User Profiles from Canada: Page 1 of 35

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:10 UTC

Contact (""I am proud to be a human being. I believe that we have come this far by the skin of our...")
PhilippeCM ("BOINC SYNERGY = BEST STATS BOINC SYNERGY is an International Team and we Welcome All...")
Morgan the Gold ("I Just Came Through here today, on My way to up My rescorce share ( heard David was a...")
Kinguni ("I'm from Winnipeg, Canada where I work as a bus driver. Hobbies include tropical fish...")
[B^S] Hugo Ayotte ("Im 32 years old, from Montreal, I Love Nature , computer, trip , and for sure my little...")
Jocelyn Larouche ("I'm 42 years old, wich mean's I was around when PC's only had 4k of ram. It's amazing how...")
Doug Worrall ("Enjoy the Outdoors, running Boinc, am a Musician, Chef "By Trade" ")
tiker (" About me... well.. I'm a boring guy. I live in Ontario, Canada, I have a girl friend,...")
Raven ("Casino pit boss, computer enthusiast and Science Fiction fan in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.")
VE3LNY ("I am a ham radio hobbyist, VE3LNY, living in Toronto, Canada. My interests are radio,...")

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