User Profiles from Finland: Page 6 of 6

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:11 UTC

Petri Honganmaki
Tonttunator ("I am a 16-year-old Finnish upper secondary school student. My interests include reading,...")
Kompakki ("I was born at the beginning of 1990s in Finland. Currently I am dyslexic computer science...")
Rainboinc Dash ("Who, Me ? I will crunch till the end of the rainbow. Actually I am former Boincer... Former...")
poltto ("SaVa Group")
Jami ("Better to heat office with 80% fossil free electricity than 100 % fossil fuel :)")
SnailMiner ("Hobby: Scientific computing with highly unsuitable equipment")
PasiM ("bachelor of science in information technology from Seinäjoki Finland")
Folding Proteins ("Citizen of the world, currently located up north close to where Santa lives. Business...")

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