>Est>Lorraine]Le Zam ("Hello, I am a French guy. I am living and working in the East of France near Belgium and...")
[AF>FRANCE]peronik ("Membre de l' Alliance Francophone.")
GAZAY FRANCOIS ("Francois Gazay was born in the Champagne region of France (Europe) in 1937, of French...")

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