User Profiles from Australia: Page 13 of 18

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:10 UTC

Red Atomic ("Hello all, My Name is Red Atomic. I live in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Apart from Boinc...")
zzzoom3 ("Downtown Bizvegas! ")
Matt Howard ("Currently work as a plant operator (trucks, dozers and graders) in a local Australian coal...")
Dark Angel ("I'm an industrial electrician by trade but currently studying Information Technology full...")
Ian ("Hi! I'm from a small S.E Queensland country town called Imbil, population 300. I'm 46 y.o,...")
pagan ("From Australia my occupation is network admin, also worked for some years as a musician i...")
WikiWill ("I'm a BOINCer working in IT in Australia. The photo was taken on Sydney Harbour. If you...")
Snowman ("I was born in Yorkshire in the but now live in Australia (since 97), the rest of my family...")
RAMen ("Occupation: Semi- retired Location: Perth , Western Australia (Near Northern...")

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