User Profiles from Brazil: Page 9 of 10

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:10 UTC

lmarka ("Living in Brazil, working in Canada (most of the time). Music, computers and electronics...")
Alfredo Cyrino ("Systems engineer, software designer & developer, professional translator (English -...")
Fernando França (フランサ) ("Electrical engineer, technology enthusiast and jazz guitar player with influences in...")
Pettrus Carvalho Bueno
Pettrus Carvalho Bueno ("Enthusiastic of information technology and computer science, with career developed 10 years...")
Rafael C Valente ("My Hobbies include Car Performance Tuning and Engineering")
Halley Pacheco de Oliveira
Matheus Saraiva ("Brazillian pre-med student at the University of Toronto. Joined rosetta@home to help the...")

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